# Cerium
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> Cerium is an umbrella project encapsulating a variety of tools and
libraries enabling android automation.
Cerium's source code is made available under the [Apache 2.0 license](https://github.com/ffujiawei/cerium/LICENSE).
Welcome to **Read the Docs** for [Cerium](http://cerium.readthedocs.io/)!
## Introduction
**Cerium: A Toy for Android Automation**
**Cerium** is an Android automation framework for Python, safe for human consumption.
**Behold, the power of Cerium**:
>>> from cerium import AndroidDriver
>>> driver = AndroidDriver()
>>> driver.unlock(1997) # unlock your device by password
>>> driver.auto_connect() # connect to your device via TCP/IP automatically
Now you can unplug the USB cable, and control your device via WLAN.
>>> driver.view_packgets_list(keyword='tencent')
['com.tencent.mm', 'com.tencent.android.qqdownloader', 'com.tencent.tim']
>>> driver.make_a_call(18268237856) # call me
**Cerium** allows you to send *organic, grass-fed* commands, without the the need for manual labor.
[Android Debug Bridge (adb)](http://web.mit.edu/ruggles/MacData/afs/sipb/project/android/OldFiles/docs/tools/help/adb.html) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device. This project is based on it.
## Supported Python Versions
* Python 3.6+
## Supported Platforms
* Windows 10 (Other platforms have not been tested and are not intended to be supported for the time being officially)
## Installation
If you have [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/) on your system, you can simply install or upgrade cerium:
pip install -U cerium
Alternately, you can download the source distribution from [PyPI](https://badge.fury.io/py/cerium), unarchive it, and run:
python setup.py install
Or by [github.com](https://github.com/ffujiawei/cerium):
git clone git@github.com:ffujiawei/cerium.git
cd cerium
python setup.py install
> Note: You may want to consider using [virtualenv](http://www.virtualenv.org/) to create isolated Python environments.
## [Android Debug Bridge](http://web.mit.edu/ruggles/MacData/afs/sipb/project/android/OldFiles/docs/tools/help/adb.html)
Cerium requires Android Debug Bridge Tool to with the chosen android device. And Cerium contains *Android Debug Bridge* by default. You don't need to set the environment variable by yourself.
## Quickstart
* List connected android devices or simulator.
* Show the version of Android Debug Bridge.
from cerium import AndroidDriver
driver = AndroidDriver()
print(driver.devices_l()) # show devices and models
* Copy local files/directories to device.
* Copy files/directories from device.
* Taking a screenshot of a device display, then copy it to your computer.
from cerium import AndroidDriver
driver = AndroidDriver()
driver.push(local='README.md', remote='/sdcard/README.md')
driver.pull(remote='/sdcard/README.md', local='README.md')
* Simulate finger click.
* Simulate finger slide.
* Input text.
from cerium import AndroidDriver
driver = AndroidDriver()
driver.click(100, 100)
driver.swipe(100, 200, 100, 100, duration=100)
driver.send_keys("I'm White Turing.")
## Demonstration
* [**A wireless automation application**](https://github.com/ffujiawei/auto-answer-tnwz)
* [**A command line wireless control tool for Android**](https://github.com/ffujiawei/wireless-control)
## Author
Cerium is written and maintained by [White Turing](https://github.com/ffujiawei) (fujiawei@stu.hznu.edu.cn).