# celery-dispatcher
An extension for celery to dispatch large amount of subtasks within a main task, and process the results separately.
## Installation
pip install celery-dispatcher
## Usage
> NOTICE: `celery-dispatcher` use tls to store running info, so the pool implementation using coroutines(like eventlet/gevent) can not be used
Firstly, yield subtask and its parameters in tuple from the main task by following order:
1. `task`: signature
2. `args`: tupple/list
3. `kwargs`: dict
4. `options`: dict
Then register the result handler for each subtask using signal:
from celery import shared_task
from celery_dispatcher import dispatch
from celery_dispatcher.signals import subtask_success
def sqrt(i):
return i * i
def calc():
for i in range(10):
yield sqrt, (i,)
def handle_result(root_id, task_id, retval, **kwargs):
Or register in the decorator directly:
from celery import shared_task
from celery_dispatcher import dispatch
def sqrt(i):
return i * i
def handle_result(root_id, task_id, retval, **kwargs):
def calc():
for i in range(10):
yield sqrt, (i,)
If you want to revoke all subtasks, call revoke with specific signal:
import signal
from celery import shared_task
from celery_dispatcher import dispatch
def subtask(i):
def maintask():
for i in range(10):
yield subtask, (i,)
result = maintask.delay()
result.revoke(terminate=True, signal=signal.SIGUSR1)
## Options
The `dispatch` accepts the following parameters:
- `options`: dict
- `receiver`: callable
- `backend`: str
- `auto_ignore`: bool
## General settings
### dispatcher_result_backend
Default: No result backend enabled by default.
The backend used to store subtask info. Can be one of the following:
- redis: Use [Redis](https://redis.io/) to store the results. See [Redis backend settings](https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/userguide/configuration.html#conf-redis-result-backend).
### dispatcher_batch_size
Default: 100
The batch size of subtask dispatching, or the result retrieving.
### dispatcher_poll_size
Default: 100
The queue size of subtasks in result retrieving. `celery-dispatcher` put the unfinished subtasks into a queue, polling it continuously for completion of subtasks.
### dispatcher_poll_timeout
Default: 10
The default timeout for polling subtasks.
### dispatcher_subtask_timeout
Default: 3600
The default timeout in seconds before `celery-dispatcher` gives up retrieving the result of each subtask.
### dispatcher_failure_on_subtask_timeout
Default: False
Whether raise exception when subtask timeout.
### dispatcher_failure_on_subtask_exception
Default: False
Whether raise exception from subtask.
### dispatcher_progress_update_frequency
Default: 1
The number of steps to record. `celery-dispatcher` only actually store the updated progress in the background at most every N steps.