# The `catren` python package
Using `catren` you can create and render [R markdown files](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/) in
- your terminal or
- your favorite Python environment (e.g. [PyCharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/) or [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/python-tutorial)).
The `catren` python package consists of 4 functions:
- `catrmd`, which con**cat**enates input files to output an [R Markdown](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_quick_tour.html) (Rmd) file.
- `render`, which calls `rmarkdown::render` to create various output files (e.g. HTML documents).
- `catren`, which combines the functionality of **cat**rmd and **ren**der.
- `rmdtor`, which uses `knitr::purl` to convert an Rmd into an R script.
All of the above function work for Python _and_ R code, except `rmdtor` which skips Python chunks.
To run Rmd files that include R and Python code, you will need the `reticulate` R package.
The functions that begin with `r` (`render` and `rmdtor`) rely on the `rmarkdown` and `knitr`,
R packages written by [Yihui Xie](https://yihui.name/en/about/).
The `catrmd` function has no dependencies beyond Python,
all other functions (`render`, `catren`, and `rmdtor`) require R.
## Installation
pip install catren
or clone the [repo](https://github.com/marskar/catren), e.g. `git clone https://github.com/marskar/catren` and either use locally, e.g. `python catren.py header.yml README.md plot.py notes.txt` or install using setup.py, e.g. `python setup.py install`.
## Basic usage: terminal
### Creating an R markdown file with `catrmd` in the terminal
The `catrmd` functions works like `nbuild`. Provide all of the source files as arguments, e.g.
catrmd header.yml intro.md letters.R notes.txt plot.py
The default output filename for `catrmd` is `cat.Rmd`. By default, input and output files are located in the current directory (`'./'`).
You can provide a more descriptive filename for the unrendered Rmd (`-u`) and set different input (`-i`) and output (`-o`) filepaths:
catrmd header.yml intro.md letters.R notes.txt plot.py --unrendered raw.Rmd --output_path rmarkdown/
# Or
catrmd header.yml intro.md letters.R notes.txt plot.py -u raw.Rmd -o rmarkdown/
If want to later output an R notebook using [RStudio](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/r_notebooks), your YAML header should include `html_notebook` as an output type (Hint: press ctrl/cmd+Shift+K).
title: "Untitled"
output: html_notebook
The `render` function from the `rmarkdown` R package allows you to specify the output type on the fly with the `output_format` argument.
## Basic usage: python environment
# You can import any or all of the functions from the catren package.
# You can also import each function individually
from catren import catrmd
from catren import render
from catren import catren
from catren import rmdtor
# The above imports all 4 functions
# This can also be done with either of the two lines below.
from catren import nbuild, nbexec, nbless, catrmd
from catren import *
# Another alternative is to import the package and use it as a namespace.
import catren as cr
# Use individually
# To make an Rmd file, use catrmd
catrmd(["header.yml", "intro.md", "letters.R", "plot.py", "notes.txt"], output_path="rmarkdown/")
# catrmd will also work with Python scripts.
catrmd(["header.yml", "README.md", "plot.py", "notes.txt"], output_path="notebooks/")
# Or to run both catrmd and render at once, use catren
catren["README.md", "plot.py", "notes.txt"], nbexec_path="notebooks/")
# Use nbless as a namespace
cr.catrmd(["header.yml", "intro.md", "letters.R", "plot.py", "notes.txt"], output_path="rmarkdown/")
You can also run the `catren` functions in an R environment using the `reticulate` R package.
### Missing a dependency?
If you installed Python and R with [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/), you should already have all of the dependencies (`python` and `r-essentials`).
If not, or if you have [Miniconda](https://conda.io/miniconda.html) installed, run
conda install -yc r r-essentials
## Too many file names to type out?
You can use the `ls` command to assign all of the relevant names in the current directory to a variable and pass this variable as an argument to `nbconvert.py`.
To preserve the order and differentiate files that should be incorporated into the notebook, I recommend left padding your file names with zeros (e.g. 01_intro.md, 02_figure1.py).
Consider the example below:
touch {01..09}.py
name_list=`ls 0*.py`
python catrmd.py `echo $name_list`
In a python environment, I recommend `os.listdir` to obtain a list of all files:
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]