# catnap
View [CATMAID](https://catmaid.org) data using [napari](https://napari.org), primarily for generating ground truth pixel label data for neuronal reconstructions.
`catnap` is optimised for datasets which fit comfortably into RAM - i.e. for dense labelling in a small volume.
For more complex tasks, consider
- [BigCAT](https://github.com/saalfeldlab/bigcat)
- [Paintera](https://github.com/saalfeldlab/paintera)
- [TrakEM2](https://imagej.net/TrakEM2)
- [Ilastik](https://www.ilastik.org/)
## Usage
1. Use `catnap-create` to convert hdf5/zarr/n5 image data, plus CATMAID skeleton annotations, into catnap's hdf5 format
2. Use `catnap` to create or edit pixel labels
3. Use `catnap-assess` to check the labels for false merges and splits
### catnap GUI
This is basically just a napari window.
At time of writing, this is not particularly well documented, although `Help -> Key bindings` is useful for keyboard shortcuts.
Make sure you select the `labels` layer before trying to edit.
There is a button for whether labelling and paint filling should flow through onto different slices
(I recommend against it unless you're doing a merge you understand well).
Viewing in 3D (and related functions like rolling dimensions) is not supported.
More advanced features, including exporting labels, are available in the ipython console built into napari.
In the `napari` console, the CatnapViewer is available as the `cviewer` variable.
>>> # Save your labels. The timestamp will be included as a dataset attribute.
>>> cviewer.export_labels("path/to/labels.hdf5", "my_labels")
>>> # Include the original raw and annotation data (changes to these are not saved).
>>> # By default, internal structure is compatible with CatnapIO.from_hdf5
>>> cviewer.export_labels("path/to/full_labels.hdf5", with_source=True)
>>> # You can navigate in "real-world" coordinates with
>>> cviewer.jump_to(z=19.8, y=19355)
>>> # ... or in pixel space with
>>> cviewer.jump_to_px(y=10, x=5)
>>> # get more information on available functionality with
>>> help(cviewer)
It is recommended that you export your labels regularly, because it's the only way to save your work.
### Command line
#### `catnap-create`: Data preparation
Create a file for use with catnap using an existing raw image dataset, fetching annotation data from CATMAID, and creating a volume for labels with seed labels around treenodes.
usage: catnap-create [-h] [-v] [-V] [-o OFFSET] [-r RESOLUTION] [-f] [-t]
[--label LABEL] [-s SEED_RADIUS] [--base-url BASE_URL]
[--project-id PROJECT_ID] [--token TOKEN]
[--auth-name AUTH_NAME] [--auth-pass AUTH_PASS]
input output
positional arguments:
input Path to HDF5 dataset containing raw data, in the form
output Path to HDF5 group to write raw, annotation, and label
data, in the form'{file_path}:{group_path}'. If the
group path is not given, it will default to the file's
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
Offset, in world units, of the raw data's (0, 0, 0)
from the CATMAID project's (0, 0, 0), in the form
'z,y,x'. Will default to the raw dataset's 'offset'
attribute if applicable, or '0,0,0' otherwise
Size, in word units, of voxels in the raw data, in the
form 'z,y,x'. Will default to the raw dataset's
'resolution' attribute if applicable, or '1,1,1'
-f, --force Force usage of the given offset and arguments, even if
the dataset has its own which do not match
-t, --transpose-attrs
Reverse offset and resolution attributes read from the
source (may be necessary in some N5 datasets)
--label LABEL, -l LABEL
If there is existing label data, give it here in the
same format as for 'input'. Offset and resolution are
assumed to be identical to the raw (conflicting
attributes will raise an error).
-s SEED_RADIUS, --seed-radius SEED_RADIUS
Radius of the label seed squares placed at each
treenode, in px
catmaid connection details:
--base-url BASE_URL Base CATMAID URL to make requests to
--project-id PROJECT_ID
--token TOKEN CATMAID user auth token
--auth-name AUTH_NAME
Username for HTTP auth, if necessary
--auth-pass AUTH_PASS
Password for HTTP auth, if necessary
Path to JSON file containing credentials (command line
arguments will take precedence)
catnap-create existing_data.hdf5:/raw catnap_format.hdf5 --credentials my_credentials.json --seed-radius=3
#### `catnap`: Label editing
Open a napari window viewing the pre-formatted data for label annotation.
usage: catnap [-h] [-v] [-V] [-l LABEL] input
positional arguments:
input Path to HDF5 group containing catnap-formatted data,
in the form '{file_path}:{group_path}'. If the group
path is not given, it will default to the file's root.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
Path to HDF5 dataset containing label data (if it's
not in the expected place in the input HDF5), in the
form '{file_path}:{group_path}'. If the file path is
not given, uses the 'input' file.
catnap catnap_format.hdf5
#### `catnap-assess`: Segmentation assessment
Write CSVs of false splits and merges.
usage: catnap-assess [-h] [-V] [-v] [-m FALSE_MERGE] [-s FALSE_SPLIT]
[-u UNTRACED] [-r] [-l LABEL]
Merges are assessed before splits regardless of argument order.
positional arguments:
input Path to HDF5 group containing catnap-formatted data,
in the form '{file_path}:{group_path}'. If the group
path is not given, it will default to the file's root.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
-m FALSE_MERGE, --false-merge FALSE_MERGE
Assess false merges and write to CSV file. If '-' is
given, write to stdout.
-s FALSE_SPLIT, --false-split FALSE_SPLIT
Assess false splits and write to CSV file. If '-' is
given, write to stdout.
-u UNTRACED, --untraced UNTRACED
Write labels of segments with no treenodes in them. If
'-' is given, write to stdout.
-r, --relabel Assign each connected component a new label. Useful to
assess whether there are skeletons which correctly
share labels around their treenodes, but those
labelled regions are not contiguous.
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
Path to HDF5 dataset containing labels, in the form
'{file_path}:{group_path}'. Must have compatible
resolution and offset with 'input'.
catnap-assess catnap_format.hdf5 --false-split splits.csv --false-merge merges.csv
See `catnap-assess --help` for more information.
### Library
Assuming you have a chunk of image data as a numpy array in ZYX,
with a given resolution and offset inside a CATMAID project,
and a [catpy-style JSON credentials file](https://catpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/catpy.client.html#catpy.client.CatmaidClient.from_json) for your CATMAID instance:
from catnap import Image, Catmaid, CatnapIO, CatnapViewer, gui_qt
# attach the necessary metadata to our plain numpy array
img = Image(my_image_data, resolution=my_resolution, offset=my_offset)
# fetch the skeleton and connector data for our subvolume
cio = CatnapIO.from_catmaid(Catmaid.from_json(my_credentials_path), img)
# generate a seed label volume where every treenode has a small patch of label
# unique to the skeleton ID
# save all this to an HDF5 file
# you can retrieve it later with
cio_2 = CatnapIO.from_hdf5("path/to/cdata.hdf5")
with gui_qt(): # this is a re-export from napari
my_cviewer = CatnapViewer(cio)
Then make your labels, using the color picker to select the labels underneath treenodes.
Viewing in 3D is not supported.
## Notes
The package name is `catmaid-catnap` (use this for e.g. `pip install`ing), to disambiguate this project from the unrelated [REST API testing utility](https://pypi.org/project/Catnap/) of the same name.
The module name is `catnap` (use this for e.g. `import`).