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# CatImage
<img src="readme-assets/icons/name.png" alt="Project Icon" width="750">
Cat an image to the terminal.
- [Example](#example)
- [How To Use](#how-to-use)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Install Single Script](#install-single-script)
- [Wget](#wget)
- [Curl](#curl)
- [Install With PIP](#install-with-pip)
- [Language information](#language-information)
- [Built for](#built-for)
- [Install Python on Windows](#install-python-on-windows)
- [Chocolatey](#chocolatey)
- [Windows - Python.org](#windows---pythonorg)
- [Install Python on Linux](#install-python-on-linux)
- [Apt](#apt)
- [Dnf](#dnf)
- [Install Python on MacOS](#install-python-on-macos)
- [Homebrew](#homebrew)
- [MacOS - Python.org](#macos---pythonorg)
- [How to run](#how-to-run)
- [Windows](#windows)
- [Linux/ MacOS](#linux-macos)
- [Download Project](#download-project)
- [Clone](#clone)
- [Using The Command Line](#using-the-command-line)
- [Using GitHub Desktop](#using-github-desktop)
- [Download Zip File](#download-zip-file)
- [Community Files](#community-files)
- [Licence](#licence)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Security](#security)
- [Support](#support)
- [Rationale](#rationale)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Desktop](#desktop)
## Example
Original Image:
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png" alt="Screenshot 1" width="600">
Greyscale Image:
./catimage.py readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png -g
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-1.png" alt="Screenshot 2" width="600">
Regular Definition Image:
./catimage.py readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png -r -t
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-2.png" alt="Screenshot 3" width="600">
Regular Definition Image with '@':
./catimage.py readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png -r -c @ -t
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-3.png" alt="Screenshot 4" width="600">
HD Image:
./catimage.py readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png -t
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-4.png" alt="Screenshot 5" width="600">
HD Image with right half block:
./catimage.py readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png -c $'\u2590' -t
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-5.png" alt="Screenshot 6" width="600">
HD Image True Colour:
./catimage.py readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-0.png
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/example-6.png" alt="Screenshot 7" width="600">
## How To Use
Use to cat an image to the terminal, see the help text below for more
information on using this tool from the command line:
usage: catimage [-h] [-u] [-b] [-c CHAR] [-t] [-g | -r] image
cat an image to the terminal
positional arguments:
image image file or url
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --url image is a URL
-b, --big big image
-c CHAR, --char CHAR char to use in colour print use $'chr' for escaped chars
-t, --disable-truecolour
disable output in truecolour
choose one of the following:
use the following arguments to change the look of the image
-g, --greyscale output image in greyscale (best for terminals that cannot handle ANSI)
-r, --regular output image in regular definition
Use the --cli2gui flag to launch a GUI
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/gui-0.png" alt="GUI 1" width="600">
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/gui-1.png" alt="GUI 2" width="600">
Alternatively, import into your project and use:
def generateHDColour(imageName, maxLen, trueColour=True, char="\u2584"):
"""Iterate through image pixels to make a printable string
imageName (str): path of the image on the filesystem (relative of
maxLen (int): maximum of width and height in chars
trueColour (bool, optional): print in true colour. Defaults to True.
char (str, optional): use this char for each pixel. Defaults to "\u2584".
str: string to print
def generateColour(imageName, maxLen, trueColour=True, char="\u2588"):
"""Iterate through all of the pixels in an image and construct a printable
imageName (str): path of the image on the filesystem (relative of
maxLen (int): maximum of width and height in chars
trueColour (bool, optional): print in true colour. Defaults to True.
char (str, optional): use this char for each pixel. Defaults to "\u2588".
str: string to print
def generateGreyscale(imageName, maxLen):
"""Iterate through image pixels to make a printable string
imageName (str): path of the image on the filesystem (relative of
maxLen (int): maximum of width and height in chars
str: string to print
## Documentation
A high-level overview of how the documentation is organized organized will help you know
where to look for certain things:
- [Tutorials](/documentation/tutorials) take you by the hand through a series of steps to get
started using the software. Start here if you’re new.
- The [Technical Reference](/documentation/reference) documents APIs and other aspects of the
machinery. This documentation describes how to use the classes and functions at a lower level
and assume that you have a good high-level understanding of the software.
- The [Help](/documentation/help) guide provides a starting point and outlines common issues that you
may have.
## Install Single Script
### Wget
wget -O /usr/bin/catimage https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FHPythonUtils/CatImage/master/catimage.py && sudo chmod 774 /usr/bin/catimage
### Curl
curl -o /usr/bin/catimage https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FHPythonUtils/CatImage/master/catimage.py && sudo chmod 774 /usr/bin/catimage
## Install With PIP
pip install catimage
Head to https://pypi.org/project/catimage/ for more info
## Language information
### Built for
This program has been written for Python versions 3.7 - 3.10 and has been tested with both 3.7 and
## Install Python on Windows
### Chocolatey
choco install python
### Windows - Python.org
To install Python, go to https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ and download the latest
## Install Python on Linux
### Apt
sudo apt install python3.x
### Dnf
sudo dnf install python3.x
## Install Python on MacOS
### Homebrew
brew install python@3.x
### MacOS - Python.org
To install Python, go to https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/ and download the latest
## How to run
### Windows
- Module
`py -3.x -m [module]` or `[module]` (if module installs a script)
- File
`py -3.x [file]` or `./[file]`
### Linux/ MacOS
- Module
`python3.x -m [module]` or `[module]` (if module installs a script)
- File
`python3.x [file]` or `./[file]`
## Download Project
### Clone
#### Using The Command Line
1. Press the Clone or download button in the top right
2. Copy the URL (link)
3. Open the command line and change directory to where you wish to
clone to
4. Type 'git clone' followed by URL in step 2
git clone https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/CatImage
More information can be found at
#### Using GitHub Desktop
1. Press the Clone or download button in the top right
2. Click open in desktop
3. Choose the path for where you want and click Clone
More information can be found at
### Download Zip File
1. Download this GitHub repository
2. Extract the zip archive
3. Copy/ move to the desired location
## Community Files
### Licence
MIT License
Copyright (c) FredHappyface
(See the [LICENSE](/LICENSE.md) for more information.)
### Changelog
See the [Changelog](/CHANGELOG.md) for more information.
### Code of Conduct
Online communities include people from many backgrounds. The *Project*
contributors are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming
environment for all. Please see the
[Code of Conduct](https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/.github/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
for more information.
### Contributing
Contributions are welcome, please see the
[Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
for more information.
### Security
Thank you for improving the security of the project, please see the
[Security Policy](https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/.github/blob/master/SECURITY.md)
for more information.
### Support
Thank you for using this project, I hope it is of use to you. Please be aware that
those involved with the project often do so for fun along with other commitments
(such as work, family, etc). Please see the
[Support Policy](https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/.github/blob/master/SUPPORT.md)
for more information.
### Rationale
The rationale acts as a guide to various processes regarding projects such as
the versioning scheme and the programming styles used. Please see the
for more information.
## Screenshots
### Desktop
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/screenshot-0.png" alt="Screenshot 1" width="600">
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/screenshot-1.png" alt="Screenshot 2" width="600">
<img src="readme-assets/screenshots/desktop/screenshot-2.png" alt="Screenshot 3" width="600">