Cryosphere And Remote Sensing Toolkit (CARST)
This package analyzes satellite images, particularly SAR and optical images, and monitor changes of glaciers and ice caps through time. CARST toolkit has two main scripts: elevation changes (also known as dh/dt) and feature tracking. You can also import carst with python for using its various modules.
Required packages:
- python >= 3.0
- scipy
- gdal
- shapely
- rasterio
- geopandas
- matplotlib
Optional package:
- ISCE >= 2.0.0 (built with your python, required for feature tracking)
`pip install carst`
- `$ dhdt.py --help`
- `$ featuretrack.py --help`
Using CARST in Python
`import carst`
`from carst import SingleRaster`
Folder Structure
- doc: Documentation
- Utilities: Subroutines and functions used by dh/dt and pixel-tracking main programs.
- dhdt: Main programs for dh/dt **[v1.0]**
- dhdt.py: Main program
- defaults.ini: template configuration file
- Demo_DEMs: Demo input files
- pixeltrack: Main programs for pixel tracking **[v1.0]**
- pixeltrack.py: main program
- defaults.ini: template configuration file
- Demo_Data: Demo input files
- `doc/dhdt.rst`: dh/dt documentation
- `doc/featuretrack.rst`: feature tracking documentation
Versions & How to cite CARST
**Citing CARST software**:
- Zheng, W., Durkin, W. J., Melkonian, A. K., & Pritchard, M. E. (2021, March 9). Cryosphere And Remote
Sensing Toolkit (CARST) v2.0.0a1 (Version v2.0.0a1). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3475693
In addtional to citing this package, we also recommend that you cite one or more of these papers based on what park of CARST you use.
CARST dh/dt **[v1.0 and after]**:
- Zheng, W., Pritchard, M. E., Willis, M. J., Tepes, P., Gourmelen, N., Benham, T. J., &
Dowdeswell, J. A. (2018). Remote Sensing of Environment Accelerating glacier mass loss
on Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic. Remote Sensing of Environment 211, 357–375.
CARST feature tracking **[v1.0 and after]**:
- Zheng, W., Pritchard, M. E., Willis, M. J., & Stearns, L. A. (2019). The possible transition
from glacial surge to ice stream on Vavilov Ice Cap. Geophysical Research Letters, 46,
13892– 13902. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL084948
CARST **[v0.2]**:
- Willis, M. J., Zheng, W., Durkin, W. J., Pritchard, M. E., Ramage, J. M.,
Dowdeswell, J. A., … Porter, C. C. (2018). Massive destabilization of an Arctic ice cap.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 502, 146–155. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.08.049
CARST **[v0.1]**:
- Melkonian, A. K., Willis, M. J., & Pritchard, M. E. (2014).
Satellite-derived volume loss rates and glacier speeds for
the Juneau Icefield , Alaska. Journal of Glaciology,
60(222), 743–760. https://doi.org/10.3189/2014JoG13J181
How to contribute
We welcome any suggestions/ideas; a pull request would be always appreciated.