Camunda external task Robot Framework RCC client
**Technology preview.**
`carrot-rcc` is an opinionated [Camunda external task]( client for executing [Robot Framework]( [RPA framework]( automation tasks. It is based on Robocorp [RCC toolchain]( and [Camunda external task client for Node JS](
`carrot-rcc` executes automation tasks built and wrapped into packages as instructed by [Robocorp documentation]( Single `carrot-rcc` service can subscribe multiple topics and execute tasks from same or different robot-packages concurrently, although only locally on the same computer. `carrot-rcc` should work fine on Windows, Linux and on MacOS.
usage: carrot-rcc [<robots>...]
[--base-url] [--authorization]
[--worker-id] [--max-tasks] [--poll-interval]
[--rcc-executable] [--rcc-encoding] [--rcc-telemetry]
[--rcc-controller] [--rcc-fixed-spaces]
[--vault-addr] [--vault-token]
[--healthz-host] [--healthz-port]
[-h] [--help]
<robots> could also be passed as a comma separated env RCC_ROBOTS
--base-url[=<url>] [env: CAMUNDA_API_BASE_URL] [default: http://localhost:8080/engine-rest]
--authorization[=<header>] [env: CAMUNDA_API_AUTHORIZATION] [example: Basic ZGVtbzpkZW1v]
--worker-id[=<string>] [env: CLIENT_WORKER_ID] [default: carrot-rcc]
--max-tasks[=<cpus>] [env: CLIENT_MAX_TASKS] [default: [cpu count]]
--poll-interval[=<milliseconds>] [env: CLIENT_POLL_INTERVAL] [default: 60000]
--log-level[=<debug|info|warn|error>] [env: CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL] [default: info]
--rcc-executable[=<path>] [env: RCC_EXECUTABLE] (or RCC_EXE) [default: rcc]
--rcc-controller[=<controller>] [env: RCC_CONTROLLER] [default: carrot]
--rcc-encoding[=<encoding>] [env: RCC_ENCODING] [default: utf-8]
--rcc-telemetry [env: RCC_TELEMETRY]
--rcc-fixed-spaces [env: RCC_FIXED_SPACES]
--vault-addr[=<addr>] [env: VAULT_ADDR] [default:]
--vault-token[=<token>] [env: VAULT_TOKEN] [default: token]
--healthz-host[=<host>] [env: HEALTHZ_HOST] [default: localhost]
--healthz-port[=<port>] [env: HEALTHZ_PORT] (default: disabled)
-h, --help
$ carrot-rcc
$ carrot-rcc --log-level=debug
$ RCC_ROBOTS="," LOG_LEVEL="debug" carrot-rcc
When --rcc-fixed-spaces is set, concurrent tasks for the same topic may share
RCC space, possibly resulting in faster startup.
When `carrot-rcc` is started, it examines every given robot-package and examines available task names from their `robot.yaml`. Currently, `carrot-rcc` can only find packages preloaded onto local filesystem.
Then `carrot-rcc` subscribes every found task name as they were Camunda external task topics, and starts listening for new tasks for its topics to become available at Camunda.
On a new task, `carrot-rcc` remembers which topic was mapped to which task on which robot-package, and unpacks the correct robot-package into a new temporary directory. Then it creates another temporary directory with all external task variables and files as a local [robot work item](
Similarly to work item, for convenience, all `carrot-rcc` process environment variables are made available as `env` secret to keep their use out of Robot Framework logs when used with [RPA framework's Secrets -library](
Next [RCC]( is called to resolve robot's dependencies and execute the robot. Robot package may declare any available Conda or Pip package as its dependency. For example, this makes it possible to have [fully functional browser automation stack as a task dependency]( independently what the local machine actually has available. RCC caches the dependency environments on the machine to enable their fast re-use.
Finally, `carrot-rcc` saves all the changed and added variables from the saved work item back to Camunda. In addition, it also saves full [Robot Framework execution logs]( All these are saved back into the task execution context, to leave their further use for the BPMN designer. At the end `carrot-rcc` either completes of fails the task at Camunda.
`carrot-rcc` requires only [NodeJS]( 12 or later and expects [RCC]( to be on the environment PATH. RCC location may also be configured manually with ``--rcc-executable`` argument.
It is also possible to bootstrap everything with just using RCC:
1. Create a directory for `carrot-rcc` and download [RCC]( into that directory.
2. Download an example [conda.yaml]( defining the requirements for `carrot-rcc`.
3. Install `carrot-rcc` into RCC managed environment with
$ rcc holotree variables conda.yaml >
$ rcc.exe holotree variables conda.yaml > activate.bat
4. And activate the environment:
$ source
$ .\activate.bat
Done. Now `carrot-rcc` should be ready to be run, for example:
$ carrot-rcc --base-url=http://localhost:8080/engine-rest --log-level=debug
$ carrot-rcc.exe --base-url= --log-level=debug
The project's repository includes [example Camunda processes]( with example RCC compatible robots ([1](, [2]( available.

Retry on failure
It is possible to define automatic retries on failure with defining `retries` with a number and `retryTimout` with milliseconds to wait before the retry.
Camunda Topic:
My Robot Task
retries: 3
retryTimeout: 60000
Vault support
`carrot-rcc` has some support for [HashiCorp Vault KV secrets engine]( When working `VAULT_ADDR` and `VAULT_TOKEN` set, `carrot_rcc` will resolve secrets defined in each robots' `robot.yaml` each time before a robot execution.
An example `robot.yaml` with secrets:
Camunda Topic:
My Robot Task
my-secret: /secret-engine-path/data/my-secret-path
Note: `carrot-rcc` does NOT manage renewal for the given `VAULT_TOKEN`.