Carbon Calculator
The Carbon Calculator tool aims to calculate the CO2 emissions of any website. The tool is the porting in python of the WholeGrain Agency [Carbon Calculator tool](<>), but it is faster and with more metrics.
How it works
The tool uses the same [algorithm]( of the original tool but it is faster because it doesn't call external APIs.
Soon more infos in a Medium post.
<img src="">
* Python >=3.6
* [The Green Web Foundation Dataset](
* [LightHouse Tool](
##### Install the Green Web Foundation Dataset
Go to the [Green Web Foundation](, get the most updated link and substitute it in the following command:
mkdir data && cd data
curl | gunzip -c > green_urls.db
##### Install the Lighthouse tool
npm install -g lighthouse
##### Install the Carbon Calculator tool
pip install carbon-calculator
Using the tool
##### As Python Library
from carbon.calculator import CarbonCalculator
from import LighthouseService, GreenWebService
# If lighthouse tool is installed globally the following row can be omitted
lighthouse = LighthouseService(lighthouse = PATH_OF_LIGHTHOUSE_TOOL)
# It loads the Green Web Dataset DB (must be a SQL3Lite file)
greenweb = GreenWebService(greenweb = PATH_URL_OF_GREEN_DB)
# It calculates CO2 emissions
carbon = CarbonCalculator(lighthouse=lighthouse, greenweb=greenweb)
##### As Python Library from INI File
Example of **config.ini** file:
GREENWEB_PATH = /Users/giovanni/projects/carbon-calculator/data/green_urls.db
LIGHTHOUSE_PATH = /Users/giovanni/.nvm/versions/node/v14.17.6/bin/lighthouse
If Lighthouse tool is installed globally set the LIGHTHOUSE_PATH empty
from carbon.calculator import CarbonCalculator
carbon = CarbonCalculator.from_ini_file('config.ini')
##### As Command Line Interface (CLI)
carbon-cli -h
usage: carbon-cli [-h] -db GREENWEB [-lh LIGHTHOUSE] website
Carbon Calculator - the tool calculates the carbon emissions (CO2) and green infos of any website
positional arguments:
website The URL to analyze
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-db GREENWEB, --greenweb GREENWEB
(Mandatory) - The path of the Green Web Foundation DB (SQL3Lite DB file)
(Optional) - The path of the Lighthouse tool
carbon-cli --greenweb=/Users/giovanni/projects/carbon-calculator/data/green_urls_2021-12-01.db --lighthouse=/Users/giovanni/.nvm/versions/node/v14.17.6/bin/lighthouse
"date": "2021-12-10T16:07:20.881173+01:00",
"url": "",
"hosting_green": false,
"co2_grams": 2.3048954692203547,
"energy_kWh": 0.004852411514148116,
"water_litres": 1.2819828599803613,
"resources": {
"transfer_size_bytes": {
"total": 3823256,
"total_weighted": 2886558,
"html": 18332,
"css": 220144,
"javascript": 573821,
"image": 2962769,
"font": 1613,
"audio": 0,
"video": 0,
"other": 46577
"resources_size_bytes": {
"total": 8375362,
"html": 278333,
"css": 3448588,
"javascript": 1645906,
"image": 2955453,
"font": 1268,
"audio": 0,
"video": 0,
"other": 45814
###### Fields available
| Name | Format | Detail | Example |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| **co2_grams** | float | The CO2 Emissions in grams | 2.3048954692203547 |
| **date** | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (**ISO8601**) | Date and time of the measurement | 2021-12-10T16:07:20.881173+01:00 |
| **energy_kWh** | float | The power energy consumed in kWh (**kiloWatt-hour**) | 0.004852411514148116 |
| **hosting_green** | boolean | boolean - true if the hosting is present in the Green Web Foundation DB otherwise false | True |
| **resources** | array | Info Resources (See table below) | |
| **url** | string | The website to analyze | |
| **water_litres** | float | The amount of water to boil to emit the same amount of CO2 in the air | 1.2819828599803613 |
###### Info Resources
| Array key names | Format | Detail | Example |
| transfer_size_bytes[**total**] | int | The data traffic total in bytes (compressed) | 3823256 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**total_weighted**] | int | The weighted data traffic total in bytes (considering caches) | 2886558 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**html**] | int | The HTML data traffic total in bytes | 18332 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**css**] | int | The CSS data traffic total in bytes | 220144 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**javascript**] | int | The JAVASCRIPT data traffic total in bytes | 573821 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**image**] | int | The IMAGE data traffic total in bytes | 2962769 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**font**] | int | The FONT data traffic total in bytes | 1613 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**audio**] | int | The AUDIO data traffic total in bytes | 0 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**video**] | int | The VIDEO data traffic total in bytes | 0 |
| transfer_size_bytes[**other**] | int | The OTHER data traffic total in bytes | 46577 |
| resources_size_bytes[**total**] | int | The Web resources total size in bytes | 8375362 |
| resources_size_bytes[**html**] | int | The HTML resource size in bytes | 278333 |
| resources_size_bytes[**css**] | int | The CSS resources size in bytes | 3448588 |
| resources_size_bytes[**javascript**] | int | The JAVASCRIPT resources size in bytes | 1645906 |
| resources_size_bytes[**image**] | int | The IMAGE resources size in bytes | 2955453 |
| resources_size_bytes[**font**] | int | The FONT resources size in bytes | 1268 |
| resources_size_bytes[**audio**] | int | The AUDIO resources size in bytes | 0 |
| resources_size_bytes[**video**] | int | The VIDEO resources size in bytes | 0 |
| resources_size_bytes[**other**] | int | The OTHER resources size in bytes | 45814 |
* **Lighthouse**: [github repo](
* **Green Web Dataset**: [website](
* **Carbon Calculator**: [MIT license](
* **Green Web Dataset**: [Open Database License](
[Giovanni Pirrotta](