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<h2><p align="center">A Library for Risk-Aware and Trustworthy Machine Learning</p></h2>
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- <a href="https://themisai.io/capsa/tutorials/index.html">[💡 Tutorials!]</a>
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# 👋 Welcome
We know deploying machine learning models can be tough. Today's models are notoriously bad at understanding their own risks -- they are biased on underrepresented data, brittle on challenging out-of-distribution scenarios, and can fail without warning when insufficiently trained.
Ensuring awareness of not one, but all of these risks, requires a tedious process involving changes to your model, its architecture, loss function, optimization procedure, and more.
Luckily, capsa has got you covered! Capsa automatically wraps your model (i.e., like a <i>capsule</i>!) and makes all of the internal changes so it can be end-to-end risk-aware. Capsa abstracts away all of those changes so you don't have to modify any of your existing training or deployment pipelines in order to build state-of-the-art trustworthy machine learning solutions.
# 🚀 Quickstart
## 💾 Installation
capsa is available to be downloaded with Pip:
pip install capsa
## ⭐ Wrap your model!
Eager to make your models risk-aware? Let's go through a quick example of wrapping your model (e.g., using an `MVEWrapper`) to estimate risk from noise in your labels (i.e., aleatoric uncertainty).
import capsa
import tensorflow as tf
# Build your model
model = tf.keras.Sequential(...)
# Wrap the model with capsa to make it risk-aware.
# Capsa takes care of all the architecture, loss,
# and deployment changes so you don't have to!
model = capsa.MVEWrapper(model)
# Compile and train the wrapped model the
# same as you would have done with the
# original model. No changes!
model.fit(train_x, train_y, epochs=5)
# The model now outputs `RiskTensor` objects, which
# behave just like a normal `Tensor`, except they also
# contain multiple different quantitative risk measures.
pred_y = model(test_x)
# Returns the aleatoric uncertainty of this prediction
risk = pred_y.aleatoric
## 🧠 Tutorials
Hungry for more?
Checkout our <a href="https://themisai.io/capsa/tutorials">tutorials</a> on some more advanced functions with capsa including other forms of risk, composing wrappers together, high-dimensional datasets, and more! All tutorials can be opened directly in Google Collab so you can play around without needing access to GPUs.
# 💪 Contribution
Capsa is being actively maintained and advanced. It has been built with research, extensibility, and community development as a priority. We greatly appreciate contributions to the capsa repository and codebase, including issues, enhancements, and pull requests.
For more details please see <a href="https://themisai.io/capsa/contribute/">here</a>.
# 💡 Support
Capsa currently supports Keras Sequential models, although we are looking at possible solutions for supporting wider range of models. We can't wait to share you some new details soon!