cabrillo [![Build Status](](
A Python library to parse Cabrillo-format amateur radio contest logs, with no external dependencies.
# Getting Started
## Basic Parsing
>>> from cabrillo.parser import parse_log_file
>>> cab = parse_log_file('tests/CQWPX.log')
>>> cab.callsign
>>> cab.qso
[<cabrillo.qso.QSO object at 0x10cb09f28>, <cabrillo.qso.QSO object at 0x10cbc8860>]
>>> cab.text()
'START-OF-LOG: 3.0\nCREATED-BY: WriteLog V10.72C\nCALLSIGN: AA1ZZZ\n[...snip...]END-OF-LOG:\n'
You can also write to a file:
with open('out.cbr', 'w') as o:
The same works for text-file-like objects.
Finally, if you desire to parse Cabrillo data already present as a Python string,
you can do so with, e.g.,
from cabrillo.parser import parse_log_text
cabrillo_text = """START-OF-LOG: 3.0
cab = parse_log_text(cabrillo_text)
## Ignoring malorder
Cabrillo logs must be time-sorted. If you want to read files that are
not so sorted, but other than that are Cabrillo files, you can do so by
adding a keyword argument `ignore_order=False` to either `parse_log_file`
or `parse_log_text`. If you do that, the resulting Cabrillo object
will refuse to generate (potentially non-)Cabrillo output.
## Matching Two QSOs in Contest Scoring
>>> # We start off with a pair with complementary data.
>>> from cabrillo import QSO
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> qso1 = QSO('14313', 'PH', datetime.strptime('May 30 2018 10:15PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p'), 'KX0XXX', 'KX9XXX', de_exch=['59', '10', 'CO'], dx_exch=['44', '20', 'IN'], t=None)
>>> qso2 = QSO('14313', 'PH', datetime.strptime('May 30 2018 10:10PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p'), 'KX9XXX', 'KX0XXX', de_exch=['44', '20', 'IN'], dx_exch=['59', '10', 'CO'], t=None)
>>> qso1.match_against(qso2)
>>> qso1.freq = '14000' # Same band, still will match.
>>> qso1.match_against(qso2)
>>> qso1.match_against(qso2, max_time_delta=1) # Make time checking less lenient.
>>> # All flags.
>>> qso1.match_against(qso2, max_time_delta=30, check_exch=True, check_band=True)
# Attributes
Use these attributes to access and construct individual objects.
class Cabrillo(builtins.object)
| Cabrillo(check_categories=True, **d)
| Representation of a Cabrillo log file.
| Attributes:
| version: The only supported version is '3.0'.
| callsign: Call sign of station.
| contest: Contest identification.
| category_assisted: One of CATEGORY_ASSISTED.
| category_band: One of CATEGORY_BAND.
| category_mode: One of CATEGORY_MODE.
| category_operator: One of CATEGORY_OPERATOR.
| category_power: One of CATEGORY-POWER.
| category_station: One of CATEGORY-STATION.
| category_time: One of CATEGORY-TIME.
| category_transmitter: One of CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER. Optional for
| multi-op.
| category_overlay: One of CATEGORY-OVERLAY.
| certificate: If certificate by post. Boolean.
| claimed_score: Claimed score in int.
| club: Club represented.
| created_by: Software responsible for creating this log file.
| Optional, defaults to "cabrillo (Python)".
| email: Email address of the submitter.
| location: State/section/ID depending on contest.
| name: Log submitter's name.
| address: Mailing address, as a list, one entry per line.
| address_city: Optional granular address info.
| address_state_province: Optional granular address info.
| address_postalcode: Optional granular address info.
| address_country: Optional granular address info.
| operators: List of operators' callsigns.
| offtime: List containing two datetime objects denoting start and
| end of off-time.
| soapbox: List of lines of soapbox text.
| qso: List of all QSO objects, including ignored QSOs.
| valid_qso: List of all valid QSOs (excluding X-QSO) (read-only).
| x_qso: List of QSO objects for ignored QSOs (X-QSO only) (read-only).
| x_anything: An ordered mapping of ignored/unknown attributes of the Cabrillo file.
class QSO(builtins.object)
| QSO(freq, mo, date, de_call, dx_call, de_exch=[], dx_exch=[], t=None, valid=True)
| Representation of a single QSO.
| Attributes:
| freq: Frequency in kHz in str representation.
| mo: Transmission mode of QSO.
| date: UTC time as datetime.datetime object.
| de_call: Sent callsign.
| de_exch: Sent exchange. List, first item is RST, second tends to be context exchange.
| dx_call: Received callsign.
| dx_exch: Received exchange. List, first item is RST, second tends to be context exchange.
| t: Transmitter ID for multi-transmitter categories in int. 0/1.
| valid: True for QSO that counts, False for an X-QSO.
## Contributors
Pull requests are appreciated!
The following instructions show how to obtain the sourcecode and execute the tests.
They assume Python 3.3 or later:
git clone
cd cabrillo
python3 -m venv python-venv
source python-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_test.txt
python -m pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov cabrillo -v
On a Windows machine, using `cmd.exe`, substitute
`python-venv/Scripts/activate` for
`source python-venv/bin/activate`.