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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر


A buildout extension to move non-used eggs to a specified directory
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل -
نام فایل buildout.eggscleaner-0.1.7
نام buildout.eggscleaner
نسخه کتابخانه 0.1.7
نگهدارنده []
ایمیل نگهدارنده []
نویسنده Peter Uittenbroek
ایمیل نویسنده uittenbroek@goldmund-wyldebeast-wunderliebe.com
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/thepjot/buildout.eggscleaner
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/buildout.eggscleaner/
مجوز ZPL
Buildout Eggscleaner ====================== Introduction ------------ The buildout.eggscleaner extensions can be used to ensure your egg directory only contains 'used' eggs. The extension can report, but also move unused eggs to a specified directory. Installation ------------ Eggscleaner is a buildout extensions, can add it like so :: [buildout] extensions = buildout.eggscleaner Options ---------- old-eggs-directory The directory you want buildout.eggscleaner to move your unused eggs to. Should an excact egg already exist, we remove the one in the ''used'' eggs directory Example :: [buildout] extensions = buildout.eggscleaner old-eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/old-eggs/ Tested with ------------- zc.buildout: 1.4.3, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6.0, 2.2.1 python: 2.4.6, 2.6.8 Working with other extensions ----------------------------- I looked at how buildout.dumppickedversions works and made this extension work in a similar manner. This extension will run alongside that one perfectly well. Example outputs ---------------- Nothing do :: *************** BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** No unused eggs in eggs directory *************** /BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** Moving eggs :: *************** BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** Moved unused egg: webcouturier.dropdownmenu-2.3-py2.6.egg Moved unused egg: collective.uploadify-1.0-py2.6.egg Moved unused egg: collective.simplesocial-1.6-py2.6.egg Moved unused egg: collective.autopermission-1.0b2-py2.6.egg *************** /BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** Reporting :: *************** BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** Don't have a 'old-eggs-directory' set, only reporting Can add it by adding 'old-eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/old-eggs' to your [buildout] Found unused egg: webcouturier.dropdownmenu-2.3-py2.6.egg Found unused egg: plone.recipe.command-1.1-py2.6.egg Found unused egg: collective.uploadify-1.0-py2.6.egg Found unused egg: Products.DocFinderTab-1.0.5-py2.6.egg Found unused egg: collective.simplesocial-1.6-py2.6.egg Found unused egg: collective.autopermission-1.0b2-py2.6.egg Found unused egg: Products.Clouseau-1.0-py2.6.egg *************** /BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** Detailed Documentation ====================== Let's create an egg to use it in our tests:: >>> mkdir('myegg') >>> write('myegg', 'setup.py', ... ''' ... from setuptools import setup ... setup(name='myegg', version='1.0',) ... ''') >>> write('myegg', 'README', '') >>> print system(buildout+' setup myegg bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Running setup script 'myegg/setup.py'. ... >>> mkdir('baregg') >>> write('baregg', 'setup.py', ... ''' ... from setuptools import setup ... setup(name='baregg', version='1.0',) ... ''') >>> write('baregg', 'README', '') >>> print system(buildout+' setup baregg bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Running setup script 'baregg/setup.py'. ... Now let's create a buildout to install the egg and to use buildout.eggscleaner:: >>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... index = http://pypi.python.org/simple ... extensions = buildout.eggscleaner ... eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/eggs ... parts = foo ... find-links += %s ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = myegg ... ''' % join('myegg', 'dist')) Running the buildout will print information about unused eggs:: >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Getting distribution for 'buildout.eggscleaner'. ... When we only want to report unused eggs we omit the '''old-eggs-directory''' option. >>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... index = http://pypi.python.org/simple ... extensions = buildout.eggscleaner ... eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/eggs ... parts = foo ... find-links += %s ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = baregg ... ''' % join('baregg', 'dist')) >>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. Getting distribution for 'baregg'. Got baregg 1.0. *************** BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** Don't have a 'old-eggs-directory' set, only reporting Can add it by adding 'old-eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/old-eggs' to your [buildout] ... Found unused egg: myegg... *************** /BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** <BLANKLINE> Check that indeed nothing has been moved nor deleted:: >>> assert 'myegg' in ''.join(os.listdir('eggs')) If we want to move unused eggs, we just add an ``old-eggs-directory`` option and give a directory target:: >>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... index = http://pypi.python.org/simple ... extensions = buildout.eggscleaner ... eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/eggs ... old-eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/old-eggs ... parts = foo ... find-links += %s ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = baregg ... ''' % join('baregg', 'dist')) >>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Updating foo. *************** BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** ... Moved unused egg: myegg... *************** /BUILDOUT EGGSCLEANER **************** <BLANKLINE> Check that indeed 'myegg' has been moved:: >>> assert 'myegg' not in ''.join(os.listdir('eggs')), 'myegg has not been moved out of egg dir' >>> assert 'myegg' in ''.join(os.listdir('old-eggs')), 'myegg has not been moved to old-egg dir' And baregg is still present:: >>> assert 'baregg' in ''.join(os.listdir('eggs')), 'baregg is not present in egg dir' Contributors ============ - Peter Uittenbroek, Author Change history ============== 0.1.7 (2014-07-18) ------------------ - Bump version to fix previous release mess 0.1.6 (unreleased by mistake) ----------------------------- - Make eggscleaner run under windows [anton-tagunov] - Make eggscleaner work with latests buildout (2.2.1) [anton-tagunov] - Only run eggscleaner when eggs-directory is local [thepjot] 0.1.5 (2012-08-17) ------------------- - Redid documentation [thepjot] - Added doctest [thepjot] 0.1 (internal release) ----------------------- - Creation [thepjot]

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج whl buildout.eggscleaner-0.1.7:

    pip install buildout.eggscleaner-0.1.7.whl

نصب پکیج tar.gz buildout.eggscleaner-0.1.7:

    pip install buildout.eggscleaner-0.1.7.tar.gz