# bsvlib
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A Bitcoin SV (BSV) Python Library that is extremely simple to use but more.
- MAINNET and TESTNET supported
- P2PKH, P2PK, and bare-multisig supported
- All the SIGHASH flags supported
- Additional script types can be customized
- [MetaSV](https://metasv.com/), [SensibleQuery](https://api.sensiblequery.com/swagger/index.html), and [WhatsOnChain](https://developers.whatsonchain.com/) API integrated
- Ability to adapt to different service providers
- Fully ECDSA implementation
- ECDH and Electrum ECIES (aka BIE1) implementation
- HD implementation (BIP-32, BIP-39, BIP-44)
👉 [Join our Telegram group for discussions or support](https://t.me/bsvlib).
## Installation
$ pip install bsvlib
## Examples
1. Send BSV in one line
from bsvlib import Wallet
# Donate to aaron67!
print(Wallet(['YOUR_WIF_GOES_HERE']).send_transaction(outputs=[('1HYeFCE2KG4CW4Jwz5NmDqAZK9Q626ChmN', 724996)]))
2. Send unspent locked by different keys in one transaction, support OP_RETURN output as well
from bsvlib import Wallet
from bsvlib.constants import Chain
w = Wallet(chain=Chain.TEST)
outputs = [('mqBuyzdHfD87VfgxaYeM9pex3sJn4ihYHY', 724), ('mr1FHq6GwWzmD1y8Jxq6rNDGsiiQ9caF7r', 996)]
pushdatas = ['hello', b'world']
print(w.send_transaction(outputs=outputs, pushdatas=pushdatas, combine=True))
3. Operate P2PK
from bsvlib import Wallet, TxOutput, Transaction
from bsvlib.constants import Chain
from bsvlib.keys import Key
from bsvlib.script import P2pkScriptType
from bsvlib.service import SensibleQuery
k = Key('cVwfreZB3i8iv9JpdSStd9PWhZZGGJCFLS4rEKWfbkahibwhticA')
p = SensibleQuery(chain=Chain.TEST)
unspents = Wallet(provider=p).add_keys([k, '93UnxexmsTYCmDJdctz4zacuwxQd5prDmH6rfpEyKkQViAVA3me']).get_unspents(refresh=True)
t = Transaction(provider=p)
t.add_output(TxOutput(P2pkScriptType.locking(k.public_key().serialize()), 996, P2pkScriptType()))
4. Operate bare-multisig
import time
from typing import List, Union
from bsvlib import Key, Unspent, Transaction, TxOutput
from bsvlib.constants import Chain
from bsvlib.script import BareMultisigScriptType, Script
from bsvlib.service import WhatsOnChain
k1 = Key('cVwfreZB3i8iv9JpdSStd9PWhZZGGJCFLS4rEKWfbkahibwhticA')
k2 = Key('93UnxexmsTYCmDJdctz4zacuwxQd5prDmH6rfpEyKkQViAVA3me')
provider = WhatsOnChain(Chain.TEST)
unspents = Unspent.get_unspents(provider=provider, private_keys=[k1])
# a 2-of-3 multi-sig output
public_keys: List[Union[str, bytes]] = [k1.public_key().hex(), Key().public_key().hex(), k2.public_key().serialize()]
multisig_script: Script = BareMultisigScriptType.locking(public_keys, 2)
output = TxOutput(out=multisig_script, satoshi=1000, script_type=BareMultisigScriptType())
# create a multi-sig output
t = Transaction(provider=provider).add_inputs(unspents).add_output(output).add_change().sign()
r = t.broadcast()
print(f'create multisig - {r}')
assert r.propagated
# send the multi-sig unspent we just created
unspent = t.to_unspent(0, private_keys=[k1, k2])
r = Transaction(provider=provider).add_input(unspent).add_change(k1.address()).sign().broadcast()
print(f'spend multisig - {r}')
5. Sign with different SIGHASH flags, [more examples](https://github.com/gitzhou/bsvlib/tree/master/examples)
from bsvlib import Key, Wallet, Transaction, TxInput, TxOutput
from bsvlib.constants import SIGHASH, Chain
from bsvlib.service import WhatsOnChain
provider = WhatsOnChain(Chain.TEST)
private_key = Key('cVwfreZB3i8iv9JpdSStd9PWhZZGGJCFLS4rEKWfbkahibwhticA')
unspents = Wallet([private_key]).get_unspents(refresh=True, provider=provider)
t = Transaction(provider=provider)
t.add_input(TxInput(unspents[0], sighash=SIGHASH.SINGLE_FORKID))
t.add_output(TxOutput(private_key.address(), 135))
# it's good to append any outputs AFTER the first output, no need to sign, can broadcast directly
6. Sign arbitrary text with private key
from bsvlib import Key, verify_signed_text
private_key = Key('L5agPjZKceSTkhqZF2dmFptT5LFrbr6ZGPvP7u4A6dvhTrr71WZ9')
text = 'hello world'
# sign arbitrary text with bitcoin private key
address, signature = private_key.sign_text(text)
# verify https://reinproject.org/bitcoin-signature-tool/
print(address, signature)
# verify
print(verify_signed_text(text, address, signature))
7. Encrypt message with public key, decrypt with the corresponding private key
from bsvlib import Key
private_key = Key('L5agPjZKceSTkhqZF2dmFptT5LFrbr6ZGPvP7u4A6dvhTrr71WZ9')
public_key = private_key.public_key()
plain = 'hello world'
# use public key to encrypt
encrypted = public_key.encrypt_text(plain)
# decrypt with the corresponding private key
8. Process HD wallet derivation
from typing import List
from bsvlib.hd import mnemonic_from_entropy, Xprv, derive_from_mnemonic
# HD derivation
entropy = 'cd9b819d9c62f0027116c1849e7d497f'
# snow swing guess decide congress abuse session subway loyal view false zebra
mnemonic: str = mnemonic_from_entropy(entropy)
keys: List[Xprv] = derive_from_mnemonic(mnemonic, path="m/44'/0'/0'", change=1, index_start=0, index_end=5)
for key in keys:
print(key.address(), key.private_key().wif())
# random mnemonic
## Credits
- [AustEcon / bitsv](https://github.com/AustEcon/bitsv)
- [ofek / coincurve](https://github.com/ofek/coincurve/)
- [btclib-org / btclib](https://github.com/btclib-org/btclib)
- [@xiangpengm](https://github.com/xiangpengm)
## Donation
If you like my work or have found this library useful, feel free to donate me a cup of coffee.
Every little satoshi helps. 👏