# BrewBlox Service for the iSpindel Hydrometer
The [iSpindel](https://github.com/universam1/iSpindel/) is a DIY wireless hydrometer and thermometer used to gather live readings of specific gravity and temperature when brewing beer.
[BrewBlox](https://brewpi.com/) is a modular brewery control system design to work with the BrewPi controller.
This brewblox service integrates the iSpindel hydrometer into BrewBlox.
## How does it work?
The iSpindel is configured to send metrics using HTTP.
When the iSpindel wake up (like every minute) it submits an HTTP POST request to the iSpindel BrewBlox service.
The metrics are then published to the event-bus, the BrewBlox history service persists the metrics into the InfluxDB database.
A Graph widget can be added in the BrewBlox UI to display the persisted metrics.
## Usage
### Deploy the iSpindel service in the BrewBlox stack
You need to add the service to your existing BrewBlox docker compose file:
image: bdelbosc/brewblox-ispindel:rpi-develop
restart: unless-stopped
- history
- "5080:5000"
- "traefik.port=5000"
- "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix: /ispindel"
The `brewblox-ispindel` docker images are available on [Docker Hub](https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/bdelbosc/brewblox-ispindel).
The image tag to use is:
- `rpi-develop` for the `arm` architecture (when deploying on a RaspberryPi)
- `develop` for the `amd` architecture
Note that the service expose an `HTTP` endpoint on port `5080`
this is required because the iSpindel does not handle `HTTPS`.
Start your BrewBlox stack using `brewblox-ctl up`.
Check that the service is running:
# Run the docker-compose command from the directory holding the brewblox docker-compose file
$ docker-compose ps ispindel
Name Command State Ports
brewblox_ispindel_1 python3 -m brewblox_ispindel Up>5000/tcp
$ docker-compose logs ispindel
ispindel_1 | ======== Running on ========
### Configure the iSpindel
First find the `IP` address of your BrewBlox server then check that:
replies with a:
{"status": "ok"}
Note that the port must be set according to what is exposed in the `docker-compose.yml` file (`5080` is our case).
- Switch the iSpindel on
- Press the reset button 3-4 times which sets up an access point
- Connect to the Wifi network "iSpindel"
- Open a browser on [](
- From the "Configuration" menu, configure the Wifi access, then
- Service Type: `HTTP`
- Token:
- Server Address: `<IP>`
- Server Port: `5080`
- Server URL: `/ispindel/ispindel`
Double check that your are using an **HTTP** service type (and not a TCP).
### Add a Graph to your dashboard
From your dashboard `ACTIONS > New Widget` then select and create a `Graph` widget.
Once the iSpindel has sent some data, you should see its metrics when configuring the widget:

## Development
### Get started
To get started:
# Add repository containing Python 3.8
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3.8 python3.8-dev
pip3 install --user pipenv
# in the brewblox-ispindel directory
pipenv --python 3.8
pipenv sync -d
### Run tests
pipenv run pytest
### Build a docker image
1. Install the [brewblox-tools](https://github.com/BrewBlox/brewblox-tools)
2. Go into the brewblox-ispindel directory and build the `rpi-latest` image
brewblox-dev localbuild -r bdelbosc/brewblox-ispindel --tags latest -a arm
Use `-a amd` to build the `latest` image for amd architecture.
### Simulate iSpindel request
From the BrewBlox host:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:5080/ispindel/ispindel -d'{"name":"iSpindel000","ID":4974097,"angle":83.49442,"temperature":21.4375,"temp_units":"C","battery":4.035453,"gravity":30.29128,"interval":60,"RSSI":-76}'
# or using https
curl --insecure -XPOST https://localhost/ispindel/ispindel -d'{"name":"iSpindel000","ID":4974097,"angle":83.49442,"temperature":21.4375,"temp_units":"C","battery":4.035453,"gravity":30.29128,"interval":60,"RSSI":-76}'
### Check iSpindel service logs
Each time the service receive a request there is a log showing the temperature and gravity.
To run from the directory containing the `docker-compose.yml` file.
docker-compose logs ispindel
ispindel_1 | 2019/04/12 14:18:34 INFO __main__ iSpindel iSpindel000, temp: 21.75, gravity: 22.63023
ispindel_1 | 2019/04/12 14:19:05 INFO __main__ iSpindel iSpindel000, temp: 21.6875, gravity: 22.69526
### View iSpindel metrics persisted in the influxdb database
To run from the directory containing the `docker-compose.yml` file.
docker-compose exec influx influx
> USE brewblox
iSpindel000 -- This is the name given to the iSpindel
> SELECT * FROM "iSpindel000"
name: iSpindel000
time angle battery gravity rssi temperature
---- ----- ------- ------- ---- -----------
1546121491626257000 83.49442 4.035453 30.29128 -76 21.4375
1546121530861939000 84.41665 4.035453 30.75696 -75 19.125
> -- Latest metrics
> PRECISION rfc3339
> SELECT * FROM "iSpindel000" WHERE time > now() -5m ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10
time Combined Influx points angle battery gravity rssi temperature
---- ----------------------- ----- ------- ------- ---- -----------
2019-04-12T14:15:29.715678Z 1 71.6947 4.233577 22.67045 -68 21.9375
2019-04-12T14:14:58.997279Z 1 71.58447 4.233577 22.51496 -67 21.9375
### Continuous integration pipeline
Using [Azure](https://dev.azure.com), the [pipeline](./azure-pipelines.yml) automatically test and deploy all commits
pushed on the GitHub repository.
This means that docker images for `arm` and `amd` are published on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) and the python package is deployed on [PyPi](https://pypi.org/).
- Debug mode where the service subscribes to the `brewcast` channel to debug what is published.
- Support an HTTP token that can be set in the docker-compose file.
## Limitations
- There is no security on the iSpindel endpoint