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<img src="https://www.frootlab.org/images/fig/brea.svg" width=350px>
*Brea* is a planed catalog server for algorithm storage and evaluation and
based on [GIT](https://git-scm.com/). Brea aims to serve as an algorithm
catalog to allow the usage of abstract **currently best fitting** (CBF)
algorithms, as required by the **Cloud-Assisted Meta Programming** (CAMP)
Thereby Brea is required to host and deliver algorithms as well es to
cyclically evaluate and index them with respect to their corresponding metrics,
using [Rian](https://www.frootlab.org/rian). An example for such a metric
would be the average prediction accuracy within a fixed set of gold standard
samples of the respective domain of application (e.g. latin handwriting samples,
spoken word samples, TCGA gene expression data, etc.). Consequently Brea is
also required to host or connect these samples by using
Due to this approach brea allows the implementation of *smart analytics*
projects, that are automatically kept up-to-date by a minimum of maintenance
costs. Also brea supports scientific applications, by facilitating a local
(workgroup, lab, institution) or global publication, application and evaluation
of algorithms, e.g. developed within a PhD-position or program.
Brea is open source, based on the [Python](https://www.python.org/)
programming language and actively developed as part of the [Liquid
Code](https://www.frootlab.org/liquid) framework at
Current Development Status
Brea currently is in late *Planning* stage, which immediately is followed by
the *Pre-Alpha* stage. This means, that the projects directives, requirements
and goals are mostly settled but so far only hardly implemented.
Comprehensive information and installation support is provided within the
[online manual](https://brea.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). If you already have a
Python environment configured on your computer, you can install the latest
distributed version by using pip:
$ pip install brea
The latest Brea documentation is available as an [online
manual](https://brea.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and for download in the
formats [PDF](https://readthedocs.org/projects/brea/downloads/pdf/latest/),
[EPUB](https://readthedocs.org/projects/brea/downloads/epub/latest/) and
Contributors are very welcome! Feel free to report bugs and feature requests to
the [issue tracker](https://github.com/frootlab/brea/issues) provided by
GitHub. Currently, as the Frootlab Developers team still is growing, we do not
provide any Contribution Guide Lines to collaboration partners. However, if you
are interested to join the team, we would be glad, to receive an informal
Brea is open source and available free for any use under the
[GPLv3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) license:
© 2019 Frootlab Developers:
Patrick Michl <patrick.michl@frootlab.org>