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`braumeister` is a release-candidate preparation tool for git and JIRA users.
Given a fix-version, it gathers git branches mentioned in JIRA issues targetting this fix-version and merges them in a release-candidate branch.
# Installation
**The `braumeister` requires at least Python `3.5`**
Install with:
pip3 install braumeister
# Configuration
You can initialize the `braumeister` inside the root directory of a git repository like this:
braumeister init
The `braumeister` will create a `.braumeister` configuration file in the current directory. The configuration may look like this:
verbose = false
main_branch_name = main
url = https://your-domain.atlassian.net
username = my-user
password = my-api-token
destination_transition = Merged
branch_custom_field_id = customfield_5711
|Section|key|default value|description|
|general|verbose|false|Verbose output|
|git|main_branch_name|master|Define the main branch name for your git project|
|jira|url|None|JIRA Base URL|
|jira|username|None|A JIRA User|
|jira|password|None|The password for the user|
|jira|destination_transition|None|Workflow Transition name for the ticket after merging, if executed with `-u`|
|jira|branch_custom_field_id|None|The JIRA Custom Field where we should read the branch from|
We'll be looking for a configuration file at the following places
**It's recommended to add the following files to your `.gitignore`**
## JIRA Configuration
### Custom Field für Branch anlegen
In JIRA, press `gg` (or `.`) to open the "Quick Actions" > Type `Custom Fields` > `Add custom field` > `Text field (single line)` > `Next`
Name: Branch
Description: git Branch
In the next screen, you need to assign the created field to one or more screens.
The `branch_custom_field_id` is `customfield_[ID]` whereas the `ID` is the number in the URL behind the `customFieldId=`.
Here, the JIRA Custom Field Id is `5711`, so the `braumeister` configuration for `branch_custom_field_id` would be `customfield_5711`.
# Description
The `braumeister` requests all issues from JIRA with the given release name as `Fix Version`.
In theses tickets, we'll search for the configured custom field (eg Branch) containing the git branch.
The release branch will be created like this:
release/[cleaned_release_name]_RC_[LATEST_RC + 1]
If the `braumeister` discovered a branch with the same name, we'll increase the `RC` part with 1 (with leading zeros). The first release branch will have the RC `001`.
For each of theses branches, the following commands will be executed:
$ git checkout $branch
$ git pull
$ git merge origin/main
$ git push origin $branch
$ git checkout $release_branch
$ git merge origin/$branch
$ git branch -D $branch
After merging all branches to the release branch, the branch will be pushed to `origin`.
## Conflicts
If there are any conflicts during the merge of a branch, the `braumeister` will stop and write the current state to a `release_state.json` file. The output may looks like this:
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" candidate
[*] Requesting all issues with fixVersion: Barking Dog
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/5711
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/5712
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/5713
[+] The last branch for RC Barking Dog is: release/Barking_Dog_RC_002
[+] Creating new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_003' from master
Branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_003' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_003'
[🍻 ] Merging feature-2...
[🍻 ] Branch 'feature-2' merged
[🍻 ] Merging feature-1...
Writing state json!
A merge error occured while merging feature into release/Barking_Dog_RC_003
Please do the following steps:
* Resolve the conflicts
* Commit the changes
* Call the script again with the option -r
The `braumeister` will stay in the current release branch to let you resolve the conflict. After the conflict has been resolved, you can rerun the `braumeister` with `-r` to resume where we stopped.
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" -r candidate
Reading state json!
Resuming with feature-1
[🍻 ] Merging feature-1...
[🍻 ] Branch 'feature-1' merged
[🍻 ] Merging affe...
[🍻 ] Branch 'affe' merged
Deleting state json!
[🍻 ] All done. Grab a 🍺
## Examples
### Release Candidate
#### New release candidate
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" candidate
[*] Requesting all issues with fixVersion: Barking Dog
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/5711
[+] Creating new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_001' from master
Branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_001' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_001'
[🍻 ] Merging affe...
[🍻 ] Branch 'affe' merged
[🍻 ] All done. Grab a 🍺
#### Existing release candidate
When you execute the `braumeister` with the same release name again, a new release candidate will be created (increasing the `RC` part with 1).
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" candidate
[*] Requesting all issues with fixVersion: Barking Dog
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/5711
[+] The last branch for RC Barking Dog is: release/Barking_Dog_RC_001
[+] Creating new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_002' from master
Branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_002' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_002'
[🍻 ] Merging affe...
[🍻 ] Branch 'affe' merged
[🍻 ] All done. Grab a 🍺
#### Update JIRA issue
Executing the `braumeister` with `-u` will also execute the configured transition on all related issues.
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" -u candidate
[*] Requesting all issues with fixVersion: Barking Dog
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/31300
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/30209
[+] The last branch for RC Barking Dog is: release/Barking_Dog_RC_004
[+] Creating new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_005' from master
Branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_005' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_RC_005'
[🍻 ] Merging feature-1...
[🍻 ] Branch 'feature-1' merged
[🍻 ] Merging affe...
[🍻 ] Branch 'affe' merged
Deleting state json!
[+] Update status to Merged on all related jira issues!
Requesting all transitions for: DEV-1
Updating jira status on DEV-1 to Staging Needed
Requesting all transitions for: DEV-2
Updating jira status on DEV-2 to Staging Needed
[🍻 ] All done. Grab a 🍺
### Release
#### New release
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" release
[*] Requesting all issues with fixVersion: Barking Dog
[+] Requesting issue: https://jira.dev/rest/api/2/issue/5711
[+] Creating new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_GA' from master
Branch 'release/Barking_Dog_GA' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'release/Barking_Dog_GA'
[🍻 ] Merging affe...
[🍻 ] Branch 'affe' merged
[🍻 ] All done. Grab a 🍺
#### Finalize a release
When you execute the `braumeister` with the `finalize` action it will merge the given branch back to define main branch (e.g. `origin/main`).
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" finalize
[+] Merging branch 'release/Barking_Dog_GA' to origin/master
[🍻 ] Merging release/Barking_Dog_GA...
[🍻 ] Branch 'release/Barking_Dog_GA' merged
[🍻 ] All done. Grab a 🍺
#### Cleanup after a release
When you execute the `braumeister` with the `cleanup` action it will delete all branches associated with tickets in your `fixVersion`.
$ braumeister -n "Barking Dog" cleanup
[+] Cleaning up after release of Barking Dog
[🍻 ] Deleting origin/feature-nifty...
[🍻 ] Deleting origin/feature-seven...
[🍻 ] Deleting origin/feature-eleven...
[🍻 ] Brewhouse all clean again. Grab a 🍺
# Development
Running tests
make test