# Bosch Smart Home Controller API Python Library
This library implements the local communication REST API for the Bosch Smart Home Controller system. It supports both long and short polling. The API documentation is available [here](https://github.com/BoschSmartHome/bosch-shc-api-docs).
The following device services are implemented:
* ```TemperatureLevel```
* ```HumidityLevel```
* ```RoomClimateControl```
* ```ShutterContact```
* ```ValveTappet```
* ```PowerSwitch```
* ```PowerMeter```
* ```Routing```
* ```PowerSwitchProgram```
* ```PresenceSimulationConfiguration```
* ```BinarySwitch```
* ```SmokeDetectorCheck```
* ```Alarm```
* ```ShutterControl```
* ```CameraLight```
* ```PrivacyMode```
* ```CameraNotification```
* ```IntrusionDetectionControl```
* ```Keypad```
* ```LatestMotion```
* ```AirQualityLevel```
* ```SurveillanceAlarm```
* ```BatteryLevel```
* ```Thermostat```
* ```WaterLeakageSensor```
* ```WaterLeakageSensorTilt```
* and more
The following device models are implemented, using the above services:
* ```ShutterContact```, ```ShutterContact2```
* ```ShutterControl```, ```Micromodule Shutter```
* ```SmartPlug```
* ```SmartPlugCompact```
* ```LightControl```, ```Micromodule Light Control```, ```Micromodule Light Attached```
* ```SmokeDetector```
* ```CameraEyes```, ```Camera360```
* ```IntrusionDetectionSystem```
* ```RoomClimateControl```
* ```Thermostat```, ```Thermostat2```
* ```WallThermostat```
* ```UniversalSwitch```
* ```MotionDetector```
* ```PresenceSimulationSystem```
* ```Twinguard```
* ```WaterLeakageSensor```
## Command line access to SHC
1. Install a `python` (>=3.10) environment on your computer.
2. Install latest version of `boschshcpy`, you should have at least `version>=0.2.45`.
pip install boschshcpy
### Registering a new client
To register a new client, use the script `boschshc_registerclient`:
boschshc_registerclient -ip _your_shc_ip_ -pw _your_shc_password_
This will register your client and will write the associated certificate/key pair into your working directory. See also [Usage Guide](#usage-guide)
### Rawscans
To make a rawscan of your devices, use the script `boschshc_rawscan`
#### Make a rawscan of the public information
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ public_information
#### Make a rawscan of all devices
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ devices
#### Make a rawscan of a single device with a known `device_id`
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ device _your_device_id_
An exemplary output looks as follows:
"@type": "device",
"rootDeviceId": "xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx",
"id": "hdm:HomeMaticIP:30xxx",
"deviceServiceIds": [
"manufacturer": "BOSCH",
"roomId": "hz_8",
"deviceModel": "TRV",
"serial": "30xxx",
"profile": "GENERIC",
"name": "Test Thermostat",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"parentDeviceId": "roomClimateControl_hz_8",
"childDeviceIds": []
#### Make a rawscan of the associated services of a device
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ device_services _your_device_id_
The exemplary output will look as follows:
"@type": "DeviceServiceData",
"id": "BatteryLevel",
"deviceId": "hdm:HomeMaticIP:30xxx",
"path": "/devices/hdm:HomeMaticIP:30xxx/services/BatteryLevel"
"@type": "DeviceServiceData",
"id": "Thermostat",
"deviceId": "hdm:HomeMaticIP:30xxx",
"state": {
"@type": "childLockState",
"childLock": "OFF"
"path": "/devices/hdm:HomeMaticIP:30xxx/services/Thermostat"
#### Make a rawscan of the a service of a device, where the `device_id` as well as the `service_id` are known
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ device_service _your_device_id_ _your_service_id
#### Make a rawscan of the all scenarios
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ scenarios
#### Make a rawscan of the all rooms
boschshc_rawscan -ip _your_shc_ip_ -cert _your_shc_cert_file_ -key _your_shc_key_file_ rooms
## Example code to use the `boschshcpy` library
import boschshcpy
# Create session
session = boschshcpy.SHCSession(controller_ip="", certificate='cert.pem', key='key.pem')
device = session.device('roomClimateControl_hz_5')
service = device.device_service('TemperatureLevel')
# Update this service's state
# Start long polling thread in background
# Do work here
# Stop polling
# Trigger intrusion detection system
intrusion_control = session.intrusion_system
## Usage guide
Before accessing the Bosch Smart Home Controller, a client must be registered on the controller. For this a valid cert/key pair must be provided to the controller. To start the client registration, press and hold the button on the controller until the led starts flashing. More information [here](https://github.com/BoschSmartHome/bosch-shc-api-docs/tree/master/postman#register-a-new-client-to-the-bosch-smart-home-controller).