.. contents::
Boletin, a Django newsletter app
Boletin is a generic newsletter application for Django projects, which allows
for automatically generating and sending newsletters, with optional human
reviewing process if so desired.
Boletin means "bulletin" or "newsletter" in Spanish.
* Complete subscription/desubscription process, with confirmation emails.
* Completely decoupled, no need to modify your own code to use it, only
``settings.py`` and redefine templates as needed.
* Newsletters in HTML and plain text in the same email.
* Three different periods: daily, weekly and monthly newsletters, easily
* Integrated with Django's admin.
* Optional reviewing process (in the admin).
* Cron scripts included.
* Unit tests included.
1. Include ``boletin`` in ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``.
2. Create DB tables with ``python manage.py syncdb``.
3. Configure settings (see `Configuration`_ section).
4. Install cron scripts in the system's cron installation for automated
newsletter creation and (optionally) automated sending.
See "Cron configuration" below for more information.
You can configure many aspects of the behavior of the application via
settings variables. Mandatory variables are marked with (*).
Email address from where to send the newsletter. Newsletter recipients
will see this address in the e-mail message "From" field.
Default: None, it's mandatory.
NEWSLETTER_EMAIL = 'newsletter@example.com'
Email address for the newsletter reviewer. When a newsletter is generated,
an e-mail will be sent to this address prompting to the revision of the
Default: None.
NEWSLETTER_REVIEWER_EMAIL = 'reviewer@example.com'
Relative URL suffix for newsletter objects in the admin application. The site
domain and the newsletter id will be, respectively, prepended and appended to
this string. This setting is optional; if not defined, the e-mail message to
the reviewer will not include a link to the admin application.
Default: None.
NEWSLETTER_REVIEWER_ADMIN_LINK = '/admin/boletin/newsletter/'
This variable is a string pointing to a function inside the project which
will be responsible for retrieving content for inclusion in each newsletter.
The function must receive two parameters: ``from_date`` and ``to_date``, which define
the datetime range of the newsletter being created.
Default: None, it's mandatory.
NEWSLETTER_GENERATOR_FUNCTION = 'portal.newsletter.generate_content'
And the content of portal/newsletter.py::
from app1.models import FooModel
from app2.models import BarModel
def generate_content(from_date, to_date):
app1 = FooModel.objects.filter(date__gte=from_date, date__lte=to_date)
app2 = BarModel.objects.filter(date__gte=from_date, date__lte=to_date)
return {'app1': app1, 'app2': app2}
Available newsletter periods in the project. It's a list with one or more of
'D' (daily), 'W' (weekly) and 'M' (monthly).
Default: ``['W']`` (only weekly newsletter)
NEWSLETTER_PERIODS = ['D', 'W', 'M'] # daily, weekly and monthly newsletters
Management commands
Three management commands are included:
* ``createnewsletter``
* ``sendnewsletter``
* ``shownewsletter``
Generate a new newsletter for the given period (daily, weekly or monthly), both
in HTML and plain text. It renders the `templates`_ ``newsletter_email.html``
and ``newsletter_email.txt``.
* ``-d``, ``--daily``: daily period.
* ``-w``, ``--weekly``: weekly period.
* ``-m``, ``--monthly``: monthly period.
* ``-p``, ``--print``: print the created newsletter to stdout.
* ``-r``, ``--regenerate``: create the newsletter again if it already exists.
One and only one of ``-d``, ``-w`` or ``-m`` must be given.
Send newsletters to subscribers.
* ``-n``, ``--newsletter``: send only the newsletter with the given ID.
* ``-f``, ``--force-unreviewed``: send unreviewed newsletters.
Without parameters all **reviewed** newsletters with pending sendings are
sent. Use the ``-f`` switch to send unreviewed newsletters (useful for a
completely automatic newsletter system). Use the ``-n`` switch to send an
specific newsletter. The `shownewsletters`_ command should be useful to see
created newsletters, their IDs and pending statuses.
Show stored newsletters, with their object ID (*different than their newsletter
number*) and pending status.
* ``-p``, ``--only-pending``: show only newsletters with pending sendings.
Default templates are provided for the subscription and unsubscription process,
but you should redefine at least ``newsletter_email.txt`` and
``newsletter_email.html``. You can redefine any template creating a newsletter
dir inside your templates directory, copying the app template inside it and
changing that copy.
The available templates are:
* ``newsletter_base.html``: base template for the subscription and
unsubscription process, except email templates.
* ``newsletter_confirm_email.txt``: email template for confirming subscription.
* ``newsletter_confirm.html``: page telling the user the subscription
confirmation email has been sent to her email address.
* ``newsletter_email.html``: email template of a newsletter in email format.
You should redefine this depending on the context returned by the
* ``newsletter_email.txt``: same as newsletter_email.html, but in plain text.
* ``newsletter.html``: subscription/unsubscription form.
* ``newsletter_success.html``: subscription success page.
* ``newsletter_unsubscription_confirm_email.txt``: same as
newsletter_confirm_email, but for unsubscription.
* ``newsletter_unsubscription_confirm.html``: same as newsletter_confirm,
but for unsubscription.
* ``newsletter_unsubscription_success.html``: same as newsletter_success,
but for unsubscription.
Cron configuration
There are several crontab files inside the ``cron`` directory that you can
simply include in your system-wide cron configuration to have automatic
newsletter creation and/or sending. The ``createnewsletter`` and
``sendnewsletter`` commands are smart enough to ignore petitions for unallowed
periods (i.e. not configured in `NEWSLETTER_PERIODS`_).
You can get the last bleeding edge version of boletin by doing a checkout of
trunk in its subversion repository::
svn checkout https://svnpub.yaco.es/djangoapps/boletin/trunk boletin
Bug reports, patches and suggestions are more than welcome. Just put
them in our Trac system and use the 'boletin' component when you fill
0.5.1 (2009-05-20)
- Fixed several bugs that rendered the application unusable. They all came from
the fact that the application changed name just before release, and some imports
were left unchanged.
0.5.0 (2009-05-18)
- Initial release