# Bash to Markdown Documentation
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`bmd` is the dumbest documentation framework you could find on the earth !
It changes your bash scripts into a useful Markdown documentation.
## Features
1. It removes the `shebang` line for an aesthetic output.
2. It removes the `#` string of your bash comments.
> You should **write all your bash comments into a compliant markdown format**, and then *it will work*.
Also, we don't care about all the Markdown flavours. Choose the one for your use cases.
But, let's dissipate all doubts by seeing a compatibility table :
| Flavor | bmd |
| GFM | ✅ |
| ExtraMark | ✅ |
| All the others | ✅ |
## Getting started
Start by documenting a hello world :
# hello.sh: My Hello World bash script
# ------------------------------------
# This **hello world** comes from my *heart*.
# See [Hello World!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Hello,_World!%22_program)
# ```sh
echo "Hello World!"
# ```
Indeed, your script code will *never* be compliant with any Markdown formats.
So, the purposed solution is to encapsulate your code in a code block with **the 3 backticks**.
You can specify the script langage, and you'll have a formated code rendering !
The drawback is : your documentation will be an *annoted* bash script.
By default, `bmd` will remove the common scripting langage comment lines but the option
**--regex** should be used to change all others languages.
You can do the trick with a NodeJS script :
// # hello.js
// You know what I mean
// ```js
console.log('Hello World!')
// ```
This one can be changed with `./bmd.sh -r '^\/\/ ?' hello.js`
## The bash way : bmd.sh
### Installing
The bash script should be installed by using `curl`:
curl https://git.sr.ht/~vlnk/bmd/blob/main/src/bmd.sh > bmd.sh
### How it works ?
It is 2 `sed` commands. That's all folks.
set -e
bmd () {
cat "$1" | \
sed "/^#!/d" | \
sed -r "s/$2//"
### How to use it ?
I suggest to do `./bmd.sh bmd.sh`, but please, follow the help :
usage () {
echo "bmd - Bash to Markdown Documentation"
echo ""
echo "USAGE: ./bmd.sh [OPTIONS] INPUT"
echo ""
echo "Change the script file INPUT to a Markdown documentation."
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo "-r, --regex PATTERN Specify the regex PATTERN to remove [default: '^# ?']."
echo "-h, --help Print help."
REGEX="^# ?"
for i in "$@"; do
case $i in
exit 0;;
if [ "$HAS_REGEX" ]; then
if [ "$INPUT" ]; then
bmd "$INPUT" "$REGEX"
echo "error: missing required argument 'INPUT'"
## The python way : bmd.py
## Installing
`bmd` is published on *PyPi* under the `bmd-py` package.
You should be able to install it with:
pip install bmd-py
bmd.py --help
### How it works?
The python script do the same thing as the bash one but without `sed`, it uses `regex` instead
import click
import regex
REGEX_HELP='Specify the TEXT regex pattern to remove.'
@click.option('-r', '--regex', 'pattern', default='^# ?', show_default=True, help=REGEX_HELP)
def bmd(input, pattern):
"""Change the script file INPUT to a Markdown documentation."""
with open(input) as f:
output = []
for line in f:
if not regex.match(SHEBANG_REGEX, line):
if regex.match(pattern, line):
regex.sub(pattern, '', line)
print(''.join(output), end='')
if __name__ == '__main__':
## The javascript way : bmd.js
## Installing
`bmd` is published on npm under the `bmd-js` package.
You should be able to install it with:
npm install bmd-js
bmd-js --help
## How it works?
The javascript code is using the NodeJS API to do the same thing as others.
Is uses the asynchronous reading of each line to do the job.
const fs = require('fs')
const readline = require('readline');
const { program } = require('commander')
const SHEBANG_REGEX = /^#!/
function bmd (input, pattern) {
const output = []
const regex = new RegExp(pattern)
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(input),
output: process.stdout,
terminal: false
rl.on('line', (line) => {
if (!line.match(SHEBANG_REGEX)) {
if (line.match(regex)) {
line.replace(regex, '')
} else {
rl.on('close', () => {
output.join('\n') + '\n'
let input = ''
.description('Change the script file INPUT to a Markdown documentation.')
.action(inputArg => { input = inputArg })
.option('-r, --regex <PATTERN>', 'Specify the regex PATTERN to remove.', '^# ?')
bmd(input, program.regex)
## Contributing
Don't hesitate to submit issues in the [`bmd` tracker](https://todo.sr.ht/~vlnk/bmd).
### Testing
Each new contribution should be applied with an associated **unit test**.
The [`bmd CI`](https://builds.sr.ht/~vlnk/bmd) is triggered on every push with:
.PHONY: test
test: install-all
### Documenting
I recommand you to use the `pre-commit` hook in order to always generate the new `README.md` file:
cd bmd
ln hooks/* .git/hooks/
But the **README** can be generated manually by using `make doc`:
.PHONY: doc
./tasks/doc.sh 'README.md'
### Building and publishing
Check the supported distributions:
+ [python](https://pypi.org/project/bmd-py)
+ [javascript](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bmd-js)
Don't forget to be logged before publishing a new `bmd` package !
The Makefile contains all recipes in order to:
- install dependencies (bmd-py, bmd-js)
- bundle package (bmd-py, bmd-js)
- check package (bmd-py)
- publish (bmd-py, bmd-js)
.PHONY: install-py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
.PHONY: build-py
python3 setup.py sdist
.PHONY: check-py
check-py: bundle-py
twine check dist/*
.PHONY: publish-py
publish-py: clean bundle-py
twine upload dist/*
.PHONY: install-js
npm install
.PHONY: bundle-js
npm pack
.PHONY: publish-js
npm publish
.PHONY: install-all
install-all: install-py install-js
.PHONY: publish-all
publish-all: publish-py publish-js
if [ -d 'dist' ]; then rm -rd 'dist'; fi
if [ -d 'bmd_py.egg-info' ]; then rm -rd 'bmd_py.egg-info'; fi
## Foire aux Questions
+ **Is it a joke ?** Yes, and no. I wrote this for my own usage, I hope it would be useful for your owns.
+ **Is it tested with all the flavours ?** Of course not.
+ **Where did you get this dumb idea ?** From the [`rustdoc`][1] tool.
+ **Is it a meta program?** Yes, `bmd` is documented with *itself*.
KISS, [@vlnk][2]
[1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/what-is-rustdoc.html
[2]: https://git.sr.ht/~vlnk/