# Blepy
[python-bluezero]: https://github.com/ukBaz/python-bluezero.
[BlueZ]: http://www.bluez.org/
A class-based wrapper for the peripheral functionalities provided by the library
## About
The primary goal of this library is to make it easier and more clearer about how to implement Bluetooth low energy ``Peripherals``,
including the associated ``Services``, ``Characteristics`` and ``Descriptors``. This is done by using a class-based wrapper for the
[BlueZ] based [python-bluezero] library.
As seen in the figure below, a ``Service`` has one to many ``Characteristics`` and a ``Characteristic`` has (often) one to many
``Descriptors``, which is what this library is built to follow.
<img src="https://github.com/TrinaryLabs/blepy/blob/development/docs/ble-overview.png?raw=true" alt="BLE overview" width="550"/>
## Usage
### Import ``blepy``
To use ``blepy`` in your project, simply import the whole package:
import blepy
### Service
Create unique BLE services by inheriting ``blepy.Service``, including associated ``characteristics``:
class ExampleService(blepy.Service):
def __init__(self, primary):
super().__init__(self, "UUID", primary)
self.characteristics = [ExampleCharacteristic()]
### Characteristic
Create unique BLE characteristics by inheriting ``blepy.Characteristic``, including associated ``descriptors``:
class ExampleCharacteristic(blepy.Characteristic):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(self, "UUID")
self.descriptors = [ExampleDescriptor()]
### Descriptor
Create unique BLE descriptors by inheriting ``blepy.Descriptor``:
class ExampleDescriptor(blepy.Descriptor):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(self, "UUID")
### Peripheral
Create a new peripheral with included services by either using the ``blepy.Peripheral`` as it is:
# Initialize and publish the peripheral
peripheral = blepy.Peripheral([ExampleService(True)], adapter_address, local_name='Peripheral', appearance=0)
... or by inherit from the ``blepy.Peripheral`` and create an unique ``peripheral``:
class ExamplePeripheral(blepy.Peripheral):
def __init__(self, adapter_address):
services = [ExampleService(True)]
super().__init__(services, adapter_address, local_name='Peripheral', appearance=0)
# Initialize and publish the peripheral
peripheral = ExamplePeripheral(adapter_address)
## Examples
### (GATT Server) [cpu-temperature.py](https://github.com/TrinaryLabs/blepy/blob/main/examples/cpu_temperature.py)
This example transmits (randomly generated) temperature values of the CPU over a single characteristic.
Values are only updated when notification are switched on.
### (UART) [ble_uart.py](https://github.com/TrinaryLabs/blepy/blob/main/examples/ble_uart.py)
This example simulates a basic UART connection over two lines, TXD and RXD.
It is based on a proprietary UART service specification by Nordic Semiconductors.
Data sent to and from this service can be viewed using the nRF UART apps from Nordic Semiconductors for Android and iOS.