Blaeu, creating measurements on RIPE Atlas probes
This is a set of `Python <>`__ programs to start
distributed Internet measurements on the network of `RIPE Atlas
probes <>`__, and to analyze their results.
For installation, you can use usual Python tools, for instance:
pip3 install blaeu
(On a Debian machine, the prerequitises are packages python3-pip,
python3-openssl and python3-cymruwhois. On other systems, pip3 will
install the dependencies.)
Usage requires a RIPE Atlas API key (which itself requires a RIPE
account), and RIPE Atlas credits. If you don't have a RIPE account,
`register first <>`__. Once you have an account,
`create a key <>`__, grant it the right to
start new measurements, and put the key in ``~/.atlas/auth``. If you
don't have Atlas credits, host a probe,or become a
`LIR <>`__
or ask a friend.
You can then use the four programs (``-h`` will give you a complete list
of their options):
- ``blaeu-reach target-IP-address`` (test reachability of the target,
like ``ping``)
- ``blaeu-traceroute target-IP-address`` (like ``traceroute``)
- ``blaeu-resolve name`` (use the DNS to resolve the name)
- ``blaeu-cert name`` (display the PKIX certificate)
You may also be interested by `my article at RIPE
Labs <>`__.
Blaeu requires Python 3.
Note that `the old
version <>`__
ran on Python 2 but is no longer maintained. (It was `partially
documented at RIPE
Labs <>`__.)
It comes from the `famous Dutch
cartographer <>`__. The logo
of the project comes from his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" (see `the
source <>`__).
Reference site
`On FramaGit <>`__
Stéphane Bortzmeyer