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Metaprogramming modules that operate on black magic!
Currently there is only one module available. However, I am all open for
cool ideas.
This module allows to create wrapper functions that look and behave identical
to the original function. This is particularly useful for decorators.
Part of the module replicates the functionality of the well-known decorator_
module, but is based on creating AST nodes directly rather than composing and
compiling strings.
Furthermore, this module makes it possible to create wrappers with modified
signatures. Currently, the only specialized function that is explicitly
dedicated to this purpose is ``partial``. If you are interested in doing
more complex modifications you can pass a dynamically created ``Signature``
to ``wraps``. If you make something useful, please consider contributing
your functionality to this module.
.. _decorator:
``wraps`` can be used similarly to the standard ``functools.wraps``
function. However, it returns a real function, i.e. something that will
have a useful signature when being inspected with ``help()`` or by other
metaprogramming tools. Furthermore, it knows how to copy the signature
exactly, even remembering object identity of default arguments and
.. code-block:: python
>>> from black_magic.decorator import wraps
>>> def real(a=[]):
... pass
>>> @wraps(real)
... def fake(*args, **kwargs):
... return args
>>> fake()
>>> fake(1)
>>> fake(a=2)
>>> fake()[0] is real()
If you want to get real crazy you can even use ast.expr_'s:
.. code-block:: python
>>> import ast
>>> fake = wraps(real)(ast.Num(n=1))
>>> fake(0)
.. _ast.expr:
**WARNING**: before using ``functools.partial`` with any of the functions in
this module, make sure to read the warning below!
This is similar to the ``functools.partial`` function.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from black_magic.decorator import partial
>>> def real(arg):
... print(arg)
>>> partial(real, arg=0)()
There are some differences, though:
- this function returns a function object which looks like the input
function, except for the modified parameters.
- all overwritten parameters are completely removed from the signature. In
``functools.partial`` this is true only for arguments bound by position.
- the ``**kwargs`` are stripped first, then ``*args``
.. code-block:: python
>>> partial(lambda a,b,c: (a,b,c), 2, a=1)(3)
(1, 2, 3)
- by leaving the first argument empty ``partial`` can act as decorator:
.. code-block:: python
>>> @partial(None, 1, bar=0)
... def foo(bar, lum):
... return bar, lum
>>> foo()
(0, 1)
- Note, that the function returned by ``partial(None, ...)`` is just like
``partial``: it can bind additional arguments and you can still leave the
first parameter unspecified. This has weird properties and should not be
used in production code, but I thought it would be great to add some
additional brainfuck, to see where it will go.
**CAUTION:** Iterative invocation of ``partial`` (with ``None`` as first
argument) doesn't hide parameters the same way that ``partial`` applied to
a function does, i.e. you can move bound arguments to the right in later
calls. In code:
.. code-block:: python
>>> partial(None, 1)(a=0)(lambda a, b: (a, b))()
(0, 1)
The returned value can be called like ``partial`` bind a function to the
parameters given here. In fact, ``partial = metapartial()``.
Binding further keyword arguments via the returned function will overwrite
keyword parameters of previous bindings with the same name.
.. code-block:: python
>>> @metapartial(1, a=0, c=3)
... def func(a, b, *args, **kwargs):
... return (a, b, args, kwargs)
>>> func(2)
(0, 1, (2,), {'c': 3})
This is the canonic utility to create decorators:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from black_magic.decorator import decorator
>>> @decorator
... def plus_one(fn):
... def fake(*args, **kwargs):
... return 1 + fn(*args, **kwargs)
... return fake
>>> @plus_one
... def mul_plus_one(a, b):
... return a * b
>>> mul_plus_one(2, 3)
``flatorator`` imitates the functionality of the well known `decorator`_
.. code-block:: python
>>> from black_magic.decorator import flatorator
>>> @flatorator
... def times_two(fn, *args, **kwargs):
... return 2 * fn(*args, **kwargs)
>>> @times_two
... def add_times_two(a, b):
... return a + b
>>> add_times_two(1, 2)
Under the hood
Q: This uses ugly ``str`` concat and ``eval`` code, right?
A: No, it uses ugly `abstract syntax tree`_ code to do its dynamic code generation.
.. _abstract syntax tree:
Q: But it's still ugly code, right?
A: Yes.
WARNING: performance hits incoming
Decorating a function with the tools in this module is a quite costy
operation, so don't do it very often! Invoking the wrapper is no problem on
the other hand.
WARNING: functools.partial is evil
Be careful when passing ``functools.partial`` objects into ``.wraps``, or
any black magic functions more generally. ``functools.partial`` features
very unsensible handling of arguments that are bound by keyword. These, and
all subsequent arguments, become keyword-only parameters. Consider the
following example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> import functools
>>> def func(a, b, *args, **kwargs):
... return (a, b, args, kwargs)
>>> part = functools.partial(func, a=0)
>>> part(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: func() got multiple values for argument 'a'
Furthermore, note that the ``*args`` parameter becomes completely
inaccessible, forever!
For compatibility between python versions and ease of use, I chose to handle
``functools.partial`` objects as if you had actually used
``black_magic.decorator.partial`` with the same arguments, i.e.:
.. code-block:: python
>>> wrap = wraps(part)(part)
>>> wrap(1, 2, c=3)
(0, 1, (2,), {'c':3})
Note, the signature imposed by ``.wraps(functools.partial(f))`` is
equivalent to the signature of ``.wraps(.partial(f))``, which might come
This module has been tested to work on python{2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5}
and PyPy1.9 using `Travis CI`_, and tested with python 3.2 locally.
.. _Travis CI:
.. |Tests| image::
:alt: Tests
.. |Coverage| image::
:alt: Coverage
.. |Version| image::
:alt: Latest Version
.. |Downloads| image::
:alt: Downloads
.. |Unlicense| image::
:alt: Unlicense
Date: 26.12.2015
- fix missing UNLICENSE file in source distribution
- some internal maintenance
Date: 25.12.2015
- add support for python 3.5
- add compatibility with python3.4
- fix signature of ``black_magic.decorator.partial``: remove named
parameter ``func`` that can prevent binding of the a parameter with the
same name into ``**kwargs``
- return value of ``partial`` can now be used for further parameter
(re-)binding if the function was left open. CAREFUL: this might have
unexpected characteristics, such as moving positional parameters to the
right in later calls.
- add ``metapartial`` function, that accepts only ``*args, **kwargs`` to be
bound, while the function to be used can only be specified in a second
- slightly improve performance of ``black_magic.decorator``. Is now
approximately the same as the performance of the ``decorator`` module.
- convert all ``functools.partial`` to ``black_magic.partial`` with the same
- partial support for ``functools.partial``
- fix ``functools.update_wrapper`` emulation in ``black_magic.decorator.wraps()``
- add ``black_magic.decorator.partial``
- support any callable to be passed to ``ASTorator.decorate``
- convert README to .rst