.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/sbuss/bitmerchant.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/sbuss/bitmerchant
.. image:: http://codecov.io/github/sbuss/bitmerchant/coverage.svg?branch=master
:target: http://codecov.io/github/sbuss/bitmerchant?branch=master
Bitmerchant is a work-in-progress python library for common bitcoin/altcoin
merchant uses.
Bitmerchant currently supports:
.. _BIP32: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki
#. Easy to use BIP32_ wallet for linking user payments with their accounts.
These features are planned (or in development where marked):
#. Regular and M-of-N transactions (under development)
#. A system that monitors the blockchain and sends out a signal when a
payment is received at an address you're tracking.
#. Automatic forwarding transactions
If you find this library useful, please consider a small donation. Donations
will be used to reward developers for bugfixes.
| BTC | Doge |
| 19jSqVd8bpevi3qacBedkAdDqEXtGAn5t7 | DQ4b7RJfoniVwFsnrMJr6vi6n6UFeubdiv |
| |Donate BTC| | |Donate DOGE| |
** **BUG NOTICE** **
Versions of ``bitmerchant`` prior to ``0.1.8`` contained a caching bug that may
have resulted in calls to ``bip32.Wallet.get_child`` to return incorrect results.
The steps to reproduce the bug are unlikely and do not match the typical
usage patterns of ``bitmerchant``.
**At this time, no users are known to have been affected by this bug.**
If you have been affected by this bug and need help recovering any lost or
misplaced coins, please contact me directly at
The affected versions of ``bitmerchant`` have been removed from pypi. They
have not been untagged in git.
The two possible failure scenarios are: misplaced coins and stolen coins
Misplaced Coins
This is still unlikely, but slightly more likely than having your coins stolen.
In order to have misplaced coins as a result of the bug, all of the below
points must be true:
#. Your master private key must be available for your code to load, rather than in a secure offline backup
#. You call ``get_child`` directly, rather than ``create_new_address_for_user``
#. You call ``get_child(n, is_prime=False)`` and ``get_child(n, is_prime=True)``
#. in the same python process
#. on the same wallet object
#. you display the public address of the second ``get_child`` call (in whichever order)
In this case, the bug would have resulted in the first ``get_child``'s address
being shown. You can easily recover these misplaced coins by updating to
``bitmerchant>=0.1.8``, regenerating the address you accidentally sent coins
to, and moving them to a corrected destination. The "deterministic" part of
"hierarchical deterministic wallets" really works to your advantage here.
Stolen Coins
First, it is extremely unlikely that your code met all of the requirements
to be affected by this bug. If you can answer "yes" to every one of the points
below, then you should upgrade to ``bitmerchant>=0.1.8``, generate a new master
private key, and move all coins to the new wallet as soon as possible.
In order to have coins stolen as a result of the bug, all of the below points
must be true:
#. You expose your master public key to the public
#. Your master private key must be available for your code to load, rather than in a secure offline backup
#. You call ``get_child`` directly, rather than ``create_new_address_for_user``
#. You call ``get_child(n, is_prime=False)`` and ``get_child(n, is_prime=True)``
#. in that order
#. in the same python process
#. on the same wallet object
#. with the intention of only giving the prime child to the user
#. You give the public and private keys of child wallets to users
bitmerchant is on pypi_, so just use pip:
.. _pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bitmerchant
.. code-block:: bash
pip install bitmerchant
Then to verify it's working:
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
w = Wallet.from_master_secret("correct horse battery staple")
assert w.to_address() == "1AJ7EDxyRwyGNcL4scXfUU7XqYkmVcwHqe"
BIP32 wallets
BIP32_ wallets are hierarchical deterministic wallets. They allow you to
generate bitcoin/altcoin addresses without exposing your private key to a
potentially insecure server.
To link a user with a new bitcoin address, you just need to provide the user's
ID to the ``create_new_address_for_user`` method:
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
# Create a wallet, and a primary child wallet for your app
my_wallet = Wallet.new_random_wallet()
print(my_wallet.serialize_b58(private=True)) # Write this down or print it out and keep in a secure location
project_0_wallet = my_wallet.get_child(0, is_prime=True)
project_0_public = project_0_wallet.public_copy()
print(project_0_public.serialize_b58(private=False)) # Put this in your app's settings file
# In your app's settings file, declare your public wallet:
WALLET_PUBKEY = "<public output from above>"
# Create a payment address for a user as needed:
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
from myapp.settings import WALLET_PUBKEY
def get_payment_address_for_user(user):
user_id = user.id
assert isinstance(user_id, (int, long))
wallet = Wallet.deserialize(WALLET_PUBKEY)
wallet_for_user = wallet.create_new_address_for_user(user.id)
return wallet_for_user.to_address()
.. _security:
Security warning
BIP32 wallets have a vulnerability/bug that allows an attacker to recover the
master private key when given a master public key and a publicly-derived
private child. In other words:
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
w = Wallet.new_random_wallet()
child = w.get_child(0, is_prime=False) # public derivation of a private child
w_pub = w.public_copy()
master_public_key = w_pub.serialize_b58(private=False)
private_child_key = child.serialize_b58(private=True)
Given ``master_public_key`` and ``private_child_key``, the steps to recover the
secret master private key (``w``) are as simple as a subtraction on the
elliptic curve. This has been implemented as ``Wallet.crack_private_key``,
because if it's possible to do this, then anyone should be able to do it so the
attack is well known:
.. code-block:: python
public_master = Wallet.deserialize(master_public_key)
private_child = Wallet.deserialize(private_child_key)
private_master = public_master.crack_private_key(private_child)
assert private_master == w # :(
This attack can be mitigated by these simple steps:
#. NEVER give out your root master public key.
#. When uploading a master public key to a webserver, always use a prime child
of your master root.
#. Never give out a private child key unless the user you're giving it to
already has control of the parent private key (eg, for user-owned wallets).
Why "always use a prime child of your master root" in step 2? Because prime
children use private derivation, which means they cannot be used to recover the
parent private key (no easier than brute force, anyway).
Create a new wallet
If you haven't created a wallet yet, do so like this:
**IMPORTANT** You must back up your wallet's private key, otherwise you won't
be able to retrieve the coins sent to your public addresses.
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet.new_random_wallet()
# Then back up your private key
private_key = my_wallet.serialize()
# Make sure that you can load your wallet successfully from this key
wallet_test = Wallet.deserialize(private_key)
assert my_wallet == wallet_test
# If that assertion fails then open a ticket!
Note that it's a good idea to supply some extra entropy to `new_random_wallet`
in case your PRNG is compromised. You can accomplish this easily by banging on
the keyboard. Here's an example, yours should be *much* longer:
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
wallet1 = Wallet.new_random_wallet('asdfasdfasdf')
wallet2 = Wallet.new_random_wallet('asdfasdfasdf')
assert(wallet1.get_private_key_hex() != wallet2.get_private_key_hex())
# They're completely different
BIP32 wallets (or hierarchical deterministic wallets) allow you to create child
wallets which can only generate public keys and don't expose a private key to
an insecure server. You should create a new prime child wallet for every
website you run (or a new wallet entirely), and perhaps a new prime child for
each user (though that requires pre-generating a bunch of prime children
offline, since you need the private key). Try to use prime children where
possible (see `security`_).
It's a good idea to create at least *one* prime child wallet for use on your
website. The thinking being that if your website's wallet gets compromised
somehow, you haven't completely lost control because your master wallet is
secured on an offline machine. You can use your master wallet to move any funds
in compromised child wallets to new child wallets and you'll be ok.
Let's generate a new child wallet for your first website!
.. code-block:: python
# Lets assume you're loading a wallet from your safe private key backup
my_wallet = Wallet.deserialize(private_key)
# Create a new, public-only prime child wallet. Since you have the master
# private key, you can recreate this child at any time in the future and don't
# need to securely store its private key.
# Remember to generate this as a prime child! See the security notice above.
child = my_wallet.get_child(0, is_prime=True, as_private=False)
# And lets export this child key
public_key = child.serialize_b58(private=False)
You can store your public key in your app's source code, as long as you never
reveal any private keys. See the `security`_ notice above.
Be aware that if someone gets a hold of your public key then they can generate
all of your subsequent child addresses, which means they'll know exactly how
many coins you have. The attacker cannot spend any coins, however, unless they
are able to recover the private key (see `security`_).
Generating new public addresses
BIP32 wallets allow you to generate public addresses without revealing your
private key. Just pass in the user ID that needs a wallet:
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
from myapp.settings import WALLET_PUBKEY # Created above
master_wallet = Wallet.deserialize(WALLET_PUBKEY)
user_wallet = master_wallet.create_new_address_for_user(user_id)
payment_address = user_wallet.to_address()
This assumes that ``user_id`` is a unique positive integer and does not change
for the life of the user (and is less than 2,147,483,648). Now any payments
received at ``payment_address`` should be credited to the user identified by
Staying secure
Public Keys
Public keys are mostly safe to keep on a public webserver. However, even though
a public key does not allow an attacker to spend any of your coins, you should
still try to protect the public key from hackers or curious eyes. Knowing the
public key allows an attacker to generate all possible child wallets and know
exactly how many coins you have. This isn't terrible, but nobody likes having
their books opened up like this.
As mentioned earlier, knowledge of a master public key and a non-prime private
child of that key is enough to be able to recover the master private key. Never
reveal private keys to users unless they already own the master private parent.
Your master public key can be used to generate a virtually unlimited number of
child public keys. Your users won't pay to your master public key, but instead
you'll use your master public key to generate a new wallet for each user.
Private Keys
You must have the private key to spend any of your coins. If your private key
is stolen then the hacker also has control of all of your coins. With a BIP32
Wallet, generating a new master wallet is one of the only times that you need
to be paranoid (and you're not being paranoid if they really *are* out to get
you). Paranoia here is good because if anyone gets control of your master
wallet they can spend all funds in all child wallets.
You should create your wallet on a computer that is not connected to the
internet. Ideally, this computer will *never* be connected to the internet
after you generate your private key. The safest way to do this is to run Ubuntu
on a livecd, install python and bitmerchant, and generate a new wallet.
Once you generate a new wallet you should write down the private key on a piece
of paper (or print it out ...but can you *really* trust your printer?) and
store it in a secure location.
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install pip
pip install bitmerchant
pip install ipython
# Then launch the ipython shell
Once inside your ipython shell, generate a new wallet:
.. code-block:: python
from bitmerchant.wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet.new_random_wallet()
# Then back up your private key
private_key = my_wallet.serialize()
# Write down this private key.
# Double check it.
# Then shut down the computer without connecting to the internet.
Master private key
Your master private key allows you to spend coins sent to any of your public
addresses. Guard this with your life, and never put it on a computer that's
connected to the internet.
Master private keys must NEVER be put on the internet. They must NEVER be
located on a computer that is even *connected* to the internet. The only key
that should be online is your PUBLIC key. Your private key should be written
down (yes, on paper) and stored in a safe location, or on a computer that is
never connected to the internet.
Security wise, this is the most important part of generating secure public
payment addresses. A master private key is the only way to retrieve the funds
paid to a public address. You can use your master private key to generate the
private keys of any child wallets, and then transfer those to a networked
computer as necessary, if you want slightly smaller surface area for attacks.
Forthcoming versions of bitmerchant will allow you to generate transactions
offline that you can safely transfer to a networked computer, allowing you to
spend your child funds without ever putting a private key on a networked
I'd love for you to contribute to bitmerchant! If you can't write code, then
please open a ticket for feature requests or bugs you find!
If you can code and you'd like to submit a pull request, please be sure to
include tests. This library is quite well tested and I intend to keep coverage
above 95% indefinitely.
Rewards may be given out to developers depending on the severity of bugs
found/patched. The donation addresses mentioned at the top of this document
will be used to fund rewards.
I use tox & travis-ci to test against all python versions >= 2.5. Locally,
you can use the `make test` target, which will only test against python-2.7.
You can, of course, call tox directly:
.. code-block:: bash
make setup
tox -e py34
tox -- tests.test_bip32:TestWallet
Note that the full test suite on py-{2.5..3.4} takes about 5 minutes to run.
pypy and pypy3 are considerably slower at about 25 minutes, due to unoptimized
crypto operations.
.. _PACKAGING: https://raw.github.com/sbuss/bitmerchant/master/PACKAGING.md
.. |Donate BTC| image:: https://raw.github.com/sbuss/bitmerchant/master/media/donation_btc_qr_code.gif
.. |Donate DOGE| image:: https://raw.github.com/sbuss/bitmerchant/master/media/donation_doge_qr_code.gif