# binsmooth
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Python implementation of "[Better Estimates from Binned Income Data][1]"
Better Estimates from Binned Income Data: Interpolated CDFs and Mean-Matching
Paul T. von Hippel, David J. Hunter, McKalie Drown
Sociological Science
Volume 4, Number 26, Pages 641-655
Originally implemented in the R package [`binsmooth`][2].
## Usage
from binsmooth import BinSmooth
bin_edges = np.array([0, 18200, 37000, 87000, 180000])
counts = np.array([0, 7527, 13797, 75481, 50646, 803])
bs = BinSmooth()
bs.fit(bin_edges, counts)
# Print median estimate
## Installation
Install via pip
pip install binsmooth
pypi page [https://pypi.org/project/binsmooth/](https://pypi.org/project/binsmooth/)
## Improvements
**Better tail estimate** by bounded optimisation rather than the adhoc search
method found in the R implementation.
**More precise inverse CDF** by dynamically sampling the CDF. This is done
by sampling proportional to the steepness of the CDF i.e. sampling more
in areas where the CDF is steeper.
## Warnings
**Results** may not exactly match R `binsmooth` because of:
1. a different approach to estimating the tail (upper bound) and
2. differences in the spline interpolation method
This implementation uses scipy's `PchipInterpolator` which implements \[1\],
while the default interpolator in the R implementation is \[2\]. The interpolator
in the R implementation can be changed to \[1\] by setting `monoMethod="monoH.FC"`.
**Accuracy** is dependent on the mean of the distribution. If you do
not supply a mean, then one will be estimated in an adhoc manner and the accuracy
of estimates may be poor.
## References
\[1\]: Fritsch, F. N. and Carlson, R. E. (1980). [Monotone piecewise cubic interpolation][3]. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
\[2\]: Hyman, J. M. (1983). [Accurate monotonicity preserving cubic interpolation][4]. SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing
[1]: https://sociologicalscience.com/download/vol-4/november/SocSci_v4_641to655.pdf
[2]: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/binsmooth/
[3]: http://www.ams.sunysb.edu/~jiao/teaching/ams527_spring13/lectures/SNA000238.pdf
[4]: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/5328033