# PyBinaryReader
A python module for basic binary file IO.
This is something I wrote to use in my personal projects, but feel free to use it if you like!
# Installation
`pip install binary-reader`
# Usage
from binary_reader import BinaryReader
Here is some example usage on creating and using a BinaryReader to read a small part of the DDS header:
f = open("example.dds", "rb") # Open a file in binary mode
reader = BinaryReader(f.read()) # Create a new BinaryReader from the file buffer (we can close the file afterwards)
# Read the magic as a UTF-8 encoded string and compare it to the correct magic
if reader.read_str(4) != 'DDS ':
raise Exception('Incorrect magic.')
size = reader.read_uint32() # Read the next 4 bytes as an unsigned 32-bit integer
Another example on using BinaryReader features to navigate through a buffer:
some_offset = reader.read_uint32() # Read an offset that we want to move to
prev_pos = reader.pos() # Store the current position so we can return back later
reader.seek(some_offset) # Set the current position in the file to that offset
vector = reader.read_float(3) # Read 3 consecutive 32-bit floats, return them as a tuple
reader.seek(prev_pos) # Go back to the previous position
reader.seek(4, whence=1) # In addition to absolute seeking, we can also seek relative to the current position...
reader.seek(0, whence=2) # And relative to the end of the buffer. This will set the position to be the last index in the buffer
In addition to reading, you can also write to a new buffer:
writer = BinaryReader() # Create a new BinaryReader (bytearray buffer is initialized automatically)
writer.set_endian(is_big_endian=True) # Set the endianness to big endian
writer.align(0x10) # Align the buffer to 0x10 (in this case, will append 8 bytes to the buffer)
writer.pad(0xF0) # Add 0xF0 bytes of padding
print(writer.size()) # This should print 256 (0x100)
# Write the buffer to a new file
with open('examplefile', 'wb') as f:
These are the types that can be used with BinaryReader. Just add `read_` or `write_` before the type to get the method name:
uint8, int8,
uint16, int16, half_float
uint32, int32, float
uint64, int64,
bytes, str
# License
This project uses the MIT License, so feel free to include it in whatever you want.