# binanceSpotEasyT
- easyT,
- easyTo trade,
- easyTo use!
Now that I have your attention I would like you to reflect about the fact that **$1.00 Dollar** might be **not**
that **much** to you, but **you, an incredible person**, combined to other's **amazing Sponsors**, can **finance** this
project, and it will **allows me** to constantly **improve and maintain** it, **and, I am not asking that much**.
Here is my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/joaopeuko) link.
- _Yeah, I would like to do that, but I do not have that kind of money._
That is Ok, and, there are many ways you can help me, here is a list:
- **Star** this project on GitHub.
- **Share** this project.
- **Open an account with Binance referral link**:
- When you open an account on Binance you help me when you trade!
- Some of your tax paid returns for you and part goes for me.
- Below you can see the percentage cash back for me and for you, and you trade:
|For me | For you | Link|
|:--------| :----: | ---:|
| 10%| 10% | https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=IBNF8RAW |
| 15%| 5% | https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=D11OJ6NP |
| 20%| 0% | https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=SAUNZ26X |
- You can find more information about the **Binance** referral link [here](https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/88659d2ea54c40cf82a22400207ffe30)
- And, there are **Ads** in all the documentations, that hopefully, will help me finance this project.
# Installation:
Keep in mind that it will **only work on Windows**.
pip install binanceSpotEasyT
If you want to know **how to use** and **examples**, please, see the link to the **documentation** below.
All the information will be there.
# Libraries Documentation
All the Libraries Documentation and useful links are linked below:
- easyT
- binanceSpotEasyT - [Documentation](https://joaopeuko.github.io/binanceSpotEasyT/) - [GitHub](https://github.com/Joaopeuko/binanceSpotEasyT) - [Pypi](https://pypi.org/project/binanceSpotEasyT/)
- metatrader5EasyT - [Documentation](https://joaopeuko.github.io/metatrader5EasyT/) - [GitHub](https://github.com/Joaopeuko/metatrader5EasyT) - [Pypi](https://pypi.org/project/metatrader5EasyT/)
- Mql5-Python-Integration - [GitHub](https://joaopeuko.github.io/Mql5-Python-Integration/)
The documentation for this specific project is this one [binanceSpotEasyT](https://joaopeuko.github.io/binanceSpotEasyT/).
See my page ([Joao Paulo Euko](https://joaopeuko.github.io/)) to see all my projects or for more information.