Bika Health LIS
Bika Laboratory Information Management System customised for use in Health laboratories.
v3.1.8 (2015-11-03)
`Version notes and documentation <https://github.com/bikalabs/bika.health/wiki/Bika-Health-3.1.8>`_
`Naringenin <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naringenin>`_ is a flavanone, a typeof flavonoid, that is considered to have a bioactive effect on human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, carbohydrate metabolism promoter, and immune system modulator. It is the predominant flavanone in grapefruit.
Installation and upgrades
Bika Health can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD and other platforms:
Bika Health LIS 3.1.8 is compatible from Bika LIMS 3.1.9 up to Bika LIMS 3.2. Follow the instructions `Installing Bika Health Extension <https://github.com/bikalabs/bika.health/wiki/Installing-Bika-Health-Extension>`_
You might also find useful the following recipes:
- Installing Bika LIMS: https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/wiki/Bika-LIMS-Installation
- Installing Plone: https://plone.org/documentation/manual/installing-plone
- Installing Plone add-ons: https://plone.org/documentation/kb/installing-add-ons-quick-how-to
- Bika Health Wiki: http://github.com/bikalabs/bika.health/wiki
- Bika LIMS User Manual: http://demo.bikalabs.com/knowledge-centre/manual/bika-3-user-manual
- Bika LIMS Wiki: http://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/wiki
Feedback and support
If you have questions, please post to one of our mailing lists:
- Bika Health Users: http://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/bika-health
- Bika LIMS Users: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bika-users
- LIMS design: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#%21forum/bika-design
- Developers: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bika-developers
Please log issues, feature requests, or bug reports in the `Issue tracker <http://jira.bikalabs.com/>`_
Professional services and support
* `Naralabs <http://naralabs.com>`_
* `Bika Lab <Systems http://bikalabs.com>`_
3.1.8 (2015-11-03)
- HEALTH-301: Use newer version of Health flow diagram in next release
- HEALTH-281: Error in Bika Setup › Insurance Companies > Invoices
- HEALTH-305: Having invoices
- HEALTH-370: Worksheet architecture has changed in LIMS
- HEALTH-269: Analysis Request Add compatibility with LIMS 3.1.9
- HEALTH-273: Error upgrading to 317
- HEALTH-270: Error while importing patient with "yearinprefix" disabled
- HEALTH-271: Analysis request invoice view broken
- HEALTH-266: View error on invoice from analysis request
- HEALTH-258: Add "File attachment" on Patient
- Plus `Bika-LIMS 3.1.9 <https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/wiki/Bika-LIMS-3.1.9>`_
3.1.7 (2015-06-09)
- HEALTH-245: Set-up data load. Patient ID conversion, alternatives
- HEALTH-227: Converting Patient IDs before import
- HEALTH-228: Load Setup data bugs
- HEALTH-140: AR Create per path lab standard form
- HEALTH-251: Add guarantor details in insurance companies
- Plus `Bika-LIMS 3.1.8 <https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/wiki/Bika-LIMS-3.1.8>`_
3.1.6 (2015-02-27)
- HEALTH-223: When you are adding a doctor through an overlay (add doctor button in cases), the address widgets don't work properly.
- HEALTH-215: Correct Navigation tree order
- HEALTH-191: Client Contact permissions
- HEALTH-137: Medical Insurance for Patients. Alternative invoice workflow
- HEALTH-204: Doctor Samples view broken
- HEALTH-200: Additional picklists don't work when creating Patients directly from the Case's view
- HEALTH-136: [+ Add] Patient button on AR Create form.
- HEALTH-179: "Copy to new" button in AR, doesn't copy the selected data.
- HEALTH-197: Health's results report error.
- HEALTH-204: Batch.samples error loading page
- HEALTH-177: Past Medical History and Drug History's end date selection error.
- HEALTH-178: Past Medical History, Travell History and Immunization History data: Impossible to remove the last set of data.
- HEALTH-208: Incompatibilty with new Bika LIMS' add site templates
- HEALTH-197: Health's results report error
- HEALTH-189: Patient Edit page: After define a country, it is not saved.
- HEALTH-184: Add Case: Patient Age at Case Onset Date doesn't get filled after introduce the Onset Date.
- Plus `Bika-LIMS 3.1.7 <https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/wiki/Bika-LIMS-3.1.7>`_
3.1.5 (2014-10-10)
- HEALTH-176: Cannot choose a drug from the dropdown list on Patient->allergies
- HEALTH-174: Unable to add an AR to a Case (missing Client)
- HEALTH-163: Cannot be chosen Immunisation items from dropdown list.
- HEALTH-162: Cannot choose Drug Prohibition Explanation
- HEALTH-169: Analyst can't see Samples site, Admin can.
- HEALTH-168: Diagnosis ICD widget does not complete from Code, Description
- HEALTH-161: In Add Patient, after introducing the Birth Date, the patient's age don't get filled automatically.
- HEALTH-157: Patient field is missing in AR add views
- HEALTH-150: Compatibility with the new JS loader machinery
- HEALTH-164: Editing a patient, location not have to be important on Travel History field
- HEALTH-166: "Patient Age at Case Onset Date" in Add Case cannot be filled
- HEALTH-172: Anything is displayed on drugs list
- HEALTH-173: ImmunizationHistory cannot save data
- HEALTH-149: Compatibility with the new Bika LIMS reporting subsystem
- HEALTH-152: Upgrade the test data worksheet
- HEALTH-145: Health icons not used. And 1 more
- HEALTH-152: Upgrade the test data worksheet
- Plus Bika-LIMS 3.1.5: http://git.io/ogjDuQ (2014-08-05)
- HEALTH-144: Set up data: Identifier Types NameError: global name '_id' is not defined
- HEALTH-143: Can not create site
3.1.2 (2014-07-25)
- HEALTH-104: Health Setup data failures
- HEALTH-28: Health load setup data. Drugs and Treatments did not import
- HEALTH-105: Case syndromic classifications site eror in setup
- HEALTH-93: AR. Updating Info portion
- HEALTH-27: AR Create. Copying Patient fields across does not autocomplete corresponding Name or ID
- Plus Bika-LIMS 3.1.2 and 3.1.3: http://git.io/MWb4dQ
3.1.1 (2014-07-11)
- HEALTH-122: Client contact cannot open Client page/AR page blank
- HEALTH-92: Display Patients tab inside Referral Institution (Client)
- HEALTH-109: Manually adding symptoms saving but remaining on the same page
- HEALTH-124: Client contact can access doctors and patients of other clients
- HEALTH-121: Client contact gets Insufficient Privileges upon login
- HEALTH-133: Case creation: Basal body temperature fields accepting values way out of range
- HEALTH-106: Mimetype text/plain is not allowed in Drug edit view
- HEALTH-73: Current and Historic results in PDF sorted in the same order
- HEALTH-61: Sort Symptoms table on gender
- HEALTH-23: No drugs listed in Drugs folder
- Hyperlinks to Analysis Requests in Patient's Historic Results
3.1 Naringenin (2014-06-04)
- Inherits all features from Bika LIMS release/3.1
- Customisations towards CLIA compliance
- Incorrect published results invalidation workflow
- Regulatory Inspector role
- Tighter Patient privacy restrictions
- Life Threat Alert
- Public Results specifications
- Results reports inclusion of relevant QC results
- Patient results history graphs
- Simplified Clinical Case sections for Signs and Symptoms, Patient Condition
- Stream-lined anonymous Patient workflow
0.1 - 2012-12-31
- Create separate product from the Bika-LIMS/health branch.
Authors and maintainers
- Bika Lab Systems, http://bikalabs.com
- Naralabs, http://naralabs.com