# biisan
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biisan is a static site generator that can write documents in [reStructuredText](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html).
## Feature
- Convert the structure of reStructuredText to the structure of object, and output to html with jinja2 template for each [Directives](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/cheatsheet.txt) of reStructuredText
- The default template is attached for the directives supported by biisan, but the template to be used can be replaced if the search destination is set in the configuration
- The conversion processor from directive to object can also replace any processor by setting
- The processing of the directive which is not supported is also possible by the same mechanism as replacement.
- Easy definition of new directives
- The process of converting the structure of reStructuredText to an object is performed in parallel in multiprocessing
## quick start
### Installation
It can be installed with pip. Since dependent libraries are also installed at the same time, you may want to create and install a virtual environment using venv if you want to be able to erase them cleanly.
$ pip install biisan
### Initialize
Generate the basic structure of biisan and configuration file. There is a folder called `biisan_data` under the folder you have run.
Answer `blog title`, `base URL`, `language code` as it is asked. You can change it later in the configuration file.
$ python -m biisan.main
? What's your blog title blog title
? input your blog base url. like https://www.tsuyukimakoto.com http:localhost
? input your blog language like ja en
Always set environment variable BIISAN_SETTINGS_MODULE to biisan_local_settings like bellow.
$ export BIISAN_SETTINGS_MODULE=biisan_local_settings
Finally, the environment variables required whenever using biisan are output. It is an environment variable that is always required when using biisan.
It is a setting framework setting of [glueplate](https://pypi.org/project/glueplate/).
### First Entry
Let's check the contents of the generated folder.
$ cd biisan_data
$ tree
├── data
│ ├── biisan_local_settings.py
│ ├── blog
│ ├── extra
│ │ └── about.rst
│ └── templates
└── out
Inside the `biisan_data` folder there are two folders, `data` and `out`.
- data
- biisan_local_settings.py
setting file. It has been added to or overwritten in the [Original file settings](https://github.com/tsuyukimakoto/biisan/blob/master/biisan/biisan_settings.py) settings.
- blog
Put the reStructuredText file in this. It is good to make a folder so that it is easy to organize. The folder structure in the blog folder has nothing to do with the path of the output URL.
- extra
Put the file if you want to create a separate page from the date based entry. about is set by default.
When newly added, add the definition of GLUE_PLATE_PLUS_BEFORE_extra to the setting file (data/biisan_local_settings.py).
For example, if you put the file imusing.rst, define `GLUE_PLATE_PLUS_BEFORE_extra` in `data/biisan_local_settings.py` as follows.
# Omitted
settings = _(
# 省略
multiprocess = 8,
This is how glueplate works, ['imusing' before the `extra` setting in the [original file settings file](https://github.com/tsuyukimakoto/biisan/blob/master/biisan/biisan_settings.py) ',] Is added.
See also [Actual setting](https://github.com/tsuyukimakoto/tsuyukimakoto.com/blob/master/data/biisan_local_settings.py#L19).
- templates
Put the template you want to overwrite. Like `GLUE_PLATE_PLUS_BEFORE_extra`, `GLUE_PLATE_PLUS_BEFORE_template_dirs` is defined in the configuration file, so first we will start looking for template files in this folder.
- out
Html is output statically in this folder.
### This is the first entry
Let's save as `my_first_entry.rst` in `data/blog` as follows. The file name may be anything before the file extension, as long as the extension is .rst.
Is the first entry
:slug: my_first_biisan_entry
:date: 2019-05-05 13:00
:author: Your name
Hello! world!
### Build
The operation is done in the `data` directory (in biisan_data/data).
$ python -m biisan.generate
If you get an error like the following, it is because you have not set the environment variable displayed at the time of initialization.
Traceback (most recent call last):
If you have not set the environment variable, try setting again and executing the command again.
$ export BIISAN_SETTINGS_MODULE=biisan_local_settings
$ python -m biisan.generate
If you get the following error, the folder where you are executing the command is wrong. Let's execute it in `biisan_data/data`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'biisan_local_settings'
If it works, the output is as follows, so let's open it in a browser.
$ python -m biisan.generate
BIISAN 0.3.0
The URL is composed of `date` and `slug` described in the entry. At this point, the data folder and the out folder are as follows.
├── data
│ ├── __pycache__
│ │ └── biisan_local_settings.cpython-37.pyc
│ ├── biisan_local_settings.py
│ ├── blog
│ │ └── my_first_entry.rst
│ ├── extra
│ │ └── about.rst
│ └── templates
└── out
├── about
│ └── index.html
├── api
│ ├── feed
│ │ └── index.xml
│ └── google_sitemaps
│ └── index.xml
├── blog
│ ├── 2019
│ │ └── 05
│ │ ├── 05
│ │ │ └── my_first_biisan_entry
│ │ │ └── index.html
│ │ └── index.html
│ └── index.html
└── index.html
Although the file name is index.html, it is assumed that it can be omitted by specifying the directory index of the Web server.
For example, `https://www.tsuyukimakoto.com/about/` should be set to return index.html if the file name is omitted.
The entry path is created based on `slug` and `date` described in the entry rst file.
:slug: my_first_biisan_entry
:date: 2019-05-05 13:00
## template
A template is provided for each directive. Put templates in the templates folder if you want to change the style etc.
[Default template](https://github.com/tsuyukimakoto/biisan/tree/master/biisan/templates) and [real project template](https://github.com/tsuyukimakoto/tsuyukimakoto.com/tree/master/data/templates).
## Deploy
Deploy the contents of out to an appropriate server. Don't forget to specify the directory index.