# bifrost-common
A library of commonly used functions to interact with BIFROST. Useful for module developers.
## Installation
pip install bifrost-common-py
## Components
### Log
A module to print nice logging information to the console and, optionally, to files.
from bifrost_common_py.Log import Log
log = Log('myComponent', 'myApplication', options={'maxLogFileSize':1e4, 'enableLogFiles':True})
log.write(`Abandon ship`, Log.WARNING)
log.write(`Run like hell`, Log.INFO)
Log levels are `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `FAILURE`
Allowed `options` are:
- `enableLogFiles` (default: `false`): log to files as well as the console
- `logDir` (default: `log`): the log file directory (will be created as necessary)
- `maxLogFileSize` (default: `0`): maximum byte size of the log files, after which a new file will be started, default =`0` never rollover
- `maxArchiveSize`(default: 5): maximum number of log files to keep
### time
Some useful operations involving time, mostly for formatting `Log` output.
### idOfRef
Resolve the ID contained in an object. If no 'id' field is found in the
object pointed to with `ref`, the last part of the reference is returned instead.
from bifrost_common_py.idOfRef import idOfRef
print(idOfRef({ 'A': { 'id': '1' }}, '/A')) // '1'
### tokens
An object collecting string tokens commonly used in the BIFROST state.
import bifrost_common_py.tokens as tokens
print(tokens.tkId) // "id"
### select
Selectors returning fully-qualified JSON paths into the BIFROST state.
import bifrost_common_py.pathSelectors as select
print(select.meta()) # "/meta"
print(select.dynamicId('DYNAMIC-1')) # "/dynamics/byId/DYNAMIC-1"
print(select.eventParentRef('EVENT-1')) # "/events/byId/EVENT-1/parentRef"
### safepointer
A wrapper that allows to specify default values if paths can not be resolved. This is best used in conjunction with `select` and a copy of the BIFROST state.
#### API
import bifrost_common_py.safepointer
##### .has(obj, path)
Determine whether the fully-qualified JSON pointer `path` points to something in `obj`.
safepointer.has({ 'A': { 'B': 1} }, '/A/B') # true
safepointer.has({ 'A': { 'B': 1} }, '/A/C') # false
##### .get(obj, path, def = null)
Resolve `path` against `obj`. If the path does not exist, `def` is returned instead.
safepointer.get({ 'A': { 'B': 1} }, '/A/B', 0) # 1
safepointer.get({ 'A': { 'B': 1} }, '/A/C', 0) # 0
import bifrost_common_py.pathSelectors as select
safepointer.get(state, select.meta(), {}) // { id: ... }
### SelectFrom
A declarative state selection library. Use this to select elements from the BIFROST state or from module subscription data.
from bifrost_common_py.SelectFrom import SelectFrom
SelectFrom(subs, state).allEntries().withParentOfType('WEATHER').asValueMap()