**biblib** is a (pure) python library that provides several useful classes, methods and functions to work with
BibTeX bibliographic data within your python scripts.
The idea is to enabling you to prepare *your own tools*, which are specifically tailored
to *your own literature investigation scheme*, comfortably.
Usage example
The following code will read the file into a db, fetch an entry by its DOI and save the db to a new file:
.. code-block:: py
import biblib
# open file as filedb in read only mode
fileDb = biblib.FileBibDB('bibtex.bib', mode='r')
# open file as db read/write mode,
# no LaTeX encoding of unicode character
newFileDb = biblib.FileBibDB('new.bib', encode=False)
# add fileDb entries to newFileDb
# access an entry object refered by its cite-key
entry = newFileDb['JCP-127-234509']
> 2007
# init doi db
doiDb = biblib.DoiBibDB()
# retrieve bibliographic meta data by DOI
entry = doiDb['10.1088/0959-5309/43/5/301']
# add new entries to database
# or this way to set a specific cite-key
# newFileDb['MY_CITE_KEY'] = entry1
If you don't use biblib in a bigger context (i.e. from the command line) you can use the helper functions for the fast and easy way:
.. code-block:: py
from biblib import db_from_file, entry_from_doi, db_to_file
db = db_from_file('bibtex.bib')
entry = entry_from_doi('10.1088/0959-5309/43/5/301')
db_to_file(db, 'new.bib', encode=False)
* Python 2.7, 3.3+
* `pybtex`_ for BibTeX parsing
* `isbnlib`_ for retrieving citation entries via ISBN number
* `python-magic`_ for detecting character encoding
* `unidecode`_ for robust generation of citation-keys
You can install the latest version from the `Python package index`_.
From the command line, enter (in some cases you have to precede the command with **sudo**):
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install biblib
More information about the usage and how to get and install ``pip`` you find in the `PIP documentation`_.
To install it manual, `download`_ the archive, unpack it, and type
(in some cases you have to precede the command with **sudo**):
.. code-block:: bash
$ python setup.py install
Documentation including installation procedure, tutorial and API:
Thanks to `Jackalope`_ for his support while planing and designing *biblib*,
and for his contribution of the *Storage* concept.
.. _Python package index: https://pypi.python.org/pypi
.. _download: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/biblib
.. _isbnlib: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/isbnlib
.. _python-magic: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-magic
.. _Jackalope: http://www.jackalope.eu
.. _pybtex: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pybtex
.. _unidecode: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode
.. _PIP documentation: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/#