Bib Cleaner
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Bib Cleaner removes unnecessary entries from your bib files. Documentation @ https://bib-cleaner.readthedocs.io.
Use case
1. You have been writing a TeX document for a while, and adding citation entries to your ``.bib`` file (say it's called ``master.bib``).
2. In the course of writing, some entries in your ``master.bib`` have become obsolete. You don't use them in your TeX document anymore.
3. Of course, LaTeX compiles quite happily with these extra entries.
4. You take a step back, sip some coffee, go for a walk, all the while pondering "Man, I wish I could just `remove` those extra bib entries". You yearn for a world where all ``.bib`` files everywhere carry only what they have to, and no more.
I gotchu. Enter ``bib_cleaner``.
This should work::
$ pip install bib_cleaner
Verify if it installed by typing the following in the command-line::
$ bib_cleaner -h
You should see the help::
usage: bib_cleaner [-h] [-t TEXFILES [TEXFILES ...]] [-o OUTPUTBIB] masterfile
Produce a minimal bib file with only the entries found in your .tex file(s)
positional arguments:
masterfile master bib file with used and unused citations (.bib)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
content files to select entries from (.tex)
output file name with extension
After installation, navigate to your TeX directory try::
$ bib_cleaner master.bib
Of course, replace ``master.bib`` with the name of your bib file with obsolete bib entries. ``bib_cleaner`` will automatically detect all the TeX files (``.tex``) in that directory and use them to determine which bib entries are obsolete.
Specify TeX files
If you only want to use some TeX files, specify them with::
$ bib_cleaner master.bib --texfiles chapter1.tex chapter2.tex
$ bib_cleaner master.bib -t chapter1.tex chapter2.tex
Specify output file name
If you want to change the output bib file name from the default ``new.bib``, do::
$ bib_cleaner master.bib -t chapter1.tex --outputbib chapter1.bib
$ bib_cleaner master.bib -t chapter1.tex -o chapter1.bib
* Remove typically unused lines from ``.bib`` files (like ``file = {...}`` or ``abstract = {...}``)
* Detect and remove bib entries with identical tags / raise conflict
* Add tests for the command-line interface
This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the `audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`_ project template.
.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _`audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
0.3.0 (2019-12-20)
* Option to store output in ``new.bib``
* Intro and examples to ``README.rst``
0.2.1 (2019-12-20)
* ``get_minimal_bibs`` function.
* tests for ``tex_to_tags`` and ``get_minimal_bibs``.
* Documentation builds.
* Deploy from Travis.
* Support for ``Python 3.5`` (no f-string support)
0.1.0 (2019-12-16)
* First release on PyPI.