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An automatic differentiation library for generalized meta-learning and multilevel optimization<br>
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<a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.02849">Paper</a> |
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pip install betty-ml
## Introduction
Betty is a [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org) library for generalized meta-learning (GML)
and multilevel optimization (MLO) that allows a **simple** and **modular**
programming interface for a number of **large-scale** applications including
[hyperparameter optimization](examples/logistic_regression_hpo/),
[neural architecture search](examples/neural_architecture_search/),
[data reweighting](examples/learning_to_reweight/), and many more.
With Betty, users simply need to do two things to implement any GML/MLO programs:
1. Define each level's optimization problem using the [Problem](#problem) class.
2. Define the hierarchical problem structure using the [Engine](#engine) class.
## Quick Start
### Problem
#### Basics
Each level problem can be defined with seven components: (1) module, (2) optimizer, (3)
data loader, (4) loss function, (5) problem configuration, (6) name, and (7) other
optional components (e.g. learning rate scheduler). The loss function (4) can be
defined via the `training_step` method, while all other components can be provided
through the class constructor. For example, an image classification problem can be
defined as follows:
from betty.problems import ImplicitProblem
from betty.configs import Config
# set up module, optimizer, data loader (i.e. (1)-(3))
cls_module, cls_optimizer, cls_data_loader = setup_classification()
class Classifier(ImplicitProblem):
# set up loss function
def training_step(self, batch):
inputs, labels = batch
outputs = self.module(inputs)
loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, labels)
return loss
# set up problem configuration
cls_config = Config(type='darts', unroll_steps=1, log_step=100)
# Classifier problem class instantiation
cls_prob = Classifier(name='classifier',
#### Interactions between problems
In GML/MLO, each problem will often need to access modules from other problems to
define its loss function. This can be achieved by using the `name` attribute as
class HPO(ImplicitProblem):
def training_step(self, batch):
# set up hyperparameter optimization loss
# HPO problem class instantiation
hpo_prob = HPO(name='hpo', module=...)
class Classifier(ImplicitProblem):
def training_step(self, batch):
inputs, labels = batch
outputs = self.module(inputs)
loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, labels)
accessing weight decay hyperparameter from another
problem HPO can be achieved by its name 'hpo'
weight_decay = self.hpo()
reg_loss = weight_decay * sum(
[p.norm().pow(2) for p in self.module.parameters()]
return loss + reg_loss
cls_prob = Classifier(name='classifier', module=...)
### Engine
#### Basics
The `Engine` class handles the hierarchical dependencies between problems. In GML/MLO,
there are two types of dependencies: upper-to-lower (`u2l`) and lower-to-upper (`l2u`).
Both types of dependencies can be defined with a Python dictionary, where the key is
the starting node and the value is the list of destination nodes.
from betty import Engine
from betty.configs import EngineConfig
# set up all involved problems
problems = [cls_prob, hpo_prob]
# set up upper-to-lower and lower-to-upper dependencies
u2l = {hpo_prob: [cls_prob]}
l2u = {cls_prob: [hpo_prob]}
dependencies = {'u2l': u2l, 'l2u': l2u}
# set up Engine configuration
engine_config = EngineConfig(train_iters=10000, valid_step=100)
# instantiate Engine class
engine = Engine(problems=problems,
# execute multilevel optimization
Since `Engine` manages the whole GML/MLO program, you can also perform a global validation
stage within it. All problems that comprise the GML/MLO program can again be accessed with
their names.
class HPOEngine(Engine):
# set up global validation
def validation(self):
loss = 0
for inputs, labels in test_loader:
outputs = self.classifer(inputs)
loss += F.cross_entropy(outputs, targets)
# Returned dict will be automatically logged after each validation
return {'loss': loss}
engine = HPOEngine(problems=problems,
Once we define all optimization problems and the hierarchical dependencies between them
with, respectively, the `Problem` class and the `Engine` class, all complicated internal
mechanisms of GML/MLO such as gradient calculation and optimization execution order will
be handled by Betty. For more details and advanced features, users can check out our
[Documentation](https://leopard-ai.github.io/betty/) and
Happy multilevel optimization programming!
## Applications
We provide reference implementations of several GML/MLO applications, including:
- [Hyperparameter Optimization](examples/logistic_regression_hpo/)
- [Neural Architecture Search](examples/neural_architecture_search/)
- [Data Reweighting](examples/learning_to_reweight/)
- [Domain Adaptation for Pretraining & Finetuning](examples/learning_by_ignoring/)
- [(Implicit) Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning](examples/implicit_maml)
While each of the above examples traditionally has a distinct implementation style, note
that our implementations share the same code structure thanks to Betty. More examples
are on the way!
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<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leopard-ai/betty/main/docs/_static/imgs/mlo.png" alt="" width="100%" align="top">
## Features
### Gradient Approximation Methods
- Implicit Differentiation
- Finite Difference (or T1-T2) ([DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search](https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.09055))
- Neumann Series ([Optimizing Millions of Hyperparameters by Implicit Differentiation](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v108/lorraine20a/lorraine20a.pdf))
- Conjugate Gradient ([Meta-Learning with Implicit Gradients](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2019/file/072b030ba126b2f4b2374f342be9ed44-Paper.pdf))
- Iterative Differentiation
- Reverse-mode Automatic Differentiation ([Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.03400))
### Training
- Gradient accumulation
- FP16 training
- Distributed data-parallel training
- Gradient clipping
### Logging
- [(PyTorch) TensorBoard](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/tensorboard.html)
- [wandb](https://github.com/wandb/client)
## Contributing
We welcome contributions from the community! Please see our [contributing
guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on how to contribute to Betty.
## Citation
If you use Betty in your research, please cite [our
paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.02849) with the following Bibtex entry.
title={Betty: An Automatic Differentiation Library for Multilevel Optimization},
author={Choe, Sang Keun and Neiswanger, Willie and Xie, Pengtao and Xing, Eric},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.02849},
## License
Betty is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE).