.. contents:: Table of Contents
This package contains support for managing and monitoring nodes
in a cluster. When deploying changes to a zope cluster, it is necessary to
proceed linearly across all nodes. Each node should be taken
out of service prior to any service disruption. Load balancers
typically use a configurable http health-check, and if that health
check fails enough times in a certain window, the node is taken
out of service. [ this is how varnish works ]. Before deploying
changes, we simulate a service disruption on the node, causing the
load balancer to take it out of service.
This package contains a "health status" object which the load
balancers call for health checks. We can inform the health status
object that a node is to be taken out of service. It will then
report the node as down (returning an error for the health check),
and the load balancer will take it out of service.
Because a load balancer may not send enough information to the backend zope
node to enable it to effectively determine which node it is (sounds odd, right?),
nodes need to be manually entered via the ZMI manage screen. On the same
screen, these nodes can be marked as offline.
Add bethel.clustermgmt to the eggs and zcml lists in the [instance] part of
buildout.cfg, then rerun buildout.
This package uses silva.core functionality to register itself with the zope
infrastructure. As such it is listed as an extension in the Silva extension
service. It does not need activation in order to be used.
A 'Cluster Health Reporter' can now be found in the 'add' list in the ZMI.
The management screen for a cluster health reporter has two sections. The
first is the list of nodes, and the second provides an interface for taking
nodes offline.
List of Nodes
Enter the list of nodes in the cluster, one per line. This does not need to
be the fqdn of the node, but each node does need a unique entry.
Offline Nodes
The list of nodes is represented here with checkboxes. A node is out of
offline (out of service) if it's box is checked. To manually change
the service status of an node (putting it online, taking it offline), check or
uncheck the box for that node and click "Save Offline Nodes".
Use for Monitoring
The load balancer should be configured to query the health status object.
If the zope node fails, the health status check will return a system error, or
return no response at all (hang). The load balancer will then automatically
take the node out of service.
Upon recovery the health status checks will succeed, and the load balancer
will automatically bring the node back into service.
Load Balancer configuration (varnish)
Configuring Varnish as a load balancer, and leveraging this health reporter is
easy. Let's assume the following:
1. there are two nodes in your cluster, and
2. the cluster health reporter is located at /health
Add a director for these two nodes in the varnish VCL file::
director zope random {
.backend = {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
.first_byte_timeout = 30s;
.weight = 1;
.backend = {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
.first_byte_timeout = 30s;
.weight = 1;
A health check is called a "probe" in VCL. Adding a probe to each backend,
the VCL now looks like::
director silva23 random {
.backend = {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
.first_byte_timeout = 30s;
.probe = {
.url = "/health?node=node1";
.timeout = 0.3 s;
.window = 8;
.threshold = 3;
.initial = 3;
.weight = 1;
.backend = {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
.first_byte_timeout = 30s;
.probe = {
.url = "/health?node=node2";
.timeout = 0.3 s;
.window = 8;
.threshold = 3;
.initial = 3;
.weight = 1;
See the `varnish configuration <>`_ for more information.
Use for Deployments
Using a health status object, rather than an arbitrary web page, for the
load balancers health check makes it useful for automatic service removal
during system deployments.
The node can me marked as 'out of service' via the ZMI, or using REST.
The REST approach is useful for automated deployment scripts.
Automated deployments
This object also responds to REST requests to adjust the service status.
Using this method, automated deployment scripts (e.g. using fabric)
can take nodes out of service before deploying updates.
Access to the REST API calls are protected using the ''
permission. To access the api calls, the request needs to be authenticated as
a manager, or as a user in a role granting this permission.
The REST api has two methods.
1) Get the status of all nodes (HTTP GET)::
Returns a json-formatted dictionary of all nodes, and their status (either
online or offline), like this::
{nodeA: {status: offline}, nodeB: {status: online}}
2) Alter the status of one or more nodes (HTTP POST)::
POST data instructs the reporter on the new status for the given nodes. Due to's lack of support for accepting json payloads, the json input is
passed in via a POST parameter named "change". See the unittests for more info.
The input format is the same the the output from ++rest++nodestatus.
Use in Fabric
A simple python function can trigger a status change for a node. This in turn
can be converted into a fabric task. The following is the fabric task we use
at Bethel for changing the service status of a node::
env.roledefs = {
'prod': ['', ''],
'dev': ['']
env.buildout_root = "/home/zope/silva23/buildout"
def alter_service_status(newstatus):
#alter the service status of a zope node,
#either putting online or offline
host = env['host_string']
node = host.split('.')[0]
url = 'http://%s:8080/silva/varnish_node_is_up/++rest++setstatus'%host
query = {'change': json.dumps({node: {'status': newstatus}}),
'skip-bethel-auth': 1}
req = urllib2.Request(url, query)
authh = "Basic " + base64.encodestring('%s:%s'%rest_creds)[:-1]
req.add_header("Authorization", authh)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req,
back = ''.join(response.readlines())
return 'OK'
The username and password are read from a protected file when the fabfile is
This task in turn can be used as a component of a larger automated deployment
task (this is the rest of of Bethel's fabfile)::
def buildout():
with prefix("export HOME=/home/zope/"):
with cd(env.buildout_root):
sudo("hg --debug pull -u"%env, user="zope")
sudo("./bin/buildout"%env, user="zope")
def restart_apache():
#using the sudo command does not work; it issues the following:
# sudo -S -p 'sudo password:' /bin/bash -l -c "/etc/init.d/httpd restart"
# which runs a shell executing the command in quotes. Ross was not
# able to configure sudo to allow multiple httpd options with
# one line, but suggested the run command instead.
#sudo("/etc/init.d/httpd restart")
run("sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart")
def push_buildout(apache_restart=True):
if type(apache_restart) in StringTypes:
apache_restart = (apache_restart == 'True')
change_status = False
if env.host_string in env.roledefs['prod']:
change_status = True
#take out of service, it takes less time to take out of service than
# it does to put back into service
if change_status:
puts("taking offline; sleeping 20 seconds")
if apache_restart:
#TODO: test some urls, loading up the local ZODB cache before bringing
# back in to service
#put back into service
if change_status:
puts("taking online; sleeping 30 seconds")
Adding fabric to your buildout is detailed here: `<>`_
This fabfile is located in the buildout root. Running an automated deployment
of our production environment is simple::
./bin/fab -R prod push_buildout
When using mod_wsgi to serve Zope, a restart of apache is required for change
to take effect. If for any reason you'd want to push buildout but not restart
apache, pass in False to the restart_apache per-task argument::
./bin/fab -R prod push_buildout:restart_apache=False
The combination of fabric and bethel.clustermgmt has decreased deployment time
considerably. It is now one command run in the background, whereas before it
was a 5-10 minute long repetitive rinse/repeat cycle for each node in the cluster.
bethel.clustermgmt changlog
bethel.clustermgmt 1.0 (2012-04-30)
* first release of cluster mgmt utilities