# bento2seldon
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This project aims to combine the awesome capabilities of BentoML in packaging models with the powerful Seldon Core engine to deploy such models. It also features an optional cache using Redis that can also be used to make the feedback loop easier by using the request ID to get back the original request and response. For now, it was created for internal use and is in alpha state. But it will soon be prepared to be used by everyone.
## Installation
pip install -U bento2seldon
or install with `Poetry`
poetry add bento2seldon
### Makefile usage
[`Makefile`](https://github.com/fernandocamargoai/bento2seldon/blob/master/Makefile) contains many functions for fast assembling and convenient work.
<summary>1. Download and remove Poetry</summary>
To download and install Poetry run:
make poetry-download
To uninstall
make poetry-remove
<summary>2. Install all dependencies and pre-commit hooks</summary>
Install requirements:
make install
Pre-commit hooks coulb be installed after `git init` via
make pre-commit-install
<summary>3. Codestyle</summary>
Automatic formatting uses `pyupgrade`, `isort` and `black`.
make codestyle
# or use synonym
make formatting
Codestyle checks only, without rewriting files:
make check-codestyle
> Note: `check-codestyle` uses `isort`, `black` and `darglint` library
<summary>4. Code security</summary>
make check-safety
This command launches `Poetry` integrity checks as well as identifies security issues with `Safety` and `Bandit`.
make check-safety
<summary>5. Type checks</summary>
Run `mypy` static type checker
make mypy
<summary>6. Tests</summary>
Run `pytest`
make test
<summary>7. All linters</summary>
Of course there is a command to ~~rule~~ run all linters in one:
make lint
the same as:
make test && make check-codestyle && make mypy && make check-safety
<summary>8. Cleanup</summary>
Delete pycache files
make pycache-remove
Remove package build
make build-remove
Or to remove pycache, build and docker image run:
make clean-all
## 📈 Releases
You can see the list of available releases on the [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/fernandocamargoai/bento2seldon/releases) page.
We follow [Semantic Versions](https://semver.org/) specification.
We use [`Release Drafter`](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/release-drafter). As pull requests are merged, a draft release is kept up-to-date listing the changes, ready to publish when you’re ready. With the categories option, you can categorize pull requests in release notes using labels.
### List of labels and corresponding titles
| **Label** | **Title in Releases** |
| :-----------------------------------: | :---------------------: |
| `enhancement`, `feature` | 🚀 Features |
| `bug`, `refactoring`, `bugfix`, `fix` | 🔧 Fixes & Refactoring |
| `build`, `ci`, `testing` | 📦 Build System & CI/CD |
| `breaking` | 💥 Breaking Changes |
| `documentation` | 📝 Documentation |
| `dependencies` | ⬆️ Dependencies updates |
You can update it in [`release-drafter.yml`](https://github.com/fernandocamargoai/bento2seldon/blob/master/.github/release-drafter.yml).
GitHub creates the `bug`, `enhancement`, and `documentation` labels for you. Dependabot creates the `dependencies` label. Create the remaining labels on the Issues tab of your GitHub repository, when you need them.
## Building and releasing your package
Building a new version of the application contains steps:
- Bump the version of your package `poetry version <version>`. You can pass the new version explicitly, or a rule such as `major`, `minor`, or `patch`. For more details, refer to the [Semantic Versions](https://semver.org/) standard.
- Make a commit to GitHub.
- Create a `GitHub release`.
- And... publish slightly_smiling_face `poetry publish --build`
## 🛡 License
This project is licensed under the terms of the `Apache Software License 2.0` license. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/fernandocamargoai/bento2seldon/blob/master/LICENSE) for more details.
## 📃 Citation
author = {fernandocamargoai},
title = {Bento2Seldon: A package to run BentoML models in a Kubernetes cluster with Seldon},
year = {2021},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/fernandocamargoai/bento2seldon}}
## Credits [![🚀 Your next Python package needs a bleeding-edge project structure.](https://img.shields.io/badge/python--package--template-%F0%9F%9A%80-brightgreen)](https://github.com/TezRomacH/python-package-template)
This project was generated with [`python-package-template`](https://github.com/TezRomacH/python-package-template)