# `beni`
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> *Common names: Bolivian anaconda, **Beni** anaconda*
> [Eunectes beniensis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunectes_beniensis) is a non-venomous boa species known only from the northeastern parts of Bolivia.
> The four-metre long Eunectes beniensis was initially believed to be the result of hybridization between green and yellow anacondas, but was later determined to be a distinct species. The taxonomic status is not clear, due to lack of information and the appearance similarity to Eunectes notaeus. It is closely related to Eunectes notaeus and Eunectes deschauenseei.
*`beni` is [`PEP 621`]()/[`flit`]() + [`conda`]()*
[`PEP 621`]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/
[`flit`]: https://github.com/takluyver/flit
[`conda`]: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/
## What?
This is a specific tool to fascilitate one workflow of using flit and conda together. The assumptions are:
1. You have a repository with at least one Python package.
2. You use [`PEP 621`]() and/or [`flit`]() and `pyproject.toml` to describe your dependencies.
3. You want to use Conda to manage local development but you wanna release your package on PyPi.
4. You want to generate an `environment.yml` for local development that will install as many of your Pypi dependencies through Conda as possible.
Without this tool you have to manually keep your `environment.yml` up to date with all your `pyproject.toml` files, which is error prone and time consuming.
## Unsolved issues
1. What if the conda forge name is different than the pypi name? We should keep a list of these mappings.
2. How do we use the `pyproject.toml` to automatically generate a conda forge recipe?
3. In the future could conda just read from the `pyproject.toml` file in some way to create an environment out of it?
## Usage
1. `pip install beni`
2. Run `beni <path to pyproject.toml> [<another path to pyproject.toml>] > binder/environment.yml` to generate an environment file. It adds all your requirements that are conda forge packages to this environment and names it after the first `pyproject.toml` module.
each of your requirements to see if there is an equivalent conda forge package
3. Add `conda env create -f bind/environment.yml && conda activate <module name> && flit install --symlink` to your README as the dev setup.
## Example
$ beni -h
usage: beni [-h] [--deps {all,production,develop,extras}] [--extras extra1,...]
[--ignore [foo [bar ...]]]
pyproject.toml [pyproject.toml ...]
Generate an environment.yml.
positional arguments:
pyproject.toml flit config files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--deps {all,production,develop,extras}
Which dependencies to emit. 'production' means no extras,
'develop' means the extras 'test', 'doc', and 'dev', 'all' means all extras,
and 'extras' means the ones specified in `--extras` or all extras if `--extras` is not given.
--extras extra1,... Install the dependencies of these (comma separated) extras additionally to the ones
implied by --deps. --extras=all can be useful in combination with --deps=production.
--ignore [foo [bar ...]]
Conda packages to ignore
$ cat pyproject.toml
requires = [
requires-python = ">=3.7"
test = [
doc = [
dev = [
$ beni pyproject.toml
name: metadsl
- conda-forge
- python>=3.7
- pip
- pip:
- flit
- typing_extensions
- typing_inspect
- python-igraph=0.8.0
- pytest
- pytest-cov
- pytest-mypy
- pytest-randomly
- pytest-xdist
- pytest-testmon
- pytest-pudb
- mypy
- jupyterlab>=1.0.0
- nbconvert
- pudb
## Development
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate beni
pre-commit install
flit install --symlink