Monitor Process Resources Usage
| Bench aims to be a handy tool with these functions:
| - Monitor CPU time (user time, system time, real time)
| - Monitor memory usage (virtual memory usage, resident memory usage)
| - Output to TSV(tab-delimited files)
| - Output benchmark metrics
| - Visualize performance metrics (memory consumptions) over time
We showed several examples below. **Please note that all output are
tabularized for demonstration purpose.**
- Example 1: simple command.
| This will start the process *sleep* for 2 seconds. The tabular output
below was from the actual command:
`` sleep 2 2>&1 |column -t -s $'\t'``.
| If you simply run `` sleep 2``, you will get tab-deliminated
outputs in standard error (stderr).
$> sleep 2
pid ppid utime stime rtime rss vms maxRss maxVms avgRss avgVms cwd cmd
133692 133675 0.0 0.0 1.9368159771 774144 6066176 774144 6066176 774144.0 6066176.0 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts sleep 2
- Example 2: complex shell commands with sampling interval equaling to
0.1 second
This example will use shell to start 3 processes: ``sleep 2``,
``sleep 4`` and ``seq 1000000``. You can see bench can monitor all 4
processes all together.
$> sh -c 'sleep 2 & sleep 4 & seq 1000000 >/dev/null & wait'
pid ppid utime stime rtime rss vms maxRss maxVms avgRss avgVms cwd cmd
135004 134985 0.0 0.0 3.9532430172 798720 4558848 798720 4558848 798720.0 4558848.0 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts sh -c sleep 2 & sleep 4 & seq 10000000 >/dev/null & wait
135006 135004 0.0 0.0 3.95348381996 655360 6066176 655360 6066176 655360.0 6066176.0 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts sleep 4
135005 135004 0.0 0.0 1.83160495758 774144 6066176 774144 6066176 774144.0 6066176.0 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts sleep 2
135007 135004 0.05 0.0 0.0599648952484 720896 6090752 720896 6090752 720896.0 6090752.0 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts seq 10000000
- Example 3: generate performance metrics to external file
Here we used a small program, burnCpu. It will keep CPU running for
several seconds. Its source code is under src/.
The option ``-t`` will enable outputting traces. That means at several
time stops, performance metrics of each processes will be outputted to
the standard error as well as a separate comma-separated file,
The option ``-g`` will generate a graph which contains several
sub-figures, including timings for each processes, memory consumption
for each processes, and memory consumption over the processing running
The option ``-o`` will specify the output prefix. The default value will
be ``bench``, meaning, you will get ``bench.csv``. You can overwrite
this value by using ``-o`` option.
$> -t -g -o burnCpu ./burnCpu
pid ppid utime stime rtime rss vms cwd cmd
135471 135454 0.04 0.0 0.0441780090332 1449984 12984320 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts ../src/burnCpu
135471 135454 0.2 0.0 0.205282926559 1449984 12984320 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts ../src/burnCpu
135471 135454 0.38 0.0 0.381079912186 1449984 12984320 /home/zhanxw/mycode/bench/scripts ../src/burnCpu
Additional result are stored in *burnCpu.csv*, *burnCpu.trace.csv* in
the Comma-separated format (CSV).
*burnCpu.csv* file content
*burnCpu.trace.csv* file content
When ``-g`` optioned is specified, bench will generate several
performance metrics in the file *burnCpu.trace.csv*:
| To benchmark a complex command or combinations of commands, you can
use shell (sh or bash) . For example, you can use "sh -c 'command arg1
arg2 ... '" (see Example 2).
| Bench requires `psutil <>`__ to
collect basic performance metrics, and
| requires `numpy <>`__ and
`pandas <>`__ for statistical calculations.
| In this release, we used psutil 3.1.1, numpy 1.8.2, pandas 0.16.2 and
matplotlib 1.4.3.
| For questions or commend, please visit bench github repo:
| `repo <>`__
| or email to:
| Xiaowei Zhan
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