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behave is behavior-driven development, Python style.
Behavior-driven development (or BDD) is an agile software development
technique that encourages collaboration between developers, QA and
non-technical or business participants in a software project.
*behave* uses tests written in a natural language style, backed up by Python
First, `install *behave*.`_
Now make a directory called "features/".
In that directory create a file called "example.feature" containing:
.. code-block:: gherkin
# -- FILE: features/example.feature
Feature: Showing off behave
Scenario: Run a simple test
Given we have behave installed
When we implement 5 tests
Then behave will test them for us!
Make a new directory called "features/steps/".
In that directory create a file called "example_steps.py" containing:
.. code-block:: python
# -- FILE: features/steps/example_steps.py
from behave import given, when, then, step
@given('we have behave installed')
def step_impl(context):
@when('we implement {number:d} tests')
def step_impl(context, number): # -- NOTE: number is converted into integer
assert number > 1 or number == 0
context.tests_count = number
@then('behave will test them for us!')
def step_impl(context):
assert context.failed is False
assert context.tests_count >= 0
Run behave:
.. code-block:: bash
$ behave
Feature: Showing off behave # features/example.feature:2
Scenario: Run a simple test # features/example.feature:4
Given we have behave installed # features/steps/example_steps.py:4
When we implement 5 tests # features/steps/example_steps.py:8
Then behave will test them for us! # features/steps/example_steps.py:13
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Now, continue reading to learn how to the most of *behave*. To get started,
we recommend the `tutorial`_ and then the `feature testing language`_ and
`api`_ references.
.. _`Install *behave*.`: http://pythonhosted.org/behave/install.html
.. _`tutorial`: http://pythonhosted.org/behave/tutorial.html#features
.. _`feature testing language`: http://pythonhosted.org/behave/gherkin.html
.. _`api`: http://pythonhosted.org/behave/api.html
More Information
* `behave documentation`_ (`latest changes`_)
* `behave.example`_: Behave Examples and Tutorials (docs, executable examples).
.. _behave documentation: http://pythonhosted.org/behave/
.. _latest changes: https://github.com/behave/behave/blob/master/CHANGES.rst
.. _behave.example: https://github.com/jenisys/behave.example