**beets Beatport API v4 compatible plugin**
.. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/beets-beatport4.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/beets-beatport4
Plugin for `beets <https://github.com/beetbox/beets>`_ to replace stock beatport plugin and use Beatport API v4 as an
autotagger source.
As Beatport had killed their API v3, the stock beatport plugin does not work anymore. It is also currently not possible to request the access to the API "normal" way (by using your client credentials or API token generated by Beatport), so I have found workaround that uses public API client id used for `Beatport docs frontend <https://api.beatport.com/v4/docs/>`_ and updated the code to use the new specification.
For more info, see the discussion on this issue: https://github.com/beetbox/beets/issues/3862
I have also opened a pull request in the official beets repository (https://github.com/beetbox/beets/pull/4477), so if it gets merged, I am probably going to take down this plugin.
Install this plugin with
$ pip install beets-beatport4
and add ``beatport4`` to the ``plugins`` list in your beets config file.
Beatport Authorization
There are two ways of acquiring user access token to the Beatport v4 API using
this plugin.
Method 1: username and password
This method is fully automatic and relies on holding your Beatport username
and password inside your beets config file.
It will authorize to the Beatport API using ``authorization_code`` grant type
and ``client_id`` provided by beatport for the sake of their ``swagger-ui``
frontend in which you can test their API: https://api.beatport.com/v4/docs/
By default, ``client_id`` is scrapped automatically from the above URL.
Alternatively, you can also pass it via plugin configuration.
1. Add ``beatport4`` plugin to your ``beets/config.yaml`` plugins list
2. Add below configuration and fill your credentials
.. code-block:: yaml
art: yes
art_overwrite: no
Method 2. copy token from the browser
You will probably want to use this method if you don't want to store your
credentials unencrypted within the config file. Also, it will be helpful if
for any reason something goes wrong during the username/password authorization
This is also a fallback method if you provide wrong credentials in the config.
1. Add ``beatport4`` plugin to your ``beets/config.yaml`` plugins list
2. When the first import with plugin enabled happens, you will be prompted to paste the access token JSON
3. Visit https://api.beatport.com/v4/docs/
4. Open Network tab in your browser and start capturing the traffic
5. Login with your Beatport account
6. Search for the following request: ``https://api.beatport.com/v4/auth/o/token/``
7. Copy the response (whole JSON structure)
8. Paste it to the terminal (or `beatport_token.json` file next to your ``beets/config.yaml`` - you can check the path by running ``beet config --paths`` command)
9. If the token expires, you will be prompted again and required to repeat above steps
Fetching and embedding an art
Additionally, this plugin has implemented separate art fetching and embedding.
`fetchart plugin <https://beets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugins/fetchart.html>`_,
it handles both singletons, but it will not work if you choose candidate source
other than Beatport.
Also, it does not require enabling
`fetchart <https://beets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugins/fetchart.html>`_ or
`embedart <https://beets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugins/embedart.html>`_
plugins, as it uses
`beets.art module <https://github.com/beetbox/beets/blob/master/beets/art.py>`_
shipped with the core library.
Under the hood, it uses image URL for the track's release,
exposed by the Beatport API.
You can enable this feature via configuration (**it is disabled by default**):
.. code-block:: yaml
art: yes
By default, if a track already contains an art, it will not be overwritten.
Again, you can force such behaviour via configuration:
.. code-block:: yaml
art: yes
art_overwrite: yes
Image size
Original images from Beatport might have big resolution and size, but thanks to
Beatport's dynamic image URIs, it is possible to fetch image already resized by
Beatport backend, saving the bandwidth and resources on resizing images locally.
To specify the dynamic width and height, just pass it via configuration:
.. code-block:: yaml
art: yes
art_width: 250 # don't specify or 0 to disable
art_height: 250 # don't specify or 0 to disable
- if you specify just one dimension, the other will be set to the same value, so the aspect ratio is 1:1
- if you don't specify any dimension, original art will be downloaded
- if you specify both dimensions, they will be used in the dynamic URI, but they usually (always?) return images in 1:1 aspect ratio using lower dimension anyway
Plugin configuration
.. code-block:: yaml
art: no
art_overwrite: no
art_width: <WIDTH_PX>
art_height: <HEIGHT_PX>
client_id: <BEATPORT_API_CLIENT_ID> # optional, you can set it, but it should be scrapped automatically from the docs
Apart from the above, plugin should work exactly the same way as the stock one, so please refer to the `official documentation <https://beets.readthedocs.io/en/v1.6.0/plugins/beatport.html>`_