This is a distutils-packaged and updated version of the beatbox module
by Simon Fell, which is a Python implementation of a client for the Partner Web Services API.
`beatbox module <>`_
This module contains 2 versions of the client:
* XMLClient
The original beatbox version of the client which returns xmltramp objects.
* PythonClient
Marshalls the returned objects into proper Python data types. e.g. integer fields return integers.
Beatbox supports versions 16.0 through 20.0 of the Salesforce Partner Web
Services API. However, the following API calls have not been implemented at
this time:
* convertLead
* emptyRecycleBin
* invalidateSessions
* logout
* merge
* process
* queryAll
* undelete
* describeSObject
* sendEmail
* describeDataCategoryGroups
* describeDataCategoryGroupStructures
Beatbox has been tested with Python 2.4 and Python 2.6.
Basic Usage Examples
Instantiate a Python client:
svc = beatbox.PythonClient()
svc.login('username', 'passwordTOKEN')
(Note that interacting with via the API requires the use of a
'security token' which must be appended to the password.)
Query for contacts with last name 'Doe':
res = svc.query("SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contact WHERE LastName='Doe'")
# {'LastName': 'Doe', 'type': 'Contact', 'Id': '0037000000eRf6vAAC', 'FirstName': 'John'}
# '0037000000eRf6vAAC'
Add a new Lead and get the ID of the newly created Lead:
contact = {'type': 'Lead', 'LastName': 'Glick', 'FirstName': 'David', 'Company': 'Individual'}
res = svc.create(contact)
# '00Q7000000RVyiHEAT'
More Examples
The examples folder contains the examples for the original beatbox. For
examples on how to use the PythonClient see
Some of these other products that have been built on top of beatbox can also
provide example of use:
* `Salesforce Base Connector <>`_
* `Salesforce PFG Adapter <>`_
* `Salesforce Auth Plugin <>`_
* `RSVP for Salesforce <>`_
David Lanstein has created a `Python Salesforce Toolkit <>`_ that is based on the
`suds <>`_ SOAP library. Based on limited tests it appears to be somewhat slower
than beatbox for operations that return a lot of data; however, it may be a
better option if you want to be able to automatically generate a service proxy
for a new WSDL (such as for the Enterprise web services API).
Ron Hess from has adapted beatbox for use with Google App
Engine. See `<>`
Running Tests
First, we need to add some custom fields to the Contacts object in your Salesforce instance:
* Login to your instance
* Browse to Setup --> Customize --> Contacts --> Fields --> "New" button
* Add a Picklist (multi-select) labeled "Favorite Fruit", then add: Apple, Orange, Pear
* Leave default of 3 lines and field name should default to "Favorite_Fruit"
* Add a Number labeled "Favorite Integer", with 18 places, 0 decimal places
* Add a Number labeled "Favorite Float", with 13 places, 5 decimal places
Create a sfconfig file in your python path with the following format:
USERNAME='your salesforce username'
PASSWORD='your salesforce passwordTOKEN'
where TOKEN is your Salesforce API login token.
Add './src' to your PYTHONPATH
Run the tests:
python src/beatbox/tests/
python src/beatbox/tests/