BeaconTools - Universal beacon scanning
|PyPI Package| |Build Status| |Coverage Status| |Requirements Status|
A Python library for working with various types of Bluetooth LE Beacons.
Currently supported types are:
* `Eddystone Beacons <>`__
* `iBeacons <>`__ (Apple and Cypress CYALKIT-E02)
* `Estimote Beacons (Telemetry and Nearable) <>`__
* Control-J Monitor (temp/humidity/light)
* `COVID-19 Exposure Notifications <>`__
The BeaconTools library has two main components:
* a parser to extract information from raw binary beacon advertisements
* a scanner which scans for Bluetoth LE advertisements using bluez and can be configured to look only for specific beacons or packet types
If you only want to use the **parser** install the library using pip and you're good to go:
.. code:: bash
pip3 install beacontools
If you want to perfom beacon **scanning** there are a few more requirements.
First of all, you need a supported OS: currently that's Linux with BlueZ, and FreeBSD.
Second, you need raw socket access (via Linux capabilities, or by running as root).
On a typical Linux installation, it would look like this:
.. code:: bash
# install libbluetooth headers and libpcap2
sudo apt-get install python3-dev libbluetooth-dev libcap2-bin
# grant the python executable permission to access raw socket data
sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' "$(readlink -f "$(which python3)")"
# install beacontools with scanning support
pip3 install beacontools[scan]
See the `examples <>`__ directory for more usage examples.
.. code:: python
from beacontools import parse_packet
tlm_packet = b"\x02\x01\x06\x03\x03\xaa\xfe\x11\x16\xaa\xfe\x20\x00\x0b\x18\x13\x00\x00\x00" \
tlm_frame = parse_packet(tlm_packet)
print("Voltage: %d mV" % tlm_frame.voltage)
print("Temperature: %d °C" % tlm_frame.temperature)
print("Advertising count: %d" % tlm_frame.advertising_count)
print("Seconds since boot: %d" % tlm_frame.seconds_since_boot)
.. code:: python
import time
from beacontools import BeaconScanner, EddystoneTLMFrame, EddystoneFilter
def callback(bt_addr, rssi, packet, additional_info):
print("<%s, %d> %s %s" % (bt_addr, rssi, packet, additional_info))
# scan for all TLM frames of beacons in the namespace "12345678901234678901"
scanner = BeaconScanner(callback,
# remove the following line to see packets from all beacons
.. code:: python
import time
from beacontools import BeaconScanner, IBeaconFilter
def callback(bt_addr, rssi, packet, additional_info):
print("<%s, %d> %s %s" % (bt_addr, rssi, packet, additional_info))
# scan for all iBeacon advertisements from beacons with the specified uuid
scanner = BeaconScanner(callback,
# scan for all iBeacon advertisements regardless from which beacon
scanner = BeaconScanner(callback,
Customizing Scanning Parameters
Some Bluetooth dongle don't allow scanning in Randomized MAC mode. If you don't receive any scan results, try setting the scan mode to PUBLIC:
.. code:: python
from beacontools import BeaconScanner, BluetoothAddressType
scanner = BeaconScanner(
scan_parameters={"address_type": BluetoothAddressType.PUBLIC}
For all available options see ``Monitor.set_scan_parameters``.
Beacontools follows the `semantic versioning <>`__ scheme.
* 2.1.0
* Added support for extended BLE commands for devices using HCI >= 5.0 (Linux only, thanks to `idaniel86 <>`__)
* 2.0.2
* Improved prefiltering of packets, fixes #48
* 2.0.1
* Removed (unused) rfu field from the Eddystone UID packet, fixes #39
* 2.0.0
* Dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.4
* Added support for COVID-19 Exposure Notifications
* Added support for FreeBSD and fixed temperature parsing (thanks to `myfreeweb <>`__)
* Added support for Control-J Monitor beacons (thanks to `clydebarrow <>`__)
* Added support for Estimote Nearables (thanks to `ShaunPlummer <>`__)
* 1.3.1
* Multiple fixes and internal refactorings, including support for Raspberry Pi 3B+ (huge thanks to `cereal <>`__)
* Updated dependencies
* 1.3.0
* Added support for Estimote Telemetry packets (see examples/
* Relaxed parsing constraints for RFU and flags field
* Added temperature output in 8.8 fixed point decimal format for Eddystone TLM
* 1.2.4
* Added support for Eddystone packets with Flags Data set to 0x1a (thanks to `AndreasTornes <>`__)
* Updated dependencies
* 1.2.3
* Fixed compatibility with construct >=2.9.41
* 1.2.2
* Moved import of bluez so that the library can be used in parsing-only mode, without having bluez installed.
* 1.2.1
* Updated dependencies
* 1.2.0
* Added support for Cypress iBeacons which transmit temp and humidity embedded in the minor value (thanks to `darkskiez <>`__)
* Updated dependencies
* 1.1.0
* Added support for Eddystone EID frames (thanks to `miek <>`__)
* Updated dependencies
* 1.0.1
* Implemented a small tweak which reduces the CPU usage.
* 1.0.0
* Implemented iBeacon support
* Added rssi to callback function.
* 0.1.2
* Initial release
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