# Bayesian Inference
## Project Description
Probabilistic reasoning module on `Bayesian Networks` where the dependencies between variables are
represented as links among nodes on the `directed acyclic graph`. Even we could infer any probability
in the knowledge world via full joint distribution, we can optimize this calculation by independence
and conditional independence.
In current implementation, one can define properties of the network as follows:
* Each node represents a single random variable
* Links between nodes represent direct effect on each other such as if `random variable X` has link
to `random variable Y`, then there is a conditional probability relation between them.
* There is no cycle in the network and that makes the network `Directed Acyclic Graph`
### Entities
Usable entities available in the project are listed below which are `NetworkNode` and `BayesianNetwork`.
There is a simple network configuration as dictionary format below and entities will be explained with
respect to example network.
>>> from bayesian_inference import BayesianNetwork, InputParser
>>> BURGLARY = "Burglary"
>>> EARTHQUAKE = "Earthquake"
>>> ALARM = "Alarm"
>>> JOHN_CALLS = "JohnCalls"
>>> MARRY_CALLS = "MaryCalls"
>>> sample_network = {
... "predecessors": [], "random_variables": ["t", "f"], "probabilities": {
... "(t)": 0.001, "(f)": 0.999
... }
... }, EARTHQUAKE: {
... "predecessors": [], "random_variables": ["t", "f"], "probabilities": {
... "(t)": 0.002, "(f)": 0.998
... }
... }, ALARM: {
... "predecessors": [BURGLARY, EARTHQUAKE], "random_variables": ["t", "f"], "probabilities": {
... "(f,f,f)": 0.999, "(f,f,t)": 0.001, "(f,t,f)": 0.71, "(f,t,t)": 0.29, "(t,f,f)": 0.06,
... "(t,f,t)": 0.94, "(t,t,f)": 0.05, "(t,t,t)": 0.95
... }
... }, JOHN_CALLS: {
... "predecessors": [ALARM], "random_variables": ["t", "f"], "probabilities": {
... "(f,f)": 0.95, "(f,t)": 0.05, "(t,f)": 0.10, "(t,t)": 0.90
... }
... }, MARRY_CALLS: {
... "predecessors": [ALARM], "random_variables": ["t", "f"], "probabilities": {
... "(f,f)": 0.99, "(f,t)": 0.01, "(t,f)": 0.30, "(t,t)": 0.70
... }
... }
... }
>>> network = BayesianNetwork(initial_network=InputParser.from_dict(sample_network))
#### Network Node
Single unit in the network representing a random variable in the uncertain world.
It has the following fields expected by constructor:
* node_name: Random variable name which will be the node name in the network
* random_variables: List of available values of random variable in string format
* predecessors: Parents of the random variable in the network as a list of string where each item
is the name of parent random variable
* probabilities: Probability list of the random variable described as conditional probabilities
* all_random_variables: List of lists of strings representing random variable values respectively
parents of the node and the values of current node
Single node can be represented with the following representation:
>>> from bayesian_inference import NetworkNode
>>> node = eval(NetworkNode('Alarm', ['t', 'f'], ['Burglary', 'Earthquake'], {'(f,f,f)': 0.999, '(f,f,t)': 0.001, '(f,t,f)': 0.71, '(f,t,t)': 0.29, '(t,f,f)': 0.06, '(t,f,t)': 0.94, '(t,t,f)': 0.05, '(t,t,t)': 0.95}, [['t', 'f'], ['t', 'f'], ['t', 'f']]))
>>> print(node)
| Burglary | Earthquake | P(Alarm=t) | P(Alarm=f) |
| t | t | 0.95 | 0.05 |
| t | f | 0.94 | 0.06 |
| f | t | 0.29 | 0.71 |
| f | f | 0.001 | 0.999 |
**Note:** It is important that you need to provide probability dictionary of `NetworkNode` as explained
in the following example. Let's have node named `X` and parents as `[A, B, C]`, then you need to have all
probability keys as `(value_a,value_b,value_c,value_x)` where no whitespace between commas and value are
listed order of parents and node itself if you want to create node from yourself.
If you parse with `InputParser`, then it goes over keys and removes whitespaces to make them as expected format.
#### Bayesian Network
Bayesian network structure that keeps `Directed Acyclic Graph` inside and encapsulates `NetworkNode` instances
The structure has an instance of [NetworkX](https://github.com/networkx/networkx) DiGraph. Network can be created
with initial node list. Also, one can add and remove node to the network at runtime. From probability perspective,
one can query exact inference of probability from Bayesian network. Also, one can control independence property of
nodes in the graph with `is_independent` method of `BayesianNetwork`. `D-separation principle` is applied for
deciding whether the nodes are independent or not where additionally one can provide evidence variable list for
checking the independence property while verification of conditional independence.
>>> # Network initiated above
>>> from bayesian_inference import NetworkNode
>>> node1 = NetworkNode(node_name='B', predecessors=['A'], random_variables=[], probabilities={}, all_random_variables=[])
>>> node2 = NetworkNode(node_name='C', predecessors=['B'], random_variables=[], probabilities={}, all_random_variables=[])
>>> # Adding node to network, Method expects network node directly
>>> network.add_node(node1)
>>> network.add_node(node2)
>>> # Removal of node from network. Method expects node name to remove
>>> network.remove_node(node2.node_name)
>>> # Query exact inference from network, details of queries will be explained in next sections
>>> network.P('Burglary | JohnCalls = t, MaryCalls = t')
{"{'Burglary': 't'}": 0.28417183536439294, "{'Burglary': 'f'}": 0.7158281646356072}
>>> network.P('JohnCalls = t, MaryCalls = t, Alarm = t, Burglary = f, Earthquake = f')
>>> # Independence check
>>> network.is_independent('JohnCalls', 'MaryCalls')
>>> False
>>> network.is_independent('JohnCalls', 'MaryCalls', evidence_variables=['Alarm'])
>>> True
### Expected form of probabilistic query
There is a query parser module under `probability` package that makes query for Bayesian network that
can be conditional or full joint probability. The form/structure of query should be following regex.
One can reach visual representation of regex from [this link](https://regexper.com/#%28%3F%3A%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%28%3F%3A%3D%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%29%3F%29%28%3F%3A%2C%28%3F%3A%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%28%3F%3A%3D%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%29%3F%29%29*%28%3F%3A%5Cs*%5C%7C%5Cs*%28%3F%3A%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%3D%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%29%28%3F%3A%2C%28%3F%3A%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%3D%28%5Cs*%5Cw%2B%5Cs*%29%29%29*%29%3F).
>>> WORD = r'(\s*\w+\s*)'
>>> NON_VALUED_GROUP = rf'(?:{WORD}(?:={WORD})?)'
>>> VALUED_GROUP = rf'(?:{WORD}={WORD})'
#### Textual meaning of query format is
* There should be at least one `Valued` or `Non-valued` query parameter.
* Valued: Alarm=True
* Non-valued: Alarm (No value assigned)
* There can be conditional/posterior probability section after `|` (pipe) symbol optionally.
* All the valued and non-valued should be separated by `,` (comma) symbol.
#### Examples
from bayesian_inference import query_parser
>>> # Valid queries
>>> query_parser('A, B, C')[0]
>>> query_parser('A, B=b, C')[0]
>>> query_parser('A=1, B, C')[0]
>>> query_parser('A, B, C=2')[0]
>>> query_parser('A=1, B=2, C=3')[0]
>>> query_parser('A, B, C | D=d')[0]
>>> query_parser('A=1, B=2, C=2 | D=d')[0]
>>> query_parser('A, B=2, C | D=d, E=5')[0]
>>> # Invalid queries (It is expected that all evidence variables should have value)
>>> query_parser('A, B, C | D')[0]
>>> query_parser('A, B=b, C | D')[0]
>>> query_parser('A=1, B, C | D')[0]
#### Validations
1. Variable uniqueness validation: No repeated random variable should exist in the query.
2. **[Optional]** Contextual name/value validation: If `expected_symbol_and_values` parameter is provided,
`query_parser` checks names of parsed random variables and validates their values if parsed variable has
### Input Format and Parsing
The input format will be explained nearby how you can import them into code. You can directly parse
json file to get list of `NetworkNode` where keys are node/random variable name and values is an
object of expected values to create node instance.
Expected fields are:
* predecessors: List of names of parents of the node where they will be search in the json
* random_variables: Values for the random variable that are list of string
* probabilities: Probabilities of the node explained under `NetworkNode` section.
One can obtain list of nodes by reading json from file with `parse` method of `InputParser` or
reading dict and map them to network node with `from_dict` method of `InputParser`. The same
expectations are hold here defined for json format.
**Note:** Necessary validations are done for parsing nodes so that if there is an unexpected
value for input by raising corresponding exception.
#### Example Input Format
"Burglary": {
"predecessors": [],
"random_variables": [
"probabilities": {
"(t)": 0.001,
"(f)": 0.999
"Earthquake": {
"predecessors": [],
"random_variables": [
"probabilities": {
"(t)": 0.002,
"(f)": 0.998
"Alarm": {
"predecessors": [
"random_variables": [
"probabilities": {
"(f,f,f)": 0.999,
"(f,f,t)": 0.001,
"(f,t,f)": 0.71,
"(f,t,t)": 0.29,
"(t,f,f)": 0.06,
"(t,f,t)": 0.94,
"(t,t,f)": 0.05,
"(t,t,t)": 0.95
"JohnCalls": {
"predecessors": [
"random_variables": [
"probabilities": {
"(f,f)": 0.95,
"(f,t)": 0.05,
"(t,f)": 0.1,
"(t,t)": 0.9
"MaryCalls": {
"predecessors": [
"random_variables": [
"probabilities": {
"(f,f)": 0.99,
"(f,t)": 0.01,
"(t,f)": 0.3,
"(t,t)": 0.7