# Battle Box Client (Python3)
## Getting Started
### Installation
pip3 install battle-box-client
### The Basics
botskrieg.com currently hosts the offical battlebox docs
[Getting Started Guide](https://botskrieg.com/docs/getting-started)
## Games
### RobotGame
[Checkout the example bots in this file](./battle_box_client/examples.py)
A basic robot game bot is any class that subclasses the `RobotGameBot` class and defined a `commands` method that takes three arguments. The following bot will return an
from battle_box_client import RobotGameBot
# Define your Bot
class MyBot(RobotGameBot):
NAME = "my-bot"
def commands(self, commands_request, settings):
my_commands = []
return my_commands
# Run your bot
# Practice Matches
bot.practice() # Practice with random ai in default arena
bot.practice(arena="robot-game-default") # Run your bot in a specific arena
bot.practice(opponent="kansas") # Run your bot against a specific opponent
# Match Make Against Other User's Online Bots
bot.match_make() # match make in default arena
bot.match_make(arena="robot-game-default") # Match make in a specific arena
Once per turn your bot's `commands` method will be called with the `commands_request` and `settings` of the game, your method is expected to return a list of commands you'd like to send to the server
Inside the commands requests are the following fields [more details in official docs](https://botskrieg.com/docs/games/robot-game)
class MyBot(RobotGameBot):
NAME = "my-bot"
def commands(self, commands_request, settings):
# commands_request has the following keys
# commands_request["player"] <- Your player in this game (Integer)
# commands_request["turn"] <- the turn this commands request is for (Integer)
# commands_request["my_robots"] <- Your robots, instances of the RobotGameBot.Robot class
# commands_request["enemy_robots"] <- Enemy robots, instances of the RobotGameBot.Robot class
# settings has the following keys (see offical robot game docs for more details)
# https://botskrieg.com/docs/games/robot-game
# settings["attack_damage_max"]
# settings["attack_damage_min"]
# settings["collision_damage_max"]
# settings["collision_damage_min"]
# settings["explode_damage_max"]
# settings["explode_damage_min"]
# settings["max_turns"]
# settings["robot_hp"]
# settings["spawn_every"]
# settings["spawn_per_player"]
# settings["terrain"] <- An instance of the RobotGameBot.Terrain class
return []
The `RobotGameBot.Terrain` class lets you do the following things
terrain.rows # number of rows in the terrain
terrain.cols # number of cols in the terrain
terrain.manhattan_distance(loc1, loc2) # manhattan distance between two locations
terrain.towards(loc1, loc2) # returns the next step loc1 can take in order to reach loc2
terrain.at_location(loc) # returns the type of terrain at a location is either ["inacessible", "normal", "spawn"]
The `RobotGameBot.Robot` class lets you do the following things
# Give information about the robot
robot.location # returns the [x, y] current location of the robot
robot.adjacent_locations # returns the adjacent [x, y] coordinates to the robot
robot.manhattan_distance(location) # returns the manhattan distance to the location https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry
# Create commands for the given robot
robot.guard() # returns a guard command for the robot
robot.explode() # returns a explode command for the robot
robot.attack(some_location) # returns an attack command towards the given location, the location must be an adjacent [x, y] coordinate
robot.move(some_location) # returns a move command towards the given location, the location must be an adjacent [x, y] coordinate
robot.move_towards(some_location) # returns a move command towards a given location, does *not* have to be adjacent