# Batch Automation
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Batch Automation is a Python library with a variety of functions and APIs for dealing with 3d and non-3d related stuff.
A few examples:
* AWS Thinkbox Deadline API
* Blackmagic API
* Google Services API
* MongoDB API
* Custom Tools
*more functions will be added overtime*
## Installation
Use the package manager [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install Batch Automation.
pip install batch_automation
## Usage
*AWS Thinkbox Deadline API*
from batch_automation.deadline.custom.custom import *
# Returns all jobs in selected repository.
print (Repository('WebServiceName', Port).GetJobs())
# Returns all jobs in selected repository.
print (Repository('WebServiceName', Port).GetJobByName('Job-Name'))
# Returns a job details.
# you can search by "job_name" or "job_id", job_id method is a lot quicker
print (Repository('WebServiceName', Port).GetJobDetails('Job-Name'))
# Create the info_file and plugin_file and submit them to deadline
info_file = Repository().JobInfo(Name='Job-Name',
plugin_file = Repository().PluginInfo(Version='Max2023')
print(Repository('WebServiceName', Port).SubmitJob(info_file, plugin_file))
*All standard api calls are included as well*
from batch_automation.deadline.api.DeadlineConnect import DeadlineCon as Connect
repo = Connect('WebServiceName', Port)
#The list of Group names.
print (repo.Groups.GetGroupNames())
# The list of Jobs
print (repo.Jobs.GetJobs())
*Blackmagic API Full list of funcions* [Link](https://deric.github.io/DaVinciResolve-API-Docs/)
from batch_automation.davinci.MediaPool import MediaPool
from batch_automation.davinci.ProjectManager import ProjectManager
# Returns currently selected Folder
print (MediaPool.GetCurrentFolder())
# Adds new timeline with given name
print (MediaPool.CreateEmptyTimeline('New-Timeline'))
# Imports specified file/folder paths into current Media Pool folder.
# Input is an array of file/folder paths. Returns a list of the MediaPoolItems created.
print (MediaPool.ImportMedia(['/mdeia/clip.mov']))
# Creates and returns a project if projectName (string) is unique, and None if it is not.
# Returns a list of dictionary items (with keys 'DbType', 'DbName' and optional 'IpAddress')
# corresponding to all the databases added to Resolve
# Loads and returns the project
*Google API*
from batch_automation.google.api import create_service
# Creates an Google Service
print (create_service('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets', 'sheets', 'v4', '/cred/OAuth.json'))
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
## License
[Apache Software License 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)