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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر
Card image cap
تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر


A python project scaffolding generator.
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل -
نام فایل basement-0.2.2
نام basement
نسخه کتابخانه 0.2.2
نگهدارنده []
ایمیل نگهدارنده []
نویسنده Anthony Grimes
ایمیل نویسنده i@raynes.me
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/Raynes/basement
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/basement/
مجوز MIT
# basement Basement is an extensible little tool for generating Python project scaffolding based on mustache templates and common data you provide in a config file. It's super straightforward. ## Installation ``` pip install basement ``` Not much more to say! ## Some Assembly Required (Usage) Basement ships with two commands, `basement` and `ment`. `ment` is a shorthand for `basement` and thus is exactly the same. Some assembly is required, and you'll have to break out a screwdriver. Basement is mostly useful because you can customize it! You can add your own templates (which we will go over in the next section) as well as configure filler data for all templates. We'll go over data the built in templates can make use of, as well as what the built in templates are. ### Built In Templates Basement comes with three built in templates: * `default`: the default template (as you may have guessed) that is used when you don't specify a different one. * `app`: a template defining a skeleton project using `click` to make a simple program with a command line interface. * `flask`: a template defining a skeleton Flask website. You specify which template to use with the `-t` flag. ``` ment foo -t app ``` The above example would use the `app` template to generate the `foo` project. ### DATA Templates aren't terribly useful until you fill them up with filler data. Basement uses a [toml](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) configuration file to define this data. Create a file called `~/.basement` containing something like the following: ```toml full-name = "Anthony Grimes" email = "anemail@raynes.me" github-user = "Raynes" license = "MIT" ``` Let's take a look at a file in the default template. This is `setup.py`: ```python """Your project's description""" from setuptools import setup with open('requirements.txt') as f: requirements = f.readlines() setup( name='{{project-name}}', description="A project that does things!", version='0.1.0', long_description=__doc__, packages=['{{project-name}}'], author='{{full-name}}', author_email='{{email}}', url='https://github.com/{{github-user}}/{{project-name}}', license='{{license}}', install_requires=requirements ) ``` Notice all the `{{}}` things (mustaches)? These are mustache artifacts. When you create a project based on this template, those will be mapped to keys in your configuration file and filled in with the data present there. If I render based on my config file, I get this: ``` Anthony@lastlight:~/code/basement (master *) $ ment foobar Rendered template 'default' at /Users/Anthony/code/basement/foobar Anthony@lastlight:~/code/basement (master *) $ cat foobar/setup.py """Your project's description""" from setuptools import setup with open('requirements.txt') as f: requirements = f.readlines() setup( name='foobar', description="A project that does things!", version='0.1.0', long_description=__doc__, packages=['foobar'], author='Anthony Grimes', author_email='anemail@raynes.me', url='https://github.com/Raynes/foobar', license='MIT', install_requires=requirements ) ``` #### Ignoring Files Sometimes you don't want to touch certain files, in particular binary files. `pystache`, the library basement uses to render mustache templates, often does not like being fed binary files and you most certainly don't want huge files to be read into memory to be rendered! For these situations, basement provides a flexible mechanism for ignoring files. It works like so: ``` pass = ['path/to/be/ignored/.*'] ``` `pass` can appear in your configuration and as each file is rendered, it is checked against the regular expressions using Python's `re.search` function. If any of the patterns match that file path, it is ignored and simply passed through. Note that you can also use the special file extension `.basement-ignore` as well, as demonstrated in the next section. ## Creating Templates Basement is designed so you can create your own templates really easily. All you have to do is create a directory in `~/.basement-templates` where all templates are stored and simply fill it with whatever files and content that you want, adding mustaches wherever you want to fill in data from your config. One thing to note is that `project-name` is filled in with the basename of the output path you give basement. So if you run `ment path/to/project`, your `project-name` will be `project`. ### Special Files While writing your template (particularly if you wanted to write one to be included with basement), you'd likely notice that upon compilation setuptools tries to generate pyc files from your template py files and that'll likely cause errors (mustache isn't valid Python syntax for some reason ;)). The way around that is to add a special extension: ``` foo.py.basement-template ``` This will keep Python from compiling the file and basement will rename it when generating a project Another important special extension is `.basement-ignore`, which tells basement to not try to render the contents of the file (though if mustaches appear in the file name itself, those will be rendered). This is useful when you have files that contain `{{}}` mustaches but you don't want them to be rendered. For example, jinja templates. ### Template-Specific Configuration You can add configuration specifically for certain templates and any keys present there that are also present at the top level override the top-level keys. You simply use toml sections like so: ```toml full-name = "Anthony Grimes" email = "anemail@raynes.me" github-user = "Raynes" license = "MIT" [app] license = "EPL" ``` Given this configuration, when you create a project based on the `app` template, `license` mustaches will be set to `EPL` rather than `MIT`. You can add configuration specific to your own templates by doing the same thing, simply adding sections with the name of the templates. ## Updating Basement When you decide to update your basement (perhaps you want to add a pool table), there are some updating mechanisms in place. When you run basement, it _always_ wipes its templates and re-adds them. This means that you *cannot* make changes to the built in templates. If you want to make changes, you should make a new template.

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج whl basement-0.2.2:

    pip install basement-0.2.2.whl

نصب پکیج tar.gz basement-0.2.2:

    pip install basement-0.2.2.tar.gz