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# Ball & Beam Gym
Ball & beam simulation as OpenAI gym environments.
## Installation
Run command:
pip install ballbeam-gym
or clone the repository and run the following inside the folder:
pip install -e .
## System Dynamics
Simulated as a frictionless first order system that takes the beam angle as input. The equation that describe the system is as follows:
dx/dt = v(t)
dv/dt = -m*g*sin(theta(t))/((I + 1)*m)
## Environments
- [BallBeamBalanceEnv](https://github.com/simon-larsson/ballbeam-gym#ballbeambalanceenv) - Objective is to not drop the ball from the beam using key state variables as observation space.
- [VisualBallBeamBalanceEnv](https://github.com/simon-larsson/ballbeam-gym#visualballbeambalanceenv) - Same as above but only using simulation plot as observation space.
- [BallBeamSetpointEnv](https://github.com/simon-larsson/ballbeam-gym#ballbeamsetpointenv) - Objective is to keep the ball as close to a set position on the beam as possible using key state variables as observation space.
- [VisualBallBeamSetpointEnv](https://github.com/simon-larsson/ballbeam-gym#visualballbeamsetpointenv) - Same as above but only using simulation plot as observation space.
- [BallBeamThrowEnv](https://github.com/simon-larsson/ballbeam-gym#ballbeamthrowenv) - Objective is to throw the ball as far as possible to the right possible using key state variables as observation space.
- [VisualBallBeamThrowEnv](https://github.com/simon-larsson/ballbeam-gym#visualballbeamthrowenv) - Same as above but only using simulation plot as observation space.
#### Alias
- `BallBeamBalance-v0`
- `VisualBallBeamBalance-v0`
- `BallBeamSetpoint-v0`
- `VisualBallBeamSetpoint-v0`
- `BallBeamThrow-v0`
- `VisualBallBeamThrow-v0`
## API
The environments use the same API and inherits from OpenAI gyms.
- `step(action)` - Simulate one timestep.
- `reset()` - Reset environment to start conditions.
- `render(mode='human')` - Visualize one timestep.
- `seed(seed)` - Make environment deterministic.
### BallBeamBalanceEnv
Ball is given a random or set initial velocity and it is the agent's job to stabilize the ball on the beam using a set of key state variables.
- `timestep` - Length of a timestep.
- `beam_length` - Length of beam.
- `max_angle` - Max abs(angle) of beam.
- `init_velocity` - Initial speed of ball (`None` for random).
- `max_timesteps` - Max timesteps in an episode (`None` for infinate).
- `action_mode` - Continuous or discrete action space.
**Observation Space**
- Beam angle.
- Ball position on beam.
- Ball velocity.
**Action Space**
- Set angle.
- Increase angle.
- Keep angle.
- Descrease angle.
A reward of 1 is given for each timestep ball stays on beam.
Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.
### VisualBallBeamBalanceEnv
Ball is given a random or set initial velocity and it is the agent's job to stabilize the ball on the beam using a image data from the simulation plot.
- `timestep` - Length of a timestep.
- `beam_length` - Length of beam.
- `max_angle` - Max abs(angle) of beam.
- `init_velocity` - Initial speed of ball (`None` for random).
- `max_timesteps` - Max timesteps in an episode (`None` for infinate).
- `action_mode` - Continuous or discrete action space.
**Observation Space**
- RGB image [350x260x3].
**Action Space**
- Set angle.
- Increase angle.
- Keep angle.
- Descrease angle.
A reward of 1 is given for each timestep ball stays on beam.
Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.
### BallBeamSetpointEnv
The agent's job is to keep the ball's position as close as possible to a setpoint using a set of key state variables.
- `timestep` - Length of a timestep.
- `beam_length` - Length of beam.
- `max_angle` - Max abs(angle) of beam.
- `init_velocity` - Initial speed of ball (`None` for random).
- `max_timesteps` - Max timesteps in an episode (`None` for infinate).
- `action_mode` - Continuous or discrete action space.
- `setpoint` - Target position of ball (`None` for random).
**Observation Space**
- Beam angle.
- Ball position.
- Ball velocity.
- Setpoint position.
**Action Space**
- Set angle.
- Increase angle.
- Keep angle.
- Descrease angle.
At each timestep the agent is rewarded with the squared proximity between the ball and the setpoint:
`reward = (1 - (setpoint - ball_position)/beam_length)^2`.
Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.
### VisualBallBeamSetpointEnv
The agent's job is to keep the ball's position as close as possible to a setpoint using a image data from the simulation plot.
- `timestep` - Length of a timestep.
- `beam_length` - Length of beam.
- `max_angle` - Max abs(angle) of beam.
- `init_velocity` - Initial speed of ball (`None` for random).
- `max_timesteps` - Max timesteps in an episode (`None` for infinate).
- `action_mode` - Continuous or discrete action space.
- `setpoint` - Target position of ball (`None` for random).
**Observation Space**
- RGB image [350x260x3].
**Action Space**
- Set angle.
- Increase angle.
- Keep angle.
- Descrease angle.
At each timestep the agent is rewarded with the squared proximity between the ball and the setpoint:
`reward = (1 - (setpoint - ball_position)/beam_length)^2`.
Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.
### BallBeamThrowEnv
The agent's job is to throw the ball as far as possible to the right using a set of key state variables.
- `timestep` - Length of a timestep.
- `beam_length` - Length of beam.
- `max_angle` - Max abs(angle) of beam.
- `init_velocity` - Initial speed of ball (`None` for random).
- `max_timesteps` - Max timesteps in an episode (`None` for infinate).
- `action_mode` - Continuous or discrete action space.
**Observation Space**
- Beam angle.
- Ball position on beam.
- Ball velocity.
**Action Space**
- Set angle.
- Increase angle.
- Keep angle.
- Descrease angle.
Is rewarded the calculated distance the ball would travel in x direction when it leaves the beam. Reward for a negative distance is set to 0.
Resets when ball leaves the beam or max timesteps are reached.
### VisualBallBeamThrowEnv
The agent's job is to throw the ball as far as possible to the right using a image data from the simulation plot.
- `timestep` - Length of a timestep.
- `beam_length` - Length of beam.
- `max_angle` - Max abs(angle) of beam.
- `init_velocity` - Initial speed of ball (`None` for random).
- `max_timesteps` - Max timesteps in an episode (`None` for infinate).
- `action_mode` - Continuous or discrete action space.
**Observation Space**
- RGB image [350x260x3].
**Action Space**
- Set angle.
- Increase angle.
- Keep angle.
- Descrease angle.
Is rewarded the calculated distance the ball would travel in x direction when it leaves the beam. Reward for a negative distance is set to 0.
Resets when ball leaves the beam or max timesteps are reached.
## Example: PID Controller
import gym
import ballbeam_gym
# pass env arguments as kwargs
kwargs = {'timestep': 0.05,
'setpoint': 0.4,
'beam_length': 1.0,
'max_angle': 0.2,
'init_velocity': 0.0,
'action_mode': 'continuous'}
# create env
env = gym.make('BallBeamSetpoint-v0', **kwargs)
# constants for PID calculation
Kp = 2.0
Kd = 1.0
# simulate 1000 steps
for i in range(1000):
# control theta with a PID controller
theta = Kp*(env.bb.x - env.setpoint) + Kd*(env.bb.v)
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(theta)
if done:
## Example: Reinforcement Learning
import gym
import ballbeam_gym
from stable_baselines.common.policies import MlpPolicy
from stable_baselines.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv
from stable_baselines import PPO2
# pass env arguments as kwargs
kwargs = {'timestep': 0.05,
'setpoint': 0.4,
'beam_length': 1.0,
'max_angle': 0.2,
'init_velocity': 0.0,
'action_mode': 'discrete'}
# create env
env = gym.make('BallBeamSetpoint-v0', **kwargs)
# train a mlp policy agent
env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: env])
model = PPO2(MlpPolicy, env, verbose=1)
obs = env.reset()
# test agent on 1000 steps
for i in range(1000):
action, _ = model.predict(obs)
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done: