.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/baguette-io/baguette-messaging.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/baguette-io/baguette-messaging
Tiny Framework to build micro services.
Currently only support **amqp**, **rpc over amqp** and **http stream** based micro services.
How it works
| We declare a publisher:
| the method decorated takes one parameter **publish** (farine.amqp.publisher.Publisher)
.. code:: python
import farine.amqp
class Publish(object):
@farine.amqp.publish(exchange='consume', routing_key='routing_key')
def publish_dummy(self, publish):
:param publish: Send the data through AMQP.
:type publish: farine.amqp.publisher.Publisher
| And then a consumer :
| the method decorated takes two parameters **body** (dict) and **message** (kombu.message.Message).
.. code:: python
import farine.amqp
class Consume(object):
@farine.amqp.consume(exchange='publish', routing_key='routing_key')
def consume_dummy(self, body, message):
:param body: The message's data.
:type body: dict
:param message: Message class.
:type message: kombu.message.Message
| We need declare two services :
| the server : Wait for a call(consumer), and answer(publisher).
| The method decorated just takes **args** and **kwargs**
.. code:: python
import farine.rpc
class Server(object):
def dummy(self, *args, **kwargs):
return True
| And the client : Send a call(publisher), and wait for an answer(consumer).
| the method decorated takes one argument **rpc** (farine.rpc.client.Client).
| The result will be a dictionnary.
.. code:: python
import farine.rpc
class Client(object):
def dummy(self, rpc):
:param rpc: The RPC client.
:type rpc: farine.rpc.client.Client
result = rpc.dummy()
RPC Stream
| We can also do streaming RPC call.
| All you need to do is to add *__stream__ = True** to your RPC call.
| Also, a generator is returned.
.. code:: python
import farine.rpc
class Server(object):
def dummy(self, *args, **kwargs):
yield 'a'
yield 'b'
.. code:: python
import farine.rpc
class Client(object):
def dummy(self, rpc):
:param rpc: The RPC client.
:type rpc: farine.rpc.client.Client
for result in rpc.dummy(__stream__=True):
print result
HTTP Stream
| We can declare a service that will listen to an HTTP SSE event :
| the method decorated takes one argument **data** (dict).
| In the configuration file, we just need to setup the endpoint to listen.
.. code:: python
import farine.stream
class Client(object):
def listen_event(self, data):
:param data: The event sent.
:type data: dict
return True
Execute method
| If all we need is to execute a method, we can use `farine.execute.method`.
| It will restart it, if it ends (customizable).
.. code:: python
import farine.execute
class Client(object):
def my_own_stuff(self):
Your own code.
| *baguette-messaging* is using peewee to manage databases connections (only postgresql is supported for the moment)
| In order for it to detect that you are using a database, you need to create a **models.py** module.
| Then, each time we enter into a method (amqp,rpc,stream) a database connection will be created and closed.
| You can use the database connection using **self.db**, to manage transactions for example.
.. code:: python
from farine.connectors.sql import *
class User(Model):
name = CharField()
.. code:: python
import farine.amqp
from models import User
class Client(object):
@farine.amqp.consume(exchange='exchange', routing_key='routing_key')
def select(self, body, message):
return User.select().where(User.id==1)
| You can mix in a service, everything:
| it can be a consumer of an HTTP stream, and send back the result in RPC, etc.
.. code:: python
import farine.rpc
import farine.stream
class Client(object):
def get(self, data):
return self.send(data)
def send(self, rpc, data):
return rpc.process(data)
By default the configuration file is located in */etc/farine.ini*.
You can override this path using the environment variable **FARINE_INI**.
| It must contains one section by service (using the **lowercase class name**).
| a **DEFAULT** section can also be present.
amqp_uri = amqp://baguette:baguette@
enabled = true
If you use a database connection, you have to add in the **[DEFAULT]** section the db parameters:
db_connector = postgres (required)
db_name = name (required)
db_user = user (required)
db_host = host (required)
db_password = password (required)
db_port = port (optional)
db_max_conn = max_connections (optional)
db_stale_timeout = stale timeout (optional)
db_timeout = timeout (optional)
To launch a service, just run:
.. code:: shell
farine --start=mymodule
It will try to import *mymodule.service* and launch it.