Axual Python Client
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Python client library that enables interaction with the Axual platform.
![Python Client Overview](
## Prerequisites
Python 3 is required, Python 3.6 or greater is recommended.
## Installation
pip install axual-client-python
## Testing
Tests are located in the `tests/` directory.
To run all of them:
python -m unittest discover tests
## Usage
### Producer
import json
from axualclient.producer import Producer
conf = {
# Axual configuration
'application_id': application_id,
'endpoint': endpoint,
'tenant': tenant,
'environment': environment,
# SSL configuration
'ssl.certificate.location': producer_app_cert,
'ssl.key.location': producer_app_key,
'': root_cert,
producer = Producer(conf)
producer.produce(value=json.dumps(dict(a=1, b='banana')))
producer.flush() # Flushes producer before ending (triggering callbacks for delivery reports)
See [SSL Configuration](#ssl-configuration) for more info on the certificates required.
### Consumer
from axualclient.consumer import Consumer
conf = {
# Axual configuration
'application_id': application_id,
'endpoint': endpoint,
'tenant': tenant,
'environment': environment,
# SSL configuration
'ssl.certificate.location': producer_app_cert,
'ssl.key.location': producer_app_key,
'': root_cert,
# Consumer configuration
'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
'on_commit': on_commit_callback,
consumer = Consumer(conf)
# Subscribe to topic(s) as they appear on Self Service
while True:
msg = consumer.poll(1.0)
# msg is None if no new message
if msg is None:
if msg.error():
# Error handling
raise KafkaException(msg.error())
# Do some processing on the message
f'Received message on topic {msg.topic()} partition {msg.partition()} '
f'offset {msg.offset()} key {msg.key()} value {msg.value()}'
# Commit message offset to the topic
if consumer is not None:
# Cleanly unregister from cluster by closing consumer
### Producer (AVRO)
Producing AVRO messages works if you have the AVRO schema available that was uploaded to self-service.
Those schemas need to be provided to the serializer via the `schema_str` as Avro [Schema Declaration](>).
from axualclient.avro import AvroSerializer
from axualclient.serializing_producer import SerializingProducer
key_serializer = AvroSerializer(schema_str=Application.SCHEMA, to_dict=application_to_dict)
value_serializer = AvroSerializer(schema_str=ApplicationLogEvent.SCHEMA, to_dict=application_log_event_to_dict)
conf = {
# Axual configuration
'application_id': application_id,
'endpoint': endpoint,
'tenant': tenant,
'environment': environment,
# SSL configuration
'ssl.certificate.location': producer_app_cert,
'ssl.key.location': producer_app_key,
'': root_cert,
# Producer configuration
'key.serializer': key_serializer,
'value.serializer': value_serializer,
'acks': 'all',
producer = SerializingProducer(conf)
producer.produce(topic=topic, value=value, key=key)
producer.flush() # Flushes producer before ending (triggering callbacks for delivery reports)
### Consumer (AVRO)
Consumer `AvroDeserializers` need to be instantiated and passed as configuration to the Axual `DeserializingConsumer` like so:
from axualclient.avro import AvroDeserializer
from axualclient.deserializing_consumer import DeserializingConsumer
# Initialize Deserializers:
key_deserializer = AvroDeserializer(
# Optional parameters
value_deserializer = AvroDeserializer(
# Optional parameters
configuration = {
# Axual configuration
'application_id': application_id,
'endpoint': endpoint,
'tenant': tenant,
'environment': environment,
# SSL configuration
'ssl.certificate.location': producer_app_cert,
'ssl.key.location': producer_app_key,
'': root_cert,
# Consumer configuration
'key.deserializer': key_deserializer,
'value.deserializer': value_deserializer,
'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
'on_commit': on_commit_callback,
'error_cb': on_error_callback,
'logger': logger
consumer = DeserializingConsumer(configuration)
while True:
msg = consumer.poll()
if msg is None:
if msg.error():
print(f'Error returned by poll: {msg.error()}')
f'Received message on topic {msg.topic()} partition {msg.partition()} '
f'offset {msg.offset()} key: {str(msg.key())} value: {str(msg.value())}'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Caught KeyboardInterrupt, stopping.')
if consumer is not None:
print('Committing final offsets and leaving group.')
## SSL Configuration
The client configuration requires a correct SSL configuration in order to communicate securely with brokers, the discovery API, and the schema registry.
Each application (as defined in self-service) requires an application certificate (`ssl.certificate.location`) and corresponding private key (`ssl.key.location`).
The application certificate must match the one uploaded in self-service for that application.
The file with root certificates needs to be created properly: the brokers might be using a root certificate authority different
from the authority that signed the certificates for the discovery API and schema registry.
The base64-encoded unencrypted versions of these certificates can be pasted into one file (``).
This file would then look like the following example:
MIIQdaGDAksKadksSDKNsdka5sjy8elAMsm3d .....
... more base64-encoded content here ...
..... LKlmsf02mz2EWYnds=
MIIPmsd92nNWlasHWdwMOe92nwoa2QNinnNaZ .....
... more base64-encoded content here ...
..... ldFAf02SArubBW7wVFW2i1=
## Examples
Simple use cases using the client code can be found in the
[Axual Python Client Examples](
## Known Limitations
- We have encountered issues when using `root_ca`s consisting of more than 1 intermediate certificates.
The issue originates with the underlying SSL C library implementation and results in the following exception
when authenticating:
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: path length constraint exceeded (_ssl.c:1123)
- Transaction support is not there. An [issue]( is already created and transactions will be supported in future releases.
- PEM as string format is not supported. An [issue]( is already created and will be added in future releases.
## Contributing
Axual is interested in building the community; we would welcome any thoughts or
You can reach us [here](
See [contributing](
### Building locally
This project uses [poetry]( for dependency management and building.
Install the tool as per the instructions on the linked page, and build the library using:
poetry build
### Testing locally
Unit Tests are placed in directory [unit](tests/unit), to run all of them:
python -m unittest discover -s tests/unit -v
Integration tests require standalone to be running, to run standalone locally you need docker compose.
Once that is present you can start standalone
docker compose up
python -m unittest discover -s tests/integration -v
#### For maintainers: building a release
The version of the library being built will be the version specified in `pyproject.toml` whenever you
push to a branch.
When tagging and building a release however, please be aware that the CI pipeline will ignore the version in `pyproject.toml` and
build a release based on what is specified in the tag;
for example tagging `1.0.0-alpha4` will produce `axual_client_python-1.0.0a4-py3-none-any.whl`.
This has two consequences:
- You have to follow the normal [semver]( rules when choosing a tag
- After releasing, it falls on the developer to manually update the version in `pyproject.toml` in preparation for the next version.
## License
Axual Python Client is licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](