## what this ?
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This project is a Python implementation of [ax-pipeline](https://github.com/AXERA-TECH/ax-pipeline).
- `pip3 install ax-pipeline-api -U`
Based on AX620A Debian11 system. Docs at [wiki.sipeed.com/m3axpi](https://wiki.sipeed.com/m3axpi)
Python apis for pybind11 and ctypes are implemented here, but please do not mix them as there is only one screen and one camera.
- pybind11 has a friendlier usage
- ctypes have a more stable effect
## new pybind11 code (1.0.9+)
> It need update debian11(202202+) for pillow ImageFont(freetype). (`sudo apt install libxft-dev && pip3 uninstall pillow -y && pip3 install pillow --no-cache-dir -U`)
> The new API is still in an unstable state, so don't mind if you encounter strange bugs.
import m3axpi
# m3axpi.camera(SysCase=0) # switch os04a10
# m3axpi.camera(SysCase=2) # default gc4653
# m3axpi.load("/home/config/yolov8.json")
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
lcd_width, lcd_height, lcd_channel = 854, 480, 4
fnt = ImageFont.truetype("/home/res/sans.ttf", 20)
img = Image.new('RGBA', (lcd_width, lcd_height), (255,0,0,200))
ui = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(img)
ui.rectangle((20, 20, lcd_width-20, lcd_height-20), fill=(0,0,0,0), outline=(0,0,255,100), width=20)
logo = Image.open("/home/res/logo.png")
img.paste(logo, box=(lcd_width-logo.size[0], lcd_height-logo.size[1]), mask=None)
while True:
rgba = img.copy()
tmp = m3axpi.capture()
rgb = Image.frombuffer("RGB", (tmp[1], tmp[0]), tmp[3])
rgba.paste(rgb, box=(0, 0), mask=None) ## camera 320x180 paste 854x480
res = m3axpi.forward()
if 'nObjSize' in res:
ui = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(rgba)
ui.text((0, 0), "fps:%02d" % (res['niFps']), font=fnt)
for obj in res['mObjects']:
x, y, w, h = int(obj['bbox'][0]*lcd_width), int(obj['bbox'][1]*lcd_height), int(obj['bbox'][2]*lcd_width), int(obj['bbox'][3]*lcd_height)
ui.rectangle((x,y,x+w,y+h), fill=(255,0,0,100), outline=(255,0,0,255))
ui.text((x, y), "%s:%02d" % (obj['objname'], obj['prob']*100), font=fnt)
rgba.paste(logo, box=(x+w-logo.size[1], y+h-logo.size[1]), mask=None)
m3axpi.display([lcd_height, lcd_width, lcd_channel, rgba.tobytes()])
- [tests/test_m3axpi_module.py](tests/test_m3axpi_module.py)
## old ctypes code
### yolov5s
import time
from ax import pipeline
'-p', '/home/config/yolov5s.json',
'-c', '2',
while pipeline.work():
tmp = pipeline.result()
if tmp and tmp['nObjSize']:
for i in tmp['mObjects']:
x, y, w, h = i['bbox']['x'], i['bbox']['y'], i['bbox']['w'], i['bbox']['h']
objname, objprob = i['objname'], i['prob']
print(objname, objprob, x, y, w, h)
# if tmp['nObjSize'] > 10: # try exit
# pipeline.drop()
### yolov5s_face
import time
from ax import pipeline
'-p', '/home/config/yolov5s_face.json',
'-c', '2',
while pipeline.work():
tmp = pipeline.result()
if tmp and tmp['nObjSize']:
for i in tmp['mObjects']:
# if tmp['nObjSize'] > 10: # try exit
# pipeline.drop()
### other demo
- [tests/test_yolov5s_pillow.py](tests/test_yolov5s_pillow.py)
- [tests/test_ax_pose_print.py](tests/test_ax_pose_print.py)
## more ?
### change sensor
- camera os04a10 is `'-c', '0',` and gc4653 is `'-c', '2',`.
'-p', '/home/config/ax_pose.json',
'-c', '0',
### change libxxx*.so
'-p', '/home/config/yolov5_seg.json',
'-c', '0',
- Package with many inputs and outputs
libsample_h264_ivps_joint_vo_sipy.so # input h264 video to ivps joint output screen vo
libsample_v4l2_user_ivps_joint_vo_sipy.so # input v4l2 /dev/videoX to ivps joint output screen vo
libsample_rtsp_ivps_joint_rtsp_vo_sipy.so # input video from rtsp to ivps joint output rtsp and screen vo
libsample_vin_ivps_joint_vo_sipy.so # input mipi sensor to ivps joint output screen vo
libsample_vin_ivps_joint_venc_rtsp_sipy.so # input mipi sensor to ivps joint output rtsp
libsample_vin_ivps_joint_venc_rtsp_vo_sipy.so # input mipi sensor to ivps joint output rtsp and screen vo
libsample_vin_ivps_joint_vo_h265_sipy.so # input mipi sensor to ivps joint output screen vo and save h265 video file
libsample_multi_rtsp_ivps_joint_multi_rtsp_sipy.so # input multi rtsp video to ivps joint output multi rtsp video
libsample_rtsp_ivps_joint_rtsp_sipy.so # input video from rtsp to ivps joint output rtsp
libsample_rtsp_ivps_joint_rtsp_vo_sipy.so # input video from rtsp to ivps joint output rtsp and screen vo
libsample_rtsp_ivps_joint_vo_sipy.so # input video from rtsp to ivps joint output screen vo
### change ai model
'-p', '/home/config/yolov5s_face.json',
'-c', '0',
- In-system models on /home/config.
ax_bvc_det.json hrnet_pose_yolov8.json yolov5s_face_recognition.json
ax_person_det.json license_plate_recognition.json yolov5s_license_plate.json
ax_pose.json nanodet.json yolov6.json
ax_pose_yolov5s.json palm_hand_detection.json yolov7.json
ax_pose_yolov8.json pp_human_seg.json yolov7_face.json
crowdcount.json scrfd.json yolov7_palm_hand.json
hand_pose.json yolo_fastbody.json yolov8.json
hand_pose_yolov7_palm.json yolopv2.json yolov8_seg.json
hrnet_animal_pose.json yolov5_seg.json yolox.json
hrnet_pose.json yolov5s.json
hrnet_pose_ax_det.json yolov5s_face.json
### pypi
- python3 setup.py sdist
- python3 setup.py build && cp build/lib*/m3axpi.*.so m3axpi.so
- rm -rf build && pip3 uninstall ax-pipeline-api -y && python3 setup.py build && pip3 install .
> pip3 install twine
- twine upload dist/* --verbose