# Alexa Voice Service Client
**Python Client for Alexa Voice Service (AVS)**
This package has been renamed to [alexa-client](https://pypi.org/project/alexa-client/). Only [alexa-client](https://pypi.org/project/alexa-client/) will receive updates.
## Installation
pip install avs_client
or if you want to run the demos:
pip install avs_client[demo]
## Usage
### File audio ###
from avs_client import AlexaVoiceServiceClient
alexa_client = AlexaVoiceServiceClient(
alexa_client.connect() # authenticate and other handshaking steps
with open('./tests/resources/alexa_what_time_is_it.wav', 'rb') as f:
for i, directive in enumerate(alexa_client.send_audio_file(f)):
if directive.name in ['Speak', 'Play']:
with open(f'./output_{i}.mp3', 'wb') as f:
Now listen to `output_0.wav` and Alexa should tell you the time.
### Microphone audio
import io
from avs_client import AlexaVoiceServiceClient
import pyaudio
def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
return (in_data, pyaudio.paContinue)
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = p.open(
alexa_client = AlexaVoiceServiceClient(
buffer = io.BytesIO()
print('listening. Press CTRL + C to exit.')
for i, directive in enumerate(alexa_client.send_audio_file(buffer)):
if directive.name in ['Speak', 'Play']:
with open(f'./output_{i}.mp3', 'wb') as f:
### Voice Request Lifecycle
An Alexa command may relate to a previous command e.g,
[you] "Alexa, play twenty questions"
[Alexa] "Is it a animal, mineral, or vegetable?"
[you] "Mineral"
[Alexa] "Is it valuable"
[you] "No"
[Alexa] "is it..."
This can be achieved by passing the same dialog request ID to multiple `send_audio_file` calls:
from avs_client.avs_client import helpers
dialog_request_id = helpers.generate_unique_id()
directives_one = alexa_client.send_audio_file(audio_one, dialog_request_id=dialog_request_id)
directives_two = alexa_client.send_audio_file(audio_two, dialog_request_id=dialog_request_id)
directives_three = alexa_client.send_audio_file(audio_three, dialog_request_id=dialog_request_id)
Run the streaming microphone audio demo to use this feature:
pip install avs_client[demo]
python -m avs_client.demo.streaming_microphone \
--client-id="{enter-client-id-here}" \
--client-secret="{enter-client-secret-here"} \
## Authentication
To use AVS you must first have a [developer account](http://developer.amazon.com). Then register your product [here](https://developer.amazon.com/avs/home.html#/avs/products/new). Choose "Application" under "Is your product an app or a device"?
The client requires your `client_id`, `secret` and `refresh_token`:
| client kwarg | Notes |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| `client_id` | Retrieve by clicking on the your product listed [here](https://developer.amazon.com/avs/home.html#/avs/home) |
| `secret` | Retrieve by clicking on the your product listed [here](https://developer.amazon.com/avs/home.html#/avs/home) |
| `refresh_token` | You must generate this. [See below](#refresh-token) |
### Refresh token ###
You will need to login to Amazon via a web browser to get your refresh token.
To enable this first go [here](https://developer.amazon.com/avs/home.html#/avs/home) and click on your product to set some security settings under `Security Profile`:
| setting | value |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------|
| Allowed Origins | http://localhost:9000 |
| Allowed Return URLs | http://localhost:9000/callback/ |
Note what you entered for Product ID under Product Information, as this will be used as the device-type-id (case sensitive!)
Then run:
python -m avs_client.refreshtoken.serve \
--device-type-id="{enter-device-type-id-here}" \
--client-id="{enter-client-id-here}" \
Follow the on-screen instructions shown at `http://localhost:9000` in your web browser.
On completion Amazon will return your `refresh_token` - which you will require to [send audio](#file-audio) or [recorded voice](#microphone-audio).
## Steaming audio to AVS
`alexa_client.send_audio_file` streaming uploads a file-like object to AVS for great latency. The file-like object can be an actual file on your filesystem, an in-memory BytesIo buffer containing audio from your microphone, or even audio streaming from [your browser over a websocket in real-time](https://github.com/richtier/alexa-browser-client).
AVS requires the audio data to be 16bit Linear PCM (LPCM16), 16kHz sample rate, single-channel, and little endian.
## Persistent AVS connection
Calling `alexa_client.connect()` creates a persistent connection to AVS. A thread runs that pings AVS after 4 minutes of no request being made to AVS. This prevents the connection getting forcefully closed due to inactivity.
## Unit test ##
To run the unit tests, call the following commands:
git clone git@github.com:richtier/alexa-voice-service-client.git
pip install -e .[test]
make test_requirements
make test
## Other projects ##
This library is used by [alexa-browser-client](https://github.com/richtier/alexa-browser-client), which allows you to talk to Alexa from your browser.
[code-climate-image]: https://codeclimate.com/github/richtier/alexa-voice-service-client/badges/gpa.svg
[code-climate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/richtier/alexa-voice-service-client
[circle-ci-image]: https://circleci.com/gh/richtier/alexa-voice-service-client/tree/master.svg?style=svg
[circle-ci]: https://circleci.com/gh/richtier/alexa-voice-service-client/tree/master
[codecov-image]: https://codecov.io/gh/richtier/alexa-voice-service-client/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
[codecov]: https://codecov.io/gh/richtier/alexa-voice-service-client