# Autoinject
A clean, simple framework for automatically injecting dependencies into objects and functions
based around Python's type-hinting system. The framework provides caching of injectable objects,
though this may be disabled on a class-by-class basis. It also supports managing independent
caches for different contexts.
## Define Injectable Classes
# Easy mode
from autoinject import injector
class MyInjectableClass:
# __init__() should have no additional required arguments
def __init__(self):
# Hard mode, must specify the fully-qualified name of the class,
# but gain control over the arguments
@injector.register("example.MyInjectableClass", os.environ("MY_CONFIG_FILE"))
class MyInjectableClass:
def __init__(self, config_file):
# we receive os.environ("MY_CONFIG_FILE") as config_file here
# positional and keyword arguments to @injector.register() are supported
## Inject Objects With Decorators
# Decorate with @injector.inject for functions/methods:
def inject_me(param1, param2, injected_param: MyInjectableClass):
# injected_param is set to an instance of MyInjectableClass
# Omit the injected parameters when calling it:
inject_me("arg1", "arg2")
# For classes, use @injector.construct to set instance attributes
# based on the class attributes
class InjectMe:
injected_attribute: MyInjectableClass = None
def __init__(self):
# self.injected_attribute is set to an instance of MyInjectableClass
# No need to do anything special here:
obj = InjectMe()
# obj.injected_attribute is set by the decorator before __init__() is called.
Read the [full documentation](https://autoinject.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?) for more details.
## Changelog
### v1.2.0
- Contextvar-driven contexts are now respected by default
- Several wrappers exist to better support using contextvars. All of them provide for a separate set of injected
CONTEXT_CACHE dependencies. In addition, each is a wrapper around `@injector.inject`, so both are not needed.
- `@injector.with_contextvars`: Creates a new context that is a copy of the current one
- `@injector.with_same_contextvars`: Uses the current context
- `@injector.with_empty_contextvars`: Creates a new empty context
- When using a `with_contextvars` wrapper, you can inject the context object using type-hinting (e.g.
`ctx: contextvars.Context`). Note that this is actually an instance of `ContextVarsManager` which is a context manager
that delegates most functionality to the current `contextvars.Context` object with a few modifications:
- It provides the method `set(context_var, value) -> token` and the complementary `reset(context_var, token)` to
handle variable setting and resetting within the context manager.
- If the "same" context is used, these methods are equivalent to calling the methods directly on the `context_var`
- In all other cases, they are equivalent to calling `ctx.run(context_var.METHOD, *args, **kwargs)`.
- In essence, this makes sure the `set()` and `reset()` operations are performed in the context that the manager is
managing (since the manager doesn't run the inner block in the context).
- If the "same" context is used:
- `run()` will just directly call the function (it is in the current context essentially)
- `copy()` is an alias for `contextvars.copy_context()`
- Other functions besides `set()` and `reset()` make a copy of the current context and return the results of its
method. This copy is transient and remade each time, so modules making extensive use of it can call `copy()` and
check the copy.
- Note that, unlike the context manager, the decorators also RUN the inner code in the given context.
- Thread-handling was improved significantly and now also includes a wrapper function for your `run()` methods to
ensure clean-up (`@injector.as_thread_run()`). This also is a wrapper around `@injector.inject` so you can inject
variables into your `run()` method directly.
### v1.1.0
- Injectable objects may now define a `__cleanup__()` method which will be invoked when the global cache or context
cache is cleared.
- Note that `__cleanup__()` IS NOT INVOKED for one-time use objects at the moment, but this is planned as a feature.
### v1.0.1
- Inherited injectable class members are now supported properly
### v1.0.0
- Official initial release
- Added support for @injector.injectable_global which registers with GLOBAL cache instead of context-specific cache
- Added support for @injector.injectable_nocache which registers with NO_CACHE instead
- Added support for injector.override() as a helper function to replace one constructor with another.
- Added support for any constructor argument (e.g. via override() or register_constructor()) to be specified
by fully-qualified Python name (e.g. package.module.MyInjectableClass) to better support systems where injected
classes are specified by name.
- Fixed a bug whereby the cache wasn't cleared
### v0.2.2
- Fixed a bug for injection when a non-truthy default value needed to be used.
### v0.2.1
- Fixed a bug in Python 3.8 and 3.9 where `entry_points(group=?)` was not supported
### v0.2.0
- Objects with a cache strategy of `CONTEXT_CACHE` will now have separate instances within threads
- Added `injector.get()` as a fast way to get the object that would be injected (useful if operating outside of
a function or method)
- Added `injector.register_constructor()` as a wrapper to register a class in a non-decorated fashion
- Added the entry point `autoinject.injectables` to directly register injectable classes
- Added the entry point `autoinject.registrars`
- Support for overriding injectables and for injecting functions
- Added a `weight` keyword argument to `register()` and `register_construct()` to control overriding order
- There is now a `cleanup()` function in the `ContextManager()` class which triggers informant objects to check for
old items that are no longer needed. This was added mostly to support the thread-based context informant, since it
has no easy way of calling `destroy()` whenever the thread ends (unless one manually calls it). It is the best
practice if you can call `destroy()` directly whenever a context ceases to exist instead of relying on `cleanup()`.