# autoflake
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## Introduction
_autoflake_ removes unused imports and unused variables from Python code. It
makes use of [pyflakes](https://pypi.org/pypi/pyflakes) to do this.
By default, autoflake only removes unused imports for modules that are part of
the standard library. (Other modules may have side effects that make them
unsafe to remove automatically.) Removal of unused variables is also disabled
by default.
autoflake also removes useless ``pass`` statements by default.
## Example
Running autoflake on the below example
$ autoflake --in-place --remove-unused-variables example.py
import math
import re
import os
import random
import multiprocessing
import grp, pwd, platform
import subprocess, sys
def foo():
from abc import ABCMeta, WeakSet
import multiprocessing
except ImportError as exception:
return math.pi
results in
import math
import sys
def foo():
import multiprocessing
except ImportError:
return math.pi
## Installation
$ pip install --upgrade autoflake
## Advanced usage
To allow autoflake to remove additional unused imports (other than
than those from the standard library), use the ``--imports`` option. It
accepts a comma-separated list of names:
$ autoflake --imports=django,requests,urllib3 <filename>
To remove all unused imports (whether or not they are from the standard
library), use the ``--remove-all-unused-imports`` option.
To remove unused variables, use the ``--remove-unused-variables`` option.
Below is the full listing of options:
usage: autoflake [-h] [-c | -cd] [-r] [-j n] [--exclude globs] [--imports IMPORTS] [--expand-star-imports] [--remove-all-unused-imports] [--ignore-init-module-imports] [--remove-duplicate-keys] [--remove-unused-variables]
[--remove-rhs-for-unused-variables] [--ignore-pass-statements] [--ignore-pass-after-docstring] [--version] [--quiet] [-v] [--stdin-display-name STDIN_DISPLAY_NAME] [--config CONFIG_FILE] [-i | -s]
files [files ...]
Removes unused imports and unused variables as reported by pyflakes.
positional arguments:
files files to format
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --check return error code if changes are needed
-cd, --check-diff return error code if changes are needed, also display file diffs
-r, --recursive drill down directories recursively
-j n, --jobs n number of parallel jobs; match CPU count if value is 0 (default: 0)
--exclude globs exclude file/directory names that match these comma-separated globs
--imports IMPORTS by default, only unused standard library imports are removed; specify a comma-separated list of additional modules/packages
expand wildcard star imports with undefined names; this only triggers if there is only one star import in the file; this is skipped if there are any uses of `__all__` or `del` in the file
remove all unused imports (not just those from the standard library)
exclude __init__.py when removing unused imports
remove all duplicate keys in objects
remove unused variables
remove RHS of statements when removing unused variables (unsafe)
ignore all pass statements
ignore pass statements after a newline ending on '"""'
--version show program's version number and exit
--quiet Suppress output if there are no issues
-v, --verbose print more verbose logs (you can repeat `-v` to make it more verbose)
--stdin-display-name STDIN_DISPLAY_NAME
the name used when processing input from stdin
--config CONFIG_FILE Explicitly set the config file instead of auto determining based on file location
-i, --in-place make changes to files instead of printing diffs
-s, --stdout print changed text to stdout. defaults to true when formatting stdin, or to false otherwise
## Configuration
Configure default arguments using a `pyproject.toml` file:
check = true
imports = ["django", "requests", "urllib3"]
Or a `setup.cfg` file:
The name of the configuration parameters match the flags (e.g. use the
parameter `expand-star-imports` for the flag `--expand-star-imports`).
## Tests
To run the unit tests::
$ ./test_autoflake.py
There is also a fuzz test, which runs against any collection of given Python
files. It tests autoflake against the files and checks how well it does by
running pyflakes on the file before and after. The test fails if the pyflakes
results change for the worse. (This is done in memory. The actual files are
left untouched.)::
$ ./test_fuzz.py --verbose
## Excluding specific lines
It might be the case that you have some imports for their side effects, even
if you are not using them directly in that file.
That is common, for example, in Flask based applications. In where you import
Python modules (files) that imported a main ``app``, to have them included in
the routes.
For example:
from .endpoints import role, token, user, utils
As those imports are not being used directly, if you are using the option
``--remove-all-unused-imports``, they would be removed.
To prevent that, without having to exclude the entire file, you can add a
``# noqa`` comment at the end of the line, like:
from .endpoints import role, token, user, utils # noqa
That line will instruct ``autoflake`` to let that specific line as is.
## Using [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hooks
Add the following to your `.pre-commit-config.yaml`
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/autoflake
rev: v2.1.1
- id: autoflake